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Mike Hinch

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Posts posted by Mike Hinch

  1. Went to look at the updated link and noticed for one the nearest one was in Ohio and that is off my turf. Then there is some question as to if they are still doing that high heel class anymore. Then the thing that I found when I wanted to make a skirt and a local place was conducting learn to use sewing machine. One class was projecting make your own skirt. Well when I investigated that one I found that the skirt of the class was not what I considered proper for a guy. Anyway I still have not made my skirt gut I have made a kilt and that consumed three yards of material. The store where I got the material advised me to go to an other fabric store because all that they had was upholstery fabric but that was exactly what I wanted and it turned out great. So what I guess might go down at their shoe class would be a very limited choice of patterns. Anyway I will continue to make my own and stumble around with the making and not in the boots.

  2. Not at all like the pix that is a single toed hoof not at all like a camel. The name came from a published picture of Sara Jessica Parker. The heeled boots had the big toe separated from the rest and really did look like a camel foot. And besides all that I do not remember camel having and hoof. But when I do get to see one of those animals the thing that I notice is the two toes.

  3. Now in this area there are over a thousand subjects and I did try to find this subject already posted but I did fail to find it already posted and I feel that there is room to discuss how we find and deal with hecklers. Rather than to just open the subject and reply and comment I will start filling in some information. Here in Orange County California there is great freedom to dress freestyle. Even so I do not go out in certain things that I consider to be silly or like a girl that I observed today at Walmart. What made this girl so less than perfect was that she had unsightly pointy toe stilettos which were nit a good match to her avois du pois and the part of her foot that was not contained was actually over flowing. But I was not going to give her any heckling. Probably some ill mannered brats never grew out of it and feel a need to show their bad manors by heckling who likes to dress creatively. Then for those that might like to get some idea of the general reaction one of my tricks is to pretend to look in the store windows but I study their reaction to my manor of dress. One time a few years back I went into a store and just as I did two of the sales persons had a giant laugh about something which just about triggered a minor heart attack but when I checked out what was going on with the two of them it was obvious that they could not have seen any part of me but from the top half of my shirt and up. So their humorous indecent had nothing to do with me. Also today I read the report of the car load of malcontents yelling trany. And the reaction of the person that was there when the supposed insult was tossed. Then too when some observers get a good look is it wired or admiration or envy. So I will slack off for now and see if the crew would like to talk this one over a bit.

  4. Well it is kinda sorda like this. The screws that come with the spikes are of the variety called flat head which is to say that the top of the screw is flat and when used properly will sink in flat to the surface that it is used on. The holding surface is on that 37 degree angle. Now possibly the supplied screws will be slotted and it could be that Allen flat head will be a bit better without the ends of the slots bother with anything. Anyway the proper screw heads should not be a problem.

  5. That is interesting and some of the chapter reminds me of the earliest times that I wore skirt which is now my every day mode of dress. But there is that little thing about not trying to look not too girly. Girls wear pencil skirts and restrictive skirts. Now to date I have not posted many pictures mostly I would like mine to be sort of meaningful. The picture of me under the bonnet of the Toyota was how I dressed for that day and how I ported the new Diehard out to the parking lot. The strapy sandals fit good not wobbly and the skirt is not the least bit restrictive. So I would recommend to just get normal. That comes with practice. For me to head out in a mini skirt and stilettos is normal so I do not give it any worry but give the pencil skirt a rest and go for something more kilt looking or goth even. Any will eagerly wait for the next chapter and while I am waiting I will review the previous adventures.

  6. As for the idea of posting something that I do not want girls to reply to. Well I can not think of any just now. As to the idea of me going to look at some part of the place where no girls aloud forget that already been to too many places when that notice no girls now we can talk dirty. On one occasion a person that I was with just before conducting a very offensive deed told me by the way never do it in front of a girl unless they do it first. So if I am not permitted to reply to a girl post and have no interest in anything that is not suitable for a girl it looks like I will not be found in either place. Also given some thought to what if there was a place where no Jews allowed or horses because they have only on toe per foot. However I do like the idea of the responding person to identify as a guy or girl and even nice to know what pert of the world as I resiliently found that in Johannesburg the general public is mostly intolerant of persons wearing high heels.

  7. Not too long ago I picked some peep toe pumps at a local thrift store and what with the almond toe design of course as I have stated that I do not have almond or pointy toes that pair was not wearable as acquired but I have been finding things to jam into the opening and most times I can wear them for a while. The idea that they go back after some time is not a big problem as I know that I can stretch the material again or possibly leave the stretcher in place for a week and see what happens.

  8. Sticking them on with epoxy in not a good idea. At best the only bond to the surface will be only on the surface which can be quite weak because there is no strength needed to hold the shoe skin together. The structural strength is in the layers under the surface. So even if there was a spike that would glue on it would most likely come off at the slightest bump and take a piece of the surface with it.

  9. That is absolutely great as I have been working on some shoemaking projects like my ballet heels designed for all day comfort and my laceup spike heel Vibram work-boots but your shoe-making link does not go anywhere useful and tells me nothing. Like the Vibram #100 that I bought how can I attach them to the bottom of my creation. Not like I an stuck and I do have some ideas like I found a place locally where I can get uncured polybutilene rubber. That is what I plan to use to attach my roadkill tire tread that I plan to use for my ballet heels but still would like to know how it is done.

  10. Name:Michael J Hinch Age:Stopped counting but DOB 8 Mar 1951 does not change Gender:Mostly male but sometimes I want to be a lesbian when I grow up Location:Orange 92866 Occupation:Now on disability but have done machinist, Electronic tech, Programmer, Refrigeration, Valve and ring job. Video production. and a few others. Height:74 Inch without heels Weight:145 lbs +-5 Shoe size:Women's 11aaa or 43 What's your favorite heel style:Something that does not slant down too much. If the heel is two inch and under it can be level at its top. What's your favorite shoe style:There is no one kind of favorite, Sandals for the hot weather, Camel toe booties for the water, Knee-high lace-up with no zip. Maybe there is an all around favorite. Leather. Do you wear your heels outside:All the time, however some of the highest fashion like the stiletto variety not to certain places. What is: (a) Your favourite heel height:two to four inch (:smile: Your highest heel height:Five inch for any regular use. How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height:Every day. (:wave: Your highest heel height:At least a few times a year. Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Anything else you wish to add:

  11. Well went and looked at those bertulli-shoes and looked I do not like them one bit, for one they are just plain ugly and two the heel inside slants down. To me this is discomfort and pain. When I wear anything with a heel only that much higher I like the inside level and I can easily put my heel on a two inch block and reach the floor with the ball of my foot. With more than two inch (5cm) I can have the heel slant down. Those monsters combine all the discomfort of some high heels with the ugliness of men's shoes.

  12. Well this is actually the reply to #1 Any experience, some and still working on it. Can I walk in them, lets say that I sure do not want to. Have already shortened the heel so I can but not worth counting. How much training well training has not started because I need to do some more fixing. The toe box is an absolute joke way too big and way too soft. Fortunately the extra size will be good for the stiffening when I get ready to make my toe-box stiffener with fiberglass. My ballet heels came from Od Girl for just under $100 and made by Devious I got the ankle boot in leather and no zip. Are there any differences between manufacturers. There must be. With the Chinese stuff that can not be used right of the box to the $1200 high fashion cobblers there has got to be some difference. Anyway I am making my own. Already made the last for the right and cut the leather for the liner. They will have three layers and be nice and stiff with the weight on the heel and meditarsels and not on the tip of the toes. Lace up to the knee and no zip. They are coming slowly.

  13. Just got your first pair of 6cm well that is only about 2.5 inch and if they are anything like the pair in your avatar that should be no problem. That is what I consider to be quite conservative. As for me I like to go conservative when that is the limit and four inch spike heels and leather miniskirt weather permitting. So let us know how it goes.

  14. No problem there if stilettos are not your fashion then chunky heels may be just right. Anyway I have heard that some really good ballet heel are made in Italy, over here we can order the cheep BH made in China and without a lot of fixing it is not even possible to stand in them. Heard that good ballet heels come from Brigeet.

  15. Same here I can wear 3" heels all day and i still don't feel the need to take them off and let my feet recover when i get in. Actually I been wearing my 9 west day and night all except when at the shop where the owner hates high heels. Another thing with me also all of my shoes are from the women's department. I just find them more comfortable. Besides I Just find they fit me better. Anyway one possible reason may be that most of the persons that find the shoes from the women's department more comfortable wound up here.

  16. This for me did not start from birth like some here possibly because my mother worked in an environment that was normal to be filled with the classic high heel pump and pointy toe at that. Now if anyone has heard me bitch about pointy toe you will know and my mother did a real mutilation of her feet so I did not need that. Next came the 70s and chunky heels for guys. Great no pointies here. Was probably age 22 and the feel was really something else. Some years later found out about cross-dressing and that allowed me to sport heels and skirts. Only what a bit of work with the makeup and the wig fake boobs and all. So then came free-styling so I can go out in heels and skirt without trying to go in full DRAG.

  17. My introduction and short followup have still left some holes one of which I will try to cover. As to the purpose style and goal one can fine postings of persons that keep their favorite shoes hidden under the desk at work or worse yet only inside the house. Only that is not my thing. Now in the picture gallery there are some pictures of guys out in the world looking like this is how I go out and I am more like that. While I do wear high heel fashions and skirt or tunic in the house I have no interest to wear anything that I could not wear outside. Maybe some may have caught on to the little detail that I have no use for pointy toes. They feel bad for me and they look bad on others because they convey the image of the discomfort that they would be to me. Then before I forget about styles and goals, one style may be totally conservative like wearing the most traditional shoes with just a bit of a heel but not too far out and this is what I did when I worked at an aerospace hybrid circuit producer. What I wore was the SAS Bounce which came in 11 narrow to suit my nice ladies foot size. So for me I would like to push the limits and look good as well as feel good. Then another thing that I must have mentioned is the swelling condition in my feet and ankles that comes and goes so I have to wear compression hose some of the time. Fortunately even when the swelling is turned on I can always go bare leg for a day or so but I love the feeling of the compression hose so I will wear them a lot of the time need it or not. Well that about covers for now maybe some questions would help fill in any blanks.

  18. No problem there Costa Mesa Calif is in the USA and on Baker street is a place that has them on the shelf. But better than that is a place on Euclid street in Garden Grove that has the entire line of Pleaser shoes but they must be ordered from the warehouse while I know that sounds just as bad as ordering on line the good part is that when I order and try them on at the store and they do not fit there is no sale so no return just no buy.

  19. So tell us what it is like in Poland or your part of Poland. Over here in Orange County California the environment is quite accepting about people going out with high heels and skirts. Actually even though I can dress as fashionable as I like I also notice that there very few others. Anyway tell us what it is like over there.

  20. Actually not exactly like that. Most of my reactions like at Shoe City one told me this is the girls side what you want is over there. To this I replied that side says men and those do not fit me they are all too wide. Some other times they were too helpful at a time when I was a bit timed about letting it be known that I wanted girl shoes. Well anyway today I plan to check some of the shoe discount places and I am heading out in 3.5 inch square toe 9west and an olive green shirt-dress.

  21. This is really good to know but for some reason they do not all register with that organization like I did not see the Valley Trauma Center listed in Sherman Oaks or any mention of the one in Irvine. Probably because the VTC has their own facility to help the victims of violence so they organize their local event and the other one there must be national to raise funds to distribute nationally. So anyway this is just to let you know that there may be more than what is listed at this one websight. Such a thought to heel to heal the hurt from violent attackers.

  22. This is one that I been giving a lot of thought to just why a pointy toe shoe for a not pointy foot. To me a natural healthy shape foot is attractive. The old beat out broken foot with a bent toe is not attractive. When I go out with my square toe boots I get complements and envy. No need for pointy toes or ugly painful things like that so I really do not know what makes those pointies. Any way been working on a pair of hand made high top lace-ups. One of the things that I started with is an impression of my foot. Interesting thing is so far the toes are not pointy.

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