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Posts posted by azraelle

  1. I still think the punishment ought to fit the crime--it works for children, and it could be argued that adults who commit crimes against society are nothing moore than adult children. E.G. "an eye for an eye", etc. If a guy rapes and terrorizes a girl, put him in a place where he will be raped and terrorized by his fellow inmates, repeatedly! Humane treatment of human beings is only deserved by the human beings that treat others humanely. Any other policy is sheer lunacy, and will eventually bring about the downfall of civilization as we know it.

  2. There was a Hawaiian Japanese girl in the third grade that I had the hots for who nearly always wore black patent leather mary janes. I liked them too, and wanted some for my very own, but I knew at the time that IT WOULD BE VERY BAD if I mentioned such a desire to my parents! Later on in the 5th or 6th grade, I was enamored with a set of twins that often wore white "go-go boots", and I wanted a pair of them as well. When I got in 7th grade (~1965) every (well-dressed) guy was wearing high heeled ankle boots, so I finally was able to learn how it felt to wear them daily. Unfortunately the style didn't last more than a few years.

  3. The death penalty IS/WAS a deterrent in those countries where it is/was either immediately enforced, or enforced by means of exacting the death penalty using the same means that the perpetrator used on his/her victim! As also in cases where the death penalty is specified for relatively "frivolous" offenses. Since there is (from what I heard. anyway) a death penalty in Singapore for spitting out gum on the sidewalk (or something similar), I imagine that this is not done very often! Likewise, El Salvadore used to specify the death penalty for drunk driving (don't know whether they still do or not). I imagine partygoers made plans for a sober designated driver. If the death penalty works for frivolous offenses, it is ludicrous to claim that it is not a deterrent to violent criminals.

  4. Her written words include more than their fair share of agressive and confrontational rhetoric, and a seeming great lack of humility, tolerance, compassion - all qualities exemplified by Jesus Christ whom she is constantly parading in front of us to justify her 'standards and principles'.

    Much as I would like to agree with Bubba with regard to Susan, I could not have said it better myself. :lol:

  5. I used to drive an 18-wheeler for up to 10 hours straight (including 3-4 hours in Los Angelos bumper-to-bumper traffic at 15-20 miles per hour) in 4-1/4 inch mules with a 1 inch platform (e.g. 5-1/4" total), but then it was the only way to keep my gas pedal knee from aching unbearably, so that may not count. :lol::lol:

  6. The problem as I see it is that there is at least as much resistance in distaff circles to a guy knowing about high heels, or what the best nail polish or makeup to wear, or how best to make a soufle, or what the proper tension to use when sewing satin..... as there is in "manly" circles to a woman who knows how a car is supposed to be fixed (see for example the movie My Cousin Vinny). So I don't think it is all that far off topic.

  7. In no particular order (most recent versions, unless otherwise stated): 1) The Last of the Mohicans 2) Robin Hood Prince of Thieves 3) The Thirty-Nine Steps 4) Invitation to the Wedding 5) Hopscotch 6) Hackers 7) Down Periscope :lol: The Long Kiss Goodnight 9) The Alamo 10) Paulie 11) Silence of the Lambs 12) Dirty Dancing 13) Klute 14) In G.O.D. We Trust 15) Blazing Saddles 16) Enter The Dragon 17) The Sweetest Thing 18) American Pie (1) 19) Starship Troopers 20) 10 Things I Hate About You 21) The Princess Bride 22) The Outlaw Josie Wales 23) The Craft 24) The Mask of Zorro 25) No Man is an Island (~1945) 26) Men At Work 27) Lord Jim 28) (a J-Lo/George Clooney flick ~1998) 29) 9 to 5 30) Coal Miner's Daughter 31) Pump Up The Volume 32) Kelly's Hero's 33) M.A.S.H. 34) Gleaming The Cube 35) The Cutting Edge Sorry, got carried away there! :lol:

  8. The first shoes with heels that I had a chance to wear was when I was 11 or 12--my grandmother had recently died and several boxes of her stuff were hauled from her house, and stored in our garage. There was a pair of size 7 or 8 "granny pumps" with narrow blocky heels, 2-1/2" at the back or so, with some sort of cutout decorations on the uppers, somewhat like men's wing tips. They were dark blue, and I tried them on. They were tight but oh so wonderful the way they felt. I was so disappointed that I grew out of them after only a few months! Then when I was 14 or so, (relatively) high-heeled back zipper, then side zipper, boots became the rage for guys--I was in heaven. Unfortunately the style didn't last more than about a year and a half. It wasn't until I was 26 or 27 that I aquired another pair of decently high heeled boots, mail order from Lane Bryant, about 2-1/2" at the back.

  9. They'll be back, just like bell-bottoms--fashion designers can't resist resurrecting fashions dead and buried (or perhaps the only way to make a living is to make every woman change her wardrobe every few months?).

  10. Bottom line: she doesn't want to get pity from "other people" and she doesn't understand why it is so hard to suppress that weird desire.

    Most women will never understand, unless they've ever been addicted (and "recovered") to something like heroin or crack cocaine, because having a penis (and a Y chromosome), and the sexual urges that result therefrom, are every bit as difficult to control or "suppress" as the urge to give in to the addiction. No, I'm not an addict (in the conventional sense), but have known a few. If you consider the endorphins that flood the system during sexual fantasizing or roleplaying as drugs (and their chemical structures do resemble opiates), then I am most definitely an addict, and I suspect several others on this board are as well.

    Most women think, and more to the point feel like Laurie describes. I suspect most wouldn't be able to put into words exactly what they feel, other than that it is fundamentally WRONG for a man, especially their man, to be wearing women's clothes of any kind. It's visceral, lower brain stem, probably illogical, could be proven without merit in any court of law, but it still will be there! It is as set-in-stone as a person's faith or religion, and every bit as easy to change--e.g. only the person that has it can change it, and only when she finds a motive to do so, if indeed she ever does. I used to believe that love transcended all, and indeed, if a woman ever does find a motive, it will be love (not fear). Yeah, you messed with her trust, but the distrust goes to the visceral core--it's not the clothes, it's "can she trust her intuitions anymore [about you and who you reallyare, or what]? :lol::lol: ".

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