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Mike Hinch

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Posts posted by Mike Hinch

  1. Defiantly keep it coming. Have gone back to the start and been reviewing and am up to #100 but will get the rest soon. Nice to know your size so mine is a 43 but in US woman's size I have some 12 some 11 some 10 and would you believe a pair of 8.5 that fit good. There is no absolute rule about size.

  2. For a few years now been wearing just about any sort of heels just about anywhere that I like and I would be hard pressed to remember anything scary, however some years back the fashion of high heels was less common or perceived to be less popular so I would like to find a moment when there were less people in the part of the store where the size 11 were to be found. Somehow I was not scared to go out the door but still scared to be observed trying them on. Some years ago the Wild Pair had the clearance store in Santa Monica. When the price of Diesel was only 2.50 a gallon I would make the trip about every two months or so. Anyway would like to hear from others about this one.

  3. You know that conversion thing really does not mean a terrible lot when the size to begin with is so ambiguous. There is a certain pair of what looks to be ladies boots which is to say 3.5 inch heel good looking and fit me incredibly well and clearly marked size 8.5 now normally that is too small for me even in mens size. Most women's 11 fit well and some 10. But most 43 fit me and rarly a 42 or 44. Some shoemakers are known to run large and some run small and one brand has a reputation for being all over the place so there is no simple formula like take the number then double it subtract 10% then add 32. That does not work with shoe sizes.

  4. Just went for a look at the heels in #416 and they look quite a bit like a pair I spotted at Off Broadway Shoes only they were on the discount rack but not discounted that much. However while at the store I did give them a try and they did not kill my toes or try to fall off with each step. Interesting how the guy at the store knows he wants them then you come along and show that such things do happen. Then one other little thing here is I see there are over four hundred entries in this subject so I figure to take a day of so to review from the start.

  5. From your introduction one item does get my attention that being the part about meeting different people and I could be just about the most different but in a certain way. So let me and the rest of us here understand just what is going here with Maybe one day I might be able to get close to a pair of heels. Somehow I do not imagine it to different in Australia so over here I would start at a local thrift store for two reasons one being that some or most of the thrift stores sell for could be five to ten percent of the new cost and second some of the shoes and boots already have the little dimples inside where the toes go and the little bump pushed into the side where the end of their bone is the same place as mine. Another thing here is as thou art new to this sort of fashion one big warning is that high heels and pointy toes go together but not of necessity. With me I only started to wear high heels for days at a time after my bones were well set in their shape and I find pointy toes to be not practical but young people find it much easier to deform their feet and wear the ugly non human shape shoes. Today I started out my day in three inch heel square toe side zip boots and I get complemented by the girls. How much better can it be with all day comfort no damage to the toe joints and the girls like it. So tell us a little more so we can work together on this.

  6. Back in 1975 I started to learn to skate and some of the maneuvers that I did to learn were scary. The idea if slipping on the ice or some other surprise is not a good thing but what I heard was slipping on something in a controlled manor. Well I still like to skate and also go ice skating. But before I forget back to the skating. At that time I worked in a machine shop and on a rare occasion slip on a spot of oil. That was scary and a touch of panic and maybe some shock and I was scared. Somehow after I got good at skating one day in the shop I slipped on the oil again and this time my surprise was how well and easily I controlled it. This was good practice and became a safety thing also. Anyway if anyone does plan to tackle a slippery surface then better to do it controlled maybe even elbow pads and play it safe. One thing that I can say that my skating training helps me in an unplanned before I realize it.

  7. Some of us have our theories and some of us have our opinions and some are still trying to figure it and others just accept and enjoy some hide in the house and others just go about there days affairs like heels were normal, for these they are. Sort of reminds me of the third chapter of Ecclesiastes. One thing for sure is that subject has been well covered but finding all the related post may be a challenge.

  8. Well some of that I had not given much thought. As for the ads for clunky mens low heels I do not click on. Others that are touting stuff that I have just ruled out I do not use either. There was a time that I did explore one that turned out to not have my size. While I did read the thing about not having mind reading technology somehow they do appear to read my mind enough to be touting a great deal of stuff that I did recently look at and pass on. Anyway I do look at the advertisements that come up just to see if I need that or to see how dumb it is.

  9. Got a question for Dr. Shoe regarding the tongue. This will be good for a touch of humor in that I did not regard how I would arrange for the tongue when I started building. Well I am not regretting as if I were to plan everything completely I would be for ever planning and not building. So my question is how to attach the tongue. Possible method one is make the tongue from the same material red liner and black outside with the liner a bit wider and skive the edge for a smooth fit and sew the inner edge of the tongue to the liner before gluing the three layers together. This I was afraid to reveal but that is the plan for the boot top, three layers the first red liner in three parts about one third the way around each. The middle layer is not yet determined but possibly nearly half way around so that the seams do not come together, but crossing is permitted. The outer black layer will be more stretched into shape than cut to a shape that came from the duct tape pattern. The outer black will have one back seam and around to the front lacing grommets. Now I will seriously consider all of your reasons why I should not make them this way and then go ahead with my plan. The very few boots that I have made like this I really like. So we got three layers from the back to the front lacing grommets and the tongue attached by sewing to the liner before gluing. And plan #2 is to add an inch of liner from the grommet edge to replace the liner that will be used as part of the tongue. Either way will look the same from the front view. When laced there is planned to have about a half inch gap (12mm) and grommet spacing of about 600 to 700 mil (15 to 18mm) lots of close spaced holes are more sexy. Anyone else feel free to respond also.

  10. My opinion also but not just for the skate looking boots. That I think you could find the time to lace them up. Is how I feel about most of the knee-high. Just at the moment I am working on my knee-high spike heel lug sole and that will be a true lace-up. So what is the thing about lacing that makes them so special. Possibly knowing that an hour of lacing means they are on for the long haul just like when there are the two little locks at the ankle. That is another thing that I am considering is a locking band to go around the ankle of the same look and material but removable.

  11. As this subject is about musings about the future and as in #9 the system is busy earning money. Then for the future I would like to see those stupid advertisements get replaced with ads for something that does interest me or even something that I could use. Somehow the thing that gets me is how I keep finding advertisements for stuff that I had just looked at and ruled out. Maybe some day interactive smart advertisements.

  12. I'm in the Midwest and I wear stiletto high heels in public

    That is great, as for me the stilettos are not an every day occurrence. Today it is back to my 9west while I am working on my spike heel lug sole. Funny thing here is one time I went to lunch with a girl she had some ruffled feathers for a month and when I found out why it was because she thought that I looked better than she did.

    (I think I answered one of your PM's with this information in the past). Well that may just be, guess I need to keep track of that stuff.

  13. Well for one I just wonder if you are anywhere near to Orange 92866 and we could get together and visit some shoe-stores and take a few pictures. Or if not near tell me what it is like for your place. Just a few weeks ago I went to the Mall of Orange and went into a store in 4 inch heels and came out in 5 inch heels. There was a request for a pix of my new square toe pumps but with a 5.9 inch heel I need more practice before I can get out to get a pix. Another suggestion is to get some really conservative 2.5 inch heels there are some that do not look too girly.

  14. Some time ago while going through the Spook websight I saw the pictures of the foot benders. They were a frame that rested on the heel in back and on the front the top of the meditarsels and the upper tibia. Then in another picture titled The result we could see the toes really pointing down. The way I understand the foot benders are worn by night for several months and this process makes it better for wearing ballet heels.

  15. So what is this business about love smooth ,shiney soles that slip easily. Could that possibly be refering to the insole so that ones foot slides around inside. And I also have a huge interest in high heels just like you and trying to figure why exactly and have got some ideas. Then when you get a chance find a subject titled My turf and put in a little posting what it is like on your turf as far as high heel fashions.

  16. Been visiting the rack for some few years now and have observed a few of those worn and refurbished shoes and passed on them every time, they were just not my size. Now the thing that got me was that I could see that the bottom had grind texture where the surface was ground down to remove the little dents and scratches from some use. In my opinion they should have just left the bottom as it was of grind it smooth and bond on a new out-sole. So if I ever come across a refurbished pair in my size at the rack then I will just give it the standard consideration that any shoe on the rack would get.

  17. Today I made my fiberglass impression and am about to stuff it with clay. Things are coming slowly and in about a month I need to clear out from the shop where I hang out. There will be some transition and possibly I can continue making me HH boots at the music shop. Anyway I am about to make the left in potters clay just like the one in the picture only this is not ballet pointe.

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