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Mike Hinch

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Posts posted by Mike Hinch

  1. When I spotted this one I knew that something was familiar so I went and found the post of the four inch men's pumps. The idea of gluing a strip of leather around the inside I did think of only if they were real vintage then one may not wish to permanently modify. The next thing is should this have been posted there rather than to start a new subject for the same thing.

  2. Might have to give that one some thought but does anyone know of which sort of lining of boots is best or worse for this sort of thing. Without giving this much thought somehow I chose light brown for the lining of the boots that I started to make. So if there is and leakage the color effect will be minimal. Also I might do some testing of scrap bits of the leather to see if the color will bub off on to anything else.

  3. For the past few months I have been practicing what I would like to wear for a trip to San Fran to see the new tram line and see some of the restored trams. So as I plan to do a lot of walking between tourist traps and tram lines I have been thinking that kneehigh four inch heel boots would be best as pumps can be stepped out of too easily and I have already worn out a pair of Anne Klien and also 9 West with a four inch heel and both of those I could wear all day and all night. My mode of transportation is a 1982 Zuzu diesel pup named Mrs Gates. So if I sack out in the back it will be convenient to have some comfortable boots so that I can pop up if need be. To go to San Fran by Greyhound leaves me with no was to carry much supplies or anyplace to sack out. Now to the big reason most if not all my boots make black smudges on my pantyhose. Why any problem if I wear my boots all the time. Well that is another story. When I tour San Fran I plan to raid the thrift stores and if I find the perfect pair of pumps or strappy sandals or just even to take the boots off to try something for fit it would be nice to look as clean as it really is. Shoe dye smudges and grime smudges look a lot alike. So if anyone has any experiences or remedies for this let me know.

  4. Can I run in heels? Heck yea! It's just less heel-toe and more on the balls of my feet while keeping my feet extended so the heel doesn't touch the ground.

    This is one that I had wondered about. Running on tiptoe as somehow the running geometry is different with high heels and the high heel geometry is different with running. For me to dash across the street with two inch heels is different from wearing my reebok princess shoes. Now there is a real nice shoe for those of us without clown feet. Another thing there was a subject titled something like another way to make money from wearing high heels. There was a US Navy officer going to graduate and was ordered to dress smartly which meant the appropriate Navy uniform high heels. But later was ordered to run to catch up or some such which resulted in an injury and disability settlement. For some reason this subject was not accepting quotes or replies. Also some place here recently I posted a little comment on the annual high heel race. This was nearly all girls who ran.

    There it is I just found the place where I posted about the race.

  5. Most of the possibilities have been covered here but when we say go mainstream then how mainstream can it get. For a boy to have a pair of ear studs is much more common these days and I like that. But like I said earlier Perry Mason would look out of place with four inch stilettos but probably not so for Glory Alred. Today I went out with four inch peep toe pumps but for the wilderness I have size 11 ladies hiking boots. Possibly we have more chance of skirts and kilts really catching on so with the mood of the moment and place high heels for guys will only go as far as it can. Anyway as long as we have those that only wear their heels inside there is some room for getting more mainstream from what we have now. Twenty years ago I would have loved to go out in four inch heels and now I do all the time. Anyway how mainstream can it go. The forklift operator could have work-boots with an inch more heel. The guy with stilettos will be few and far between but possibly the majority of other guys could use an extra inch or two.

  6. This one is interesting that men's four inch pumps would turn up. The first thing that occurs to me is that this would advance the cause. Some times a guy is spotted wearing four inch pumps the non believers alert to something wrong but if a turns up with a rare find look four inch men's pumps then oh how neat. Anyway would like to know more like what was the reason and where were they made to be used.

  7. Was just wondering if we had this subject here. Somehow when I take slow steps or if I slow down from that there is no hint of a problem but somehow if I try to speed up something is different. The idea of running in high heels has been around for a while and I even remember some annual HH race. Anyway I need some time to review this subject from the beginning.

  8. So tell me a bit more how can San Deigo be so bad. Here in Orange I wear a skirt every day like in any of the pictures that I have posted. That is now normal for me and I even get a few complements from the ladies.

  9. The responses here appear to deal mostly with the slipping sling strap. And to me the idea Oh really? I think it looks sloppy and disheveled. mostly sums it up for me. Sloppy is not attractive but if done properly cut the strap off can get around that. Now I have a pair of extra long toe boots and I am planning how to convert them to some sort of open toe. Anyway the other part of the original question was the heel popping out. This happens to me too much of the time. On a suggestion I did try heel grips, not much success there. And a few pumps that I really like the style it is so easy to just step out from. The thought just occurred to me to go ahead and really step out on the go and see if it really would do so. Probably why I have not tried that is to me wearing women style shoes in secret is sick and perverted. Also there is a group of guys that are totally into wearing skirts and I get the feeling of perversion with the ones that keep their skirts inside the house. So some time I should give it a try and see if I really could step out as I feel might happen. Another possibility that I have considered is to add a strap across the top but not to have it look too Afro engineered. Now one of the best solutions to stepping out of the heel was these pumps that I got with the front platform curves up in front so as I step forward the shoe pitches forward so the shoe heel popes up to keep place with my heel.

  10. For me I really like the Ultimate sheer support 30-40 that I get from DSS but after reading this I wonder about getting them in black. For those times when I did not have any swelling problem and I just wanted the tights for the look I found that the mileage that I got from dance tights was not as good as from the compression hose.

  11. The last few months been doing black. To keep it complete I need to touch it up all the time so I am thinking about going to the Bristol market place and getting the acrylic job for $12 then we see if the discount place is as good as the expensive place. If I do that I will not get long ones just about a hundred mil past the finger tip (2.5 mm) And stay with black.

  12. So many times I have said a lot of truth in that. Just a month ago I fell into the trap It's sometimes hard to know which ones should "stay in the store" from just a couple of minutes trying them on. That is another situation. The way it went down I see these nice stiletto pumps that I need to complete my collection and they only have shoes up to ten so I figure is that a large ten or so. We try them in the store standing and some walking around in the store quite a bit to my estimation but somehow by the time of getting back across the parking lot the toes were killing me. This pair have such style and a really important model to have so the plan is to carve some foot shape device and apply it with the good old hydrolic press. But anyway they fooled me and it took that trip across the parking lot to find out.

  13. That one does look real in the first demonstration one can see by the shadows there is no hanging on then in the next it is obvious that she is really walking. Also tells me that my ballet heel design is probably as good as I had hoped just need to be able to get the material and parts back in to production.

  14. Before posting a new subject one wonders if much research went into all the material already posted on this subject. Without trying to duplicate I have posted on this idea a few times. As for I don't need to do squats at the gym as much! My guess would be that high heels do not replace squats but obviously offer some similar advantage. Anyway take this and add it to the number of reasons for high heels for health reasons.

  15. Just at this moment time is limited so will have to continue this later. Anyway with me it started before I can remember like I was born with it. At an about age three or four I found a pair of gloves which had a very sexy attraction for me and I would put them on around the house when there was no need for them. Another note here is some of this information will appear to contradict earlier posted stuff and that may be because now I remember or because some things are a matter of degree. As to the specific of high heel shoes about 1985 that pair of Famalorie from a thrift store was the most significant starting point. About 1995 while pouring over shoes on sale someone heard me bitching that they were all too wide and replied just go tow sizes up and look in the women's department. This was what I wanted to do but now I had permission to do so. Have to go now be back soon. Have some more time now to fill this in better. Now if anyone has noticed any apparent contradictions in my story I can explain. Like when I say it did not start until 1995 but it actually started in1954. Some of these later dates are when I began to actively practice my love for high heels but prior to that in the seventies and early eighties I did collect some high heels with the hope that some day I could wear them out and about. At that time the most explainable day would come at the end of October. So with me it came at different times and in stages.

  16. That is probably my formula I'll tolerate a little discomfort for a style I really like but I do not exactly change to flats to walk a great distance as I have some mid height heels for that but flats and even Earth shoes to keep the muscles and joints in condition.

  17. I personally want both, style sometimes wins out.

    Of course we all know better than to do that but sadly enough for me style is the ultimate winner, There not many painful shoes in my collection but a few. Some I wear on special occasions and some I plan to stretch or modify. That classic five inch stiletto pump that I needed to complete my collection I finally found with a square toe so style and comfort both win.

    As for

    Its 90% Comfort, 10% style for me. If it looks ' great ' or ' awesome ' and its not comfortable.. I'm not wearing it. That I can agree with most of the time with my way of dealing with the situation if it is really awesome I will keep looking for that look in something that fits or modify or even start to make my own. Anyway if it is not comfortable I am not wearing it very long.

  18. There is a lot of truth in that. My experience also that with some perseverance I can find something in the style that I desire with a good fit. However the rounded toe most of the time will just kill that corner of my big toe and get painful after an hour or so. And another thought might be if comfort is so important then why go for HH to begin with and for me actually that is comfort. While so many of us here started with mommy's old shoes or big sister and kept it out of the main stream. What got me going was a pair of Famalorie from a thrift store. While they were a high heel they were not too girlie to wear out and about. And the comfort was there. Another good thing last month I got another pair slimier to the Famalorie but with a bit higher heel. Also that thing about age is probably some part of the equation so if one decides to ruin their feet it is best to do it while still young.

  19. There has been an idea that I have been processing that being the idea of choosing a pair of shoes or boots for practical comfort or painful pointy toe for looks. There are a few trade-offs that happen all the time. Somehow those cursed pointy toes keep getting on to our streets while a square toe looks just as good and does not kill the toes. There must be a reason and my best guess is that the decision is made to scrap comfort for style. Another feature is the slant of the inside of the heel. When I take a two inch tall block and put my heel on it I can easily reach my toes to the floor. So from this I figure that a heel only two inches higher than the sole need not be slanted down. Actually I have made shims to correct this design error and they feel great. Even though I have been so comfort and safety minded I have still on occasion sacrificed comfort for style. So why do people buy those unhealthy shoes. Maybe there is something going on here that I am not aware of. Also hope that this does not duplicate any existing subjects as this new system the search does not work as good.

  20. The thrift stores and swapmeet are my two favourite places for such things. But back in the old days when I went looking for work boots I would find that most of the heels would be worn down on the outside that is to say the foot tips outward. With my slight tenancy to tip inward that would be a made for it match. Any heels worn down on the inner edge were uncomfortable to me. Another part of that was the foot bones would make the low and high spots at the insole and they were always a good match for mine.

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