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Mike Hinch

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Posts posted by Mike Hinch

  1. While I would like to see fashionable shoes and dresses and skirts become more common and equality of the sexes a place like this will never become extinct it will just change in its focus. Then also there some traditions that will change little. We probably never will see Pery Mason coming before the bench in stilettos but possibly designer jeans and two inch heel western boots.

  2. About that hot weather thing I have no problem with that particular brand that I wear the Ultimate Sheer Support 30/40 somehow they are cool in the warm weather and as much as painfully cold in the cold. But I can always put on long pants in the cold weather and sometimes an ankle length skirt over that.

  3. Well I kinda sorda see it like this. When I wore my graffiti denim skirt to the mall a young girl came and said I just gotta tell you your skirt looks great. So this I believe and the way it came across at the moment I do not really think that she would have made such a complement to another girl as it is not so big a deal for a girl to wear a skirt like that. One time at Sears a very mature lady complemented me on my ankle length skirt ans again there was something in there that she meant it looked good on a guy. Somehow many of us still associate skirts or high heels with girls and the complements that I get somehow do not feel like the complements that a girl would get so I think those are good complements and helping to stretch the boundaries.

  4. As for coming off at the day that is one thing but I can find some really nice well fitting narrow shoes from the women's department that do not have high heels so just personally I keep my muscles in condition with wearing flats at least two days in a row each week. Also there was another posting about getting enough Potassium in the diet.

  5. This kind of thing does not do a lot for me and the reason is because I have gotten over the fear of going to a store or mail order place to order tights. Some time back I went to Discount Dance Supply and my adrenaline just turned on something awful. The other reason is that I am by nature a heavy duty freak. The dance tights might start showing a run (or ladder) within a week or one time three days. My great find which I have already commented upon in my pix and a subject titled Compression Hose is the Ultimate Sheer Compression 30/40. While the cost is three times that of dance tights they outlast far more. When used for medical reasons they are supposed to go for three months of every day use. The way I interpret this Mantyhose sort of thing is there guys out there that want to wear pantyhose but are afraid to go to the Women's department and grab what they want for fear of getting the chicken eye. So along comes the Mantyhose and that is all Kosher. This in my opinion is good. Like the account of a store in Japan that got a line of skirts for guys. That time it was an instant sellout. Just like guys want to wear skirts guys want to wear pantyhose. Well not all guys. It reminds me of the office where the girls wanted to protest the pantyhose requirement and set a day for all the guys to wear pantyhose and then they would say how yuckey it is to have to wear pantyhose and the girls would get some support for their cause but what happened was half or the guys continued to wear the pantyhose because they liked it.

  6. Any chance you can tell us what it is like in New Zealand as far as fashions with high heels and possibly skirts. Today first thing I went to the store to get some drinks with a dark red mini skirt and dark red 4.5 inch heel Oxford style pumps by Me Too. While this is a really good place to sport nice fashions I do not see another guy with heels or skirt very often.

  7. At what point sort of depends on ones motive. Lets say I want to get dressed as Michelle and go shopping then I want to find a crossdresser to get together with and go out. Here the term is a complement or an asset but other people use the term to show that they (the person using the term) that they are an undesirable person. When I went to the fourth grade there was this totally cool dude Edie Dalopotateo who found every way to run me down. You know how it is by lifting others up we elevate the general well being for all but by running someone down that person perceives a slight gain. To me the term of CD could be a complement or an insult. Another way of looking at it is when I go out with stylish strappy sandals and a leather miniskirt but no wig and no fake boobs then I do not intend to pass. Probably there are many places to draw the line but I try not to lower my self to the point of issuing insults. Another term that of Female Impersonator is also found but used much less as an insult. That sort of thing takes some skill and practice. As for how one might use the term we might consider James 3 are ye not become judges with evil thoughts.

  8. Right some good tips here but it looks like on got left out. At the risk of duplicate posting I have another that somewhere I know that I had already touched upon and that is the good old medical reason. While it is true for me it is also my cover story. Just now I am at the shop where the owner hates high heels and I have my Reebok princes high top flats and I am getting a pain in my ankle joint at the front of the joint. As soon as I get back to my heels that pain will go away just like I got a pain at the back of my ankle joint the first few times I went with the highest heels. So while there is some truth in a medical reason might work well. But now I would not recommend to get stuck into something so keep your way back like I did. With me I explain that some of the pains in my legs are lessened by switching from heels to flats and back again. Actually that is true for me at lest two days in a row if I can gets the best result. Another good thing about the medical reason is that if you do not get crazy this muscle stretching story can cover for wearing four inch heels without a lot of working up to it. Possibly do some research and find one of those accounts of the bloke that his doctor wanted him to get special boots for a thousand quid and he got some four inch heels and in a few days he could walk again.

  9. Just went and looked up that Pleaser 2049 the spike heel with eight buckles on the side. Anyway Pleaser is not really practical for everyday use while great for costume and special occasion. What I would recommend is to go with the chunky heel real leather with some sort of Vibeam sole. And get out there and establish your use of conservative heels and push the boundaries just a little.

  10. Right and I hope that works well like it did for me. Just now I can wear flats all day and also a few heels that nearly try to get me to fall on my face. Now those extra high I do not wear very often but I will need to practice. The first day that I wore them was at the mall and wore them till that evening. Now without loosing anything I need to stretch a little more because I still plan to finish making my ballet heels.

  11. Just went and looked at Syston Components and when I got to the pix of the heels there was a line of six of them and the two on each end were thick and low enough but the top slanted down. My personal experience is up to about two inches the top likes to be level. The other heels in the middle looked like they were slanted too much. From some of the test heels that I made about 30 degree is enough slant for even my ballet heel design. With all the shimming or possibly extending the bottom of the heel to get enough height to justify so much slant I would just be tempted to make the whole thing.

  12. This sounds good to me. Been working on building a pair of ballet heels the way I want them to be and fit the way I want them to fit. Anyway I see that your location is USA somewhere. So if anywhere close to here we could make two pair of ballet heels and split the cost and labor. As for short skirts the weather has not been just right for that but on a good day I can venture out in mid thigh length skirt. Anyway tell us how far if any you got in trying to walk or stand in balletboots.

  13. Been giving this some consideration about The long heel length is a measurement you must take to ensure that you can get pull on boots on and indeed off! From the pictures and particularity the description of the project but some of them may be hard to find of worse than that I may have sent some of that information to others in a privet message. Well I do try to not make things too privet. Anyway this project is the lug sole actually Vibram #100 with a spike heel probably no smaller than about .800 diameter at the tip. Probably not a straight taper but a curve. Open toe like a Courreges. Toes not sticking out only visible from the front. Unlike the Courreges my design will be front lace with no zip. So then if I find that I am unable to get them on then I would unlace some more. While I know that a true laceup makes putting on and off more involved this is what I desire. As for that other. A feather edge is the straight edge of a last that forms the bottom of the toe wall, without a good feather edge the shoes will look misshapen. The way that I plan to make what I am using for my last is not what a commercial shoemaker would use but more like Allen Murray would use. Now rather than to use Calcium Sulphate plaster I plan to use potters clay. On my last there are no straight edges. And as for looking misshapen that is not a problem for many shoe factories just look at all the pointy toes.

  14. This one really sounds to my like it could be that from wearing high heels too much of the time the muscles in back have allowed them self to become shortened. Now as we already know any advice from here is not to be as from your doctor but even so that does not give me enough information to diagnose. Anyway one possible and likely cause of this pain is from going high heel too much of the time well too much is just my opinion and that did happen to me one time when I was out of town for a while and went HH all day too many days and I had to get those back muscles stretched back again and this I did to stay flexible. The other problem that I get is painful contractions where one or more of the muscles will just go full on. Now with me these other muscle pain is related to HH use but differently and in that case I do well by switching over to flats or even Earth shoes for a while. So if in your case it is a matter of stretching then I advise to follow the standard stretching exercises and keep your range of motion. Then one other pain that I get is in the ankle joint at the front or back depending like when I got my first earth shoes it was at the front of the joint and every time I go to a higher heel I get some at the back. But that goes away with practice, for me anyway.

  15. To me normal is just walking in the entry and over to the center stage like there was no problem whatsoever with the price of tea on the Hong Kong commodities exchange. Normal could to be natural or something like that but this guy looks normal to me and sports those heels just great.

  16. Well not really sure what to say about all of that. What do I do about clearances, This looks to me like a phrase peculiar to traditional shoemakers and I am not certain just what that means in this context but I can say that on most store bought shoes there is a lot of clearance at the middle of the bottom especially to the inside. This feature I do not like so my bottom will be foot shape. Any other clearances I guess I hope that they will clear as the mold for the last comes from a fiberglass mold of my knee down. As for long heel length, this will really sound stupid but I just now am not sure if if there will be a short heel so I guess they will be as long as I can make them. Now here is a good one, toespring. My plan is to have the entire frame stiff from toe to heel tip and I like this sort of shoe architecture from other HH shoes that I have and used and tested. The angle or radius or the specification for the toespring will be copied from another pair of HH that I have and possibly adjusted just a bit. Next comes vamp location point, well I am not sure if I plan to have that one because the entire shape comes from that fiberglass impression so it should be close enough. As for lasting limits, spring offs, feather edges, cones and combs, and joints? Probably let me know what those terms refer to and I will do my best to address those points of interest. Then comes the seams. While I did make some effort to keep the seams off the bottom when I cut my pattern to get it to lay flat that is where the seams came to and I know that this is not traditional shoe maker procedure but I want my boot to be foot shape. Just about all the store bought shoes I have the sides come down to the bottom and join in the corner while my foot has curves. The over all effect to joining the seams as I do is to get more foot shape and the shape is top priority and that sort of seam was not a problem on a previous creation however my other shoe creation did have one big drawback is that they were too comfortable so that if I had to wear some other shoes for some reason I just hated to change out of my creation.

  17. For me that would not be a problem. With my experience with body and fender work I would just dive into what ever shape that I wanted. We can communicate on this idea because I do not really know what you need. One way to do it is to use clay or wax or even carve your creation from Styrofoam than the good old time honored fiberglass and resin. Apply the fiberglass and let cure then grind to shape. For a more massive heel some webbing inside so as not to be totally hollow. How do you want to attach to the shoe or as I plan to do in one of my designs is to make the heel and platform in one piece. As for the road tip of the heel I am using black nylon from a local industrial plastic supplier. My other plans for road surface is roadkill tire tread or is that tyre. The tread piece is cut to shape then bonded with calender rubber from a local rubber supplier. This also I plan to do with a roadkill tread sole project. My spike heel lug sole will be Vibram #100 because I want that look. Hows about tell me just what kind of heel you want and what to put it on and I can get more specific.

  18. As much as I have practiced French I know that word Amateur means that I am doing something that I love. As for the lining it is being made from a pattern. And that pattern was cut from the duct tape sample as shaped by the same leg and foot that it is intended to fit. While I could have started with the last first the material still needs to be procured. Also even if I did the lining would still be made from the lining pattern which does not require the last until all the sewing of the lining is complete. Thus-far it is coming slowly but is coming along. Anyone can stay off at a safe distance and laugh at my efforts but in an other year or so I will have my boots the way I want them to be.

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