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Mike Hinch

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Posts posted by Mike Hinch

  1. That was a few years back that I heard of the first or first to me walk a mile. That was the Valley Trauma Center in San Fernando valley. That is doable for me about 48.5 miles to the Sherman Oaks Galleria. At one time I had thought that this is the only way that I would be able to sport high heels outside in the world but now one way or another I can wear my HH just about anywhere that I like. Now for first timers this could be a good start. One of the news articles reported all these guys in high heels and some in skirts. Now for any novices do not go overboard. If to wear a skirt make most conservative and about those heels do like I do when I wear stilettos like be sure to have a square toe like mine that I can wear all day. This way get there early and stay late and wear the heels the whole time. If I get a chance to go that is what I plan to do. While I do not need this for a reason to go HH I still believe and support their cause.

  2. While I do know that management does not want us to repeat too much and most of this I do believe that I already may have posted but it does pertain to this subject here. So tell me if you did anything about the heel being too long. Also I got my BH in leather before I knew woe unwalkable they were. Anyway what I plan to do is put on a pointe shoe toepad over a plastic bag. Then wrap the end of the foot with fiberglass cast material. Put the wrapped foot into the boot and laceup. Just at the moment I have not done this yet. Also what I did about the heel was to remove the tip, peel back the skin cut off the half inch then had to drill out the heelpin hole then trim and re glue the skin and replace the tip. Anyway still working on my totally hand made BH boots knee high with no zip.

  3. In my case those are my legs in there as I wanted this to be a true representation. The source pix was shot the day I went with a girl to get a new Diehard and the background is the Sears parking lot. By slipping the little beauty into place was saved the installation fee. The image was cropped and some of the space between the legs shortened then the resolution lowered to 100 wide. Some of this is repeated in another post and I know that management does not like too much repeating. So that is me by my modeling and me by personality and all that. The source pix shows me leaning under the bonnet of a Toyota in my HH sandals and leather miniskirt.

  4. This is interesting. The higher my heels the more even they wear. Way back in the days when I wore low heels all the time I had a tendency to wear down the inside so when I hunted the thrift stores for shoes I would look for heels with outside wear. That also was a good feeling, better than new level heels.

  5. Well it is kinda sorda like this for me. Just last time I checked I still had a bit of a swelling problem so been wearing compression hose and I love the feeling they give me. So I do wear them together for convenience. Then I do have some heavy duty sandals that would not look good with nylons. Also been thinking about the sort with the strap between the toes and I have a fix for that. This one brand of compression hose has an excess of material in the toes and after one wearing and washing the extra material can be cut out in a diamond shape then turned and sewn back in to make a nice mitten toe. Also there was one posting regarding blemishes on the legs so find a good ink slinger, I already got tatts on three sides of legs. Mostly I guess it depends on what sort of sandals they are. Heavy duty and dirt country, bare foot in sandals and formal evening downtown then kosher pantyhose.

  6. This is a good one with a few more sides to it. How would I react, nice heels so where do they come from. Some times I ask where they got their heels even if I have on intension to go there. Also I like it when others comment or ask. One dude at a checkout line said nice boots but I doubt if I would have the courage to wear them. To which I replied it's easy just stay away from the pointy toes. Also been going through the other replies here and read the one that says I always love to wear high heels but never in public. That is the sort of thing that feels a bit stupid to me. As back some years age I started to sport 1.5 inch heels and that was like nothing. There are some good mockisin toe oxford style shoes with some heel that are quite culturally safe for every day use. Anyway I would probably react with some sort of complement and it would be obvious that I meant it because it is rare these days for me to be out in less that 3 inch.

  7. Just went for a little look see and what I found was a dozen or so suppliers of heels for shoe makers but those were contact send an inquiry like they would get back if the thought that you would buy 5000 of each. So what do you want them for, if it is for one or two hand made creations then hows bout make your own heel as well. We have plastic, fiberglass and wood and can cover those with about anything.

  8. Could be twenty years ago that I was able to start wearing corsets. Probably I had some back pain even before I started to wear high heels out and about and days at a time. There are a good number of corset websights so I need not run the risk of advertising but maybe start out with a standard corset or used one and after your waist squeezes in a bit then consider custom made.

  9. This is something that I had not really given much thought. Maybe I will look for some more noisy heels. One of my favorite pair do make a detectable sound on a hard surface and that has never been a problem for me. However when I do wear noisy heels I try to coordinate the over all look so that I do not get spotted with elegant heels sprouting from boys pants. This is now the age of fashion freedom at least here in Orange County 92866 so I can wear a nice knee length leather skirt. Anyway I do believe I will look for some really noisy heels to make the most of it.

  10. Does anyone wear compression hose. Maybe it was about 1995 or so that I noticed some swelling in my ankles and that really looked yucky. In grate panic I got some compression knee high and wore them for some time and got a bit lazy to put them on all the time but the swelling was gone. Great but how I did like the feel. Every few years or so the swelling came back so I kept the compression hose close at hand. My most recent experiment into compression hose it the high compression sheer 30-40 how I would love to get 40-50 sheer but the price triples and the supplier wants a prescription. The sheer support hose looks really sexy and has many more days wear compared to common pantyhose or dancing tights. While I really hope the swelling goes away I still love the feel of the compression hose and also love to wear them to sleep. The major drawback to the compression hose is I do not get any use of my toe rings and leg tattoos. And why compression panty hose. When I wear knee-high the top bothers me under the knee. Thigh high needs a garter belt, good for some not for me. Now I do not need to reference brand names because all the dance tights were about the same for me they would sprout runs or ladders snag on a cracked nail but the sheer compression hose holds up much better. That is not the drug store variety but 30-40 two suppliers have their own bargain brand. Anyway does anyone wear them with their heels for fun. Also even if you have no swelling condition they will slim your legs maybe an inch or so.

  11. That is interesting. My thing is that I get muscle spasms in the lower legs and when I wear high heels part of the time the spasms are not as severe. That is my cover story for why I like to wear high heels and also true. As for the other reasons presented here I find very interesting. Now on some of those other notes for the last month I really do not know about grabbing some heels when I get out of bed because I have been wearing my 3.4 inch square toe high top boots and they feel so good that I been wearing them to sleep. Another thing about wearing high heels part of the time is one time a few years ago when my heel muscles got unstreatched and it got painful to go flat. Not going to let that happen again. Another thing is the first day when I got my Earth shows they warned me about stretching those back leg muscles but no problem. What I got was pain in the ankle joint the distal end of the tibia. This pain was at the front of the joint. Likewise when I started to wear high heels I got pain at the back of the ankle joint. Now I keep both sets of muscles stretched and the full range of motion in the ankle joint.

  12. Well I can tell you after I bought a pair of BH that the room inside was way too big and not even the right shape. Two things here is I am still making my own BH from my own design and second I plan to fill the inside of the lower part with fiberglass cast material which will also stiffen the toe box. And also I already shortened the heel.

  13. Anyone had experience designing their own shoe. Well working on that right now and have already built some shoes of my own design and ran them totally into the ground. My current projects are a pair of ballet heels and open toe or camel toe stiletto lug sole. What I want here is a high top boot with a heavy duty work boot sole with a stiletto heel, actually all high class and elegant shiny leather with a work-boot out-sole. Just got my grommet setting pliers today and soon getting the clay to make the last. If I go open toe they will be front lace and if I build the camel toe that will be side zip.

  14. Just happened to check back here. The heel block I guess that is the body of the heel to make your own shoe design. Well that same Nylon can be acquired form some supplier of industrial plastic in some great sizes and carve any heel body that you like. Another way would be to sculpt a piece of wood and cover it with PVC of Acrylic by melting with Tetrahydrofuran or Methelenchloride as for where to just buy them that I do not know.

  15. What a supprise that was, sure sounded like the sort of advertising that is not permitted here. One other thing is when you get blisters and if they break then spray with Listerine or Backtine then cover the whole mess with surran wrap to keep the under skin from drying out. Just keep it wrapped for the same time it would take to heel normally if the blister had not been displaced. Now I know that this is medical advice but as the rules say it is my own tested expiriance.

  16. This is nice to know. Here in Orange County 92866 it is mostly safe to wear a skirt anywhere from ankle length in the cooler weather and evening to mini skirts on a good day. One time after a meeting of some people from the church one girl said I wish I had legs like that and the other said hell I wish I could walk in heels like that. As for me I feel that there are at least two fronts to persue one is for guys to sport a practacal unbifricated garment like a kilt or guy looking garment as nongirly as can be with no frills of lace. And when I go this way I keep it to block heels. Then the second front is for guys to wear skirts for glamor. Steletto heels and silky pantyhose but no fake boobs. Actually I persue both fronts and not sure how compatable or do they mix. Today all day I wore a dark olive shirt dress from the waist up looks like a shirt and the lower hem about mid thigh. Also see

    That is me with the skirt and heels and I did not change back to regular clothes after the shoot. Maybe when I think of it the two fronts do mix because this video is somewhere between.
  17. Interesting to know. This is Orange County USA 92866 and that socally acceptable rule applies here also but socally acceptable includes guys in skirts from ankle to mini and Earth shoes to strletto heels. Today I have my square toe 3 inch heel knee high boots and a new olive green shirtdress with a hem about mid thigh. Have gotten some complements regarding my skirts and am heels. One time I did ask why some of this modern stuff does not fly when Eingland swings it was explained not swing like Benny Goodman but a pendlum swing is regulated and proper.

  18. Have just checked back here and found some activity that I did not know came in so I guess that I will need to check from time to time. One thing that got me was that one mustneeds be a member for some time and do some posting brfore being permitted to have an avatar but with that being sort of a traidmark I wanted to get mine up there as soon as I could and just wish to point out that that is really me and I also have the uncroped orignal. Now as this was a hurryup job I may change my avatar sometime before long but just for a better angle on the same shoes. If anyone would like to know I loaded the source pix into Paint and rotate 180 then trim bottom then right rotate 180 again and trim bottom then right again cut out the right leg and moov it closer to the left, rotate and trim again then resize the immage to only 100 pixel wide.

  19. This one I am sort of curious about is how could you get the wrong size. Now there is a shoe store near here that has all the sexy shoes we see in the websights but the shoes nuts be ordered a few days brfore and I did and when I tried them they were mostly too big so I just reorder the next size smaller. One time I accually got the wrong size because I did not really know how to figure the fit. Just would like to know how this happened to not make that misteak again.

  20. Those are really nice boots. It looks like thirty pair of lacing holes and I did mot see a zip. The zipper takes away some of the thrill of knowing that they are on for the long haul. As for making them, my plan is to take fiberglass cast material and rap my foot and leg then cut off the thin fiberglass pack it with potters clay and that is my last. Have already made one right last for my ballet heel project. The stiff parts I plan to make from fiberglass and three layers of real leather and no zip. Would really like to get together with someone here in Orange County Cailf to build with. In adtion to my ballet heel project I also plan to make a pair of Camel to boots. And the toe tip of the ballet heels I have road kill tire tread and may hav just found a source of nonvulconized rubber to bond the tire tread to the boot tip.

  21. This may be too late to help but before that little pin gets chewed up grab it with the drillchuck get a really good grip and twist and tug. If the hole in the heel is already messed up just drill it out bigger and take a piece of black Nylon or possibly Delrin from some supplier of industrial plastic. This material can be cut with a saw and shapped with a grinder. And I do believe Nylon comes in rod.

  22. One just hopes that my little response does not stay burried here and if anyone does like to respond I hope that I find out as I am still getting to know how this sistem works. Now as for the heel tips, and I assume that is mostly what the question is about. My patent leather square toe pumps have black heel tip that orignally fit to the bottom of the heel with three round nubbes that fit into three little round holes in the bottom of the heel body. One day the left heel tip began to crack which began to expose the little nails which began to cat claw the carpet. What I did was to go to the local industrial plastic supplier and got a block of Nylon about one by two by four inch at the rem price of $4 per pound. With a six inch small saw I cut the toumbstone shape then to the grinder to smooth and trim to the proper shape adn size. Then back to the saw to cut that in half. Next putting a small multi flute cutter in the drillpress and holding the bottom of the new heel tip down flat on the DP table I trimmed the shape that would fit into the hole in the heel body. For this I made my replacement tip to fit the larger middle hole say the toumbstone shape with the two corners taken out by round holes and another at the top. And this is not using the three orignal mounting holes. After some trimming and measuring and fitting I rammed the replacement into the end of the heel and also made the new tip about a hundred mill thicker than the orignal (3.8 mm). At this point the right tip has not begun to crack but I have a spare. It would be fairly easy for me to show some pictures of this but posting pictures and viewing them here is quite restricted. Let me know if this helps.

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