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Mike Hinch

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Posts posted by Mike Hinch

  1. This is not a really easy one to answer without knowing a lot more background so I went to look at some of the other postings and did find this platform shoe in some of them. Now for one thing one supplier stated the material as PU which is some kind of plastic and not real leather. Another problem is that the top of the heel slants down and that shoe is just not high enough to have a slant on the top of the heel and this I have confirmed by actually getting a pair from a clearance sale now the pair that I picked up were real leather but looked just like those and what I did was to make shims and glued these tapered shims inside the shoe and when placed the inside heel was flat level at the back and stayed flat level on the big toe side about an inch longer than on the small toe side which slanted down more gradually compered to the big toe side with more level and so a steeper slant and that was true all day comfort. Anyway I like to wear my 3.5 inch heel 9 west all day and that does not cause any discomfort of deformity.

  2. For compatibility and long term happiness that is not the onlyest issue to consider. Fortunately there are girls that have appreciation for good looks and fortunately I am attempting to hang with a girl that does. However there was a girl that I lost out on that had another quality and that was excitability. One day at church I was telling her about an experiment where I needed some hydrogen for a thermionic ion thing so I just said I will take some stove gas and separate and loose the carbon. Then when I told her I found little yellow spots in the getter she grabbed my arm and said with excitement that's right they put methylmercaptain in the gas. So anyway if the girl does not tolerate HH that is not the end of the world, only the next to worse thing.

  3. Now I am not sure if this is the right place to post a not so good bye but I must bug off from a group of common interest people for the reason that the other group is getting infested with porn. The other members must like it that way so I am out of there. And I wish to express my appreciation to those who keep this HHP clean from even some things that I personally think are not so bad. And if their clean level is that much higher than mine we are all safe from the stinkers. Anyway I will miss that other group not so much for what they delivered but for what I believe that they offered. To those in this HHP who carry out the trash I say carry on.

  4. There is something similar that I did one time is with a pair of wood bottom lace up nearly oxford style but just a bit higher. The shape of the insole was totally unusable for walking purposes but I really did like the looks of them. My remedy was to put bondo inside on the wood of the bottom and put my foot in over the bondo and let cure. Some trimming and smoothing needed also. The result was a pair of shoes that could only be used to the end of the day because to change into any other shoes was just not as comfortable. Another molding technique check Allen murray that molds the top of the foot with plaster with the foot resting on sand then when set the sand is removed and the bottom done in plaster. Just now I am working on using potters clay stuffed into a fiberglass mold for my last for the ballet heel project and also for the spike heel lug sole project. The picture that I posted was the clay last for the ballet heel project.

  5. I'm curious about 2 things, would a 11.5US fit me (i'm 43 eur) also the shoe has "E" width my foot is around 11cm wide (roughly 4.5in).

    (on the other hand many site says different sizes for 27cm long foot - indeed its hard to shop for shoes without trying them on

    Somehow I find that 43 suites me just great but 11 can be too big to too small. Most of the time 11aaa or 43 is good for me.
  6. My niece said she thought it was cool, but I can tell that she's uncomfortable. . I have a feeling that most people are very uncomfortable with it.

    This is something that I have noticed. So what is it that motivates them could it be envy. There was a day that I got together with a girl from the church that did not comment much when we went out but did a lot of bitching after and when I was finally able to find out what was the issue what it all came down to was that she thought that I was by far the better looking of the two of us.
  7. This subject surly has already been covered but not just quite this way. My mother never really found out. There was a girl that I use to hang with and she thought it was perverted so she never found out. Now it is a different story all those close to me know to some degree and the ones that approve see more of it. The owner of the shop where I hang out hates it so I keep it under cover with that dude. Lets see how this goes. Just to let everyone at the moment there are no replies. Lets see if I get spot #2

  8. As at the moment I have three pairs in the works I figured it should not hurt to review all of this process only somehow it does not look like most of this would work for my project. Rather than to have a shank like that and nail the heel on from the inside my design looks like the heel, shank and platform will be one piece. Maybe I might make a dummy and destroy it to see how strong it will be. When I made aircraft parts some were cut from a fabricated panel twice the size needed and the drop was sent to destructive test. Now as mentioned earlier I am loosing my hangout and do not know if I will be able to continue these projects. At the very worst they will just go into a box for a few years. Probably my heel will be hollow fiberglass and grind to the desired finish shape unless I can mold it sufficiently close to the finished shape. My liner for the open toe boots are all sewn together and they do not fit the clay last in the shape of my foot and leg. Such a surprise. So am considering heating and soaking and hoping to avoid more cutting and sewing. This really does not bother me that this first part has gone so wrong as all is still quite correctable at this point. As for the glue I have always had good results with Weldwood Contact Cement. When it gets thick I thin it with Methylethylkeytone and methylenechloride. Another thing is this time I am saving some pictures of the stages of progress.

  9. I absolutely adore high heels and have far more pairs of heels than I have male shoes. I tend to wear a 3" heeled boot when out shopping,

    We have a few things in common. As for more of the shoes from the girls side well that for me is that the mens come in wide and extra wide and I can fit a womans 11aaa. While this is true it is also my cover story.
  10. Actually I did confront a bunch of kids while in DRAG one time and invited them to come with me to a meeting of cross-dressers but when I told them that a wig and makeup was required they chickened out.

  11. ,its just a dream or fantasy to walk in sexy 5" sandals around the local mall.Its abit ironic really,I need to have some balls to be more feminine.

    Somehow I would have figured that this should be easy in a place like United Kingdom. To the best of my knowledge there are places where the would be cross-dressers hang out and that is where I would think to start like the place where I went to wear a skirt for the first time without full DRAG. Then after I started there I worked my way back to the more normal parts of town. Interesting how some ignorant cultures bring up their children, one day at a store a little girl said look mama he is a girl.
  12. Totally agree with that the scary moments thread goes way beyond heckling. The thing that I was saying is that they were related and down there in the list of related subjects they were not to be found. And even some of the related subjects listed have no more in common that they may be shoe related.

  13. Well I know that I like to sleep in some of my corsets and I need to get another soon but they can be hard for me to find because my 36 inch hip does not squeeze down but my waist can cinch down to 22. The last good corset I got was from the corset maker that disappeared. Tried to order but without getting measured by the corset maker it is never right. As for eating well I have a problem there as I found one day that I was at least ten pounds over but I still can eat all that I need or like when laced up.

  14. There is a new subject that just came up about anyone having any scary moments and when I went down to the bottom to look for similar subjects this one did not come up in the list. Anyway I think that they are related.

  15. Have been going over this from the beginning and it does make sense for young girls not to destroy their feet with high heels but surly a few hours at a time for special occasions can not be fatal. But what about those cursed pointy toes you know those are bad news at any age.

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