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Mike Hinch

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Posts posted by Mike Hinch

  1. This is a bit of a strange one for me. Back in 1969 I came to the Lord and from then and now I have not found anything in the Bible that had anything against high heels. About 1995 or so I started to wear HH out in the world. About 2006 I found that guys could wear skirts in guy mode. And that one verse in Deuteronomy gets quoted out of context but the same churches have lady preachers. There has been some indication that porn has been purged from this group well great. Nice to keep it clean here.

  2. Actually I am still working on that one my self. The current project is to construct spike heel lug sole knee high lace up no zip. While it is coming slow they are coming. After I get the lining sewn together I will need to make the last then wrap that in plastic and stretch the lining over and get it to shape then the middle layer and not worked out the details of how to attach the heel and sole but got some plans for that. Also making my ballet heels but that project is stopped for the moment. Now if there is anyone truly serious about custom made boots I still welcome anyone to get together and we can share the material cost and labor. Have already posted some pix of the lining partly sewn together.

  3. My biggest problem with skirts is so many are restrictive on the stride. My hip is about 36 and the waist about 28 to 30 depending on if that is before or after lunch. Then sometimes I get some pains in my back and have to find a corset that will not try to squeeze my hip and still cinch down to 22 inch. Anyway finding a skirt that will fit my waist and hip has not been a problem.

  4. This is really great. When I was about twelve I came passing through the dining room and my mother made a remark that young boys were wearing earrings that is so disgusting. Well I blue it with that one and just shut up. What I should have done was to inquire what is so bad about that. Maybe I could have talked my mother into that one and if I got really lucky maybe my mother could have said well you can not understand why twelve year boys should not have earrings we'll just let you find out for your self. But I did not get my ears done until long after getting out on my own. How fortunate you were to get your own heels and get a chance to wear them to town. Anyway would like to hear more.

  5. Actually just about any of those shirts would be good just dump the pointy toes. The few times that I tried to wear pointy toes I could not walk properly and not for long. Another thing is that blue denim is what is called a trouser skirt like it looks like trouser at the top and this style is probably the most acceptable for a guy.

  6. Got a grand father that was Danish and if I remember that is where they go sheeing down the hill. Anyway I have a little question on behalf of all those of us that would like to know and that is what is it like over there as far as high heel fashions. Or even more broadly is there much fashion freedom. Anyway got to go just now.

  7. This is a really good thing to think about and something that I have not given a lot of thought to and as I see it goes along with fashion freedom for all. As for that chicken walk I will need to give that some consideration also. Somehow the idea of a chicken walk brings up an instant O ya that. But still I will need to observe it some. Now one of my favorite pair is my 9 west because they are knee high and zip up so they do not fall off like when I go out in 4 inch pumps. This is something that I had planned to look for in the postings that is the tenancy to just step out of the little darlings. So I guess that I limit my stride to keep from stepping out while the high top boots will not get stepped out from and I can safely get up to a slow run. Now just a few days ago I got a pair of red square toe pumps with about the highest heel that I ever tried to walk with and that takes a lot of trying to manage maybe I should wear them past a mirror and look for chickens. Another thing that I have noticed is that some of my skirts tend to limit my stride and those I am careful to only wear for certain occasions where my normal stride will be within that range. So if you will be doing a lot of walking and keeping up hows about high top boots.

  8. Anyway here is hoping that you check back and get this message and to all others that are in an environment like that. One simple way is to get into a casual conversation with someone and point out that other bloke that has found how much fun it to wear high heel boots. Then if enough of the people are supportive than start with something conservative say 2 inch chunky heel. Another possible way is to lay down a cover story like I did and start complaining about some sort of pain in the foot or ankle then let it get out that the foot doctor had suggested thees orthopedic boots for a thousand quid or possibly store bought high heel boots. Now this is true in some cases but for me the therapeutic effect that I get from high heels is not required every day. What is best for me is HH 3 or 4 days and flats for a day or so. Anyway let us know if this works.

  9. Great I just went for a little hunt and found what is probably the original and also found some similar sort of wedge sandals. Now there are a few details left out like do you need that wedge sandal with that exact name or just that sort of style. From the local thrift store I get two pair one for thick socks and another pair for pantyhose or no socks. So what size do you like and how close do they need to be.

  10. While I really do not like to insult anyone with a one line reply I do not have much time just now. Also that is a good idea to go at it in a round about way. The place where I hang out I mentioned to the owner how I disliked those baggy pants that some guys wore around town and I said they looked sloppy and I would rather wear a skirt. That got some hostility to the idea. My self spared but as one can guess I will not come around the shop in one of my skirts. As for high heels I have already received some FLAK over that. As for the wife I have two suggestions one is your round about and the other is to start the heels with the most conservative non girly guy safe and see how that goes.

  11. This is nice after reading so many of those other introductory postings and I will not try to insult you with a one line welcome to HHP but rather to express some interest in that thing about making and designing some of your own heels. Now I would love to have you visit my subject titled My turf and there tell us all what it is like in your town and also you can find out what it is like here in Southern California. And as I can see your little question about the galleries just give it time, post some replies and questions. Also I see that you like ankle boots but my favorite is knee-high. Just now I am working on sewing together the lining of my open-toe lug sole spike heel. The idea is to combine the elegance of the high heel philosophy with the industrial strength heavy duty sole. Also I am still building my ballet heels.

  12. For me it is kind of simple, all my shoes come from the women's department so that I do not need to put up with this crap that mens shoes come in two varieties that being wide and extra wide and that is anywhere from uncomfortable to painful. There is just no need for my feet to slip all the way to the front. My low heels include my favorite Reebok both low and high top. There was a lucky find at a thrift store size 11 ladies hiking boots. Some low heel sandals. Medium to low heel nurse and waitress shoes. Just about anything that is good for the occasion but all from the women's department. Got a pair of brown Clinic shoes 11aaa. The first time that I saw those I did not think that I could ever fit into them but somehow I gave them a try and did love the feel. And that was not just an extreme feel for the fun of it I could actually wear those Clinic 11aaa all day and then some. While this narrow thing is true it is also my cover story because mens shoes are just plain ugly.

  13. That is right and I agree that Pleaser does fill a very important position on the food chain but I have a bit of an advantage that only about 5 miles from here there is a pleaser dealer with just about all the models and sizes so I can try them for fit and feel. Unfortunately when I ordered the ballet heels this local place was not just open as yet. While I am in the process of making some of my own heels Lord willing this week I am going back there to pick up a pair of square toe pumps.

  14. Just got a few more pictures posted of the open toe lug sole HH boots. Just now I am in the process of sewing the liner together. After that probably I will stretch the liner around the last made of potters clay and build the rest of the boot from there. The clay of the last is recyclable but likely I keep them for other boots or even someone else that needs some HH size 43.

  15. In my collection I have a few Pleaser pairs also and I totally like the idea that they are made in large enough sizes even if some stores only carry up to size 10, what is that about 41 or so. The material and shape is not too special or fitting but the affordable price makes it worth it. The ballet heels not so, for $100 I am still working on my modifications but the knee-high lace-up 6 inch heel boots for less than $50 are nice for special occasions and wearable for long times.

  16. After pouring over this subject I found the local Off Broadway Shoes just west of here at the City shopping center. OBS was totally nothing special and had about one pair of pumps that I could use but the price was no bargain. How I miss Shoe Pivilian now there was where the bargains were to be found.

  17. Just went and looked at them and they really do not appear to be anything special and certanly not worth the $100 or more. Just yesterday I went to the Rack and got something similar for just under $40 and they do not hurt my feet at all.

  18. Cheating well I do not see it that way. To me it is just another style. Some time back I got a pair of black pumps with no platform and compared to the other pumps with the half inch platform the no plat is cheap. So for this reason I always try for some bit of a platform.

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