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Posts posted by JeffB

  1. On 12/8/2015 at 10:03 AM, Steve63130 said:

    The trouble with starting one's own thread is that, more often than not, it gets either repetitive or the poster gets bored and stops doing it. You and JeffB are exceptions, and there may be others, but so many "Adventures of So-and-so" threads have gone dormant and in most cases, that's too bad. 

    Well, I try as best I can to keep my thread fresh and interesting and non-repetitive, what with my going to different places and different encounters with the public, such as they are. Of course, since I wear skirts, I can't exactly hide in plain sight as others here do by just wearing heels under pants and jeans, yet, sometimes, I manage to do just that. In any event, I feel it's important to support each other here as best we can, to demonstrate through our actions that we're not odd or strange because we choose to wear women's shoes (and, in my case, clothes).

  2. Jaunt #295, 12/12/2015: With December having taken the day off as temps reached into the low 60's, I dressed appropriately for the conditions, wearing my denim jacket over a red t-shirt, a black denim pencil skirt, the Payless "Karmen" pumps in black matte and a black handbag. And, weatherwise, it certainly was a good day for a short outing as I have to be back home for the Army-Navy Game, my first stop was to the main branch of the Post Office to buy a book of stamps, got a puzzled look from a middle aged man as I entered, but that was it for attention as I stood in line for five minutes before getting to counter to make my purchase. From there, it was off to downtown and my friendly neighborhood comic book shop where I chatted with the staff about Sunday's Eagles-Bills game and if the Birds can win. Got another puzzled look from another passersby, another male, but again, no big deal.

    Back in the car, it was off to South Jersey and the Moorestown Mall area. First was lunch at Chick-Fil-A, as usual, the place was fairly full, I got more than a few odd looks and stares, mainly from young kids, but that was standard operating procedure for me on an outing. Stop number two was to Barnes & Noble to pick up a couple of films on Blu-Ray I had ordered: Them! and The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms. Nothing like old school 1950's monster movies in high definition! Yeah! Oh, yeah, I had also bought a box of Christmas cards while I was there as I plan to send off my cards early this year, thus the stamps I bought. My next stop was to Sears where I bought a nice black leather tote for future outings, $39.99 from it's original price of $79.99, I so do love catching a sale, whether it's on a skirt, a pair of shoes or a handbag. From there, I walked into the nearby Moorestown Mall, packed full of shoppers where I casually wandered about for some twenty minutes or so before buying a box Whitman chocolates for an upcoming office party at work. I'm sure I probably got a few looks here and there, but I didn't care. While I don't go into malls very often during jaunts, it was still rather invigorating as I pushed the envelope on my personal comfort level. Suddenly, I found myself thinking I might wander through malls more often in the future. As long as I dress and act appropriately, it shouldn't be a big deal.

    My day done, I head back home to watch Navy beat Army 21-17 in a close and enjoyable game. More to come....


    Jaunt #295, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #295, outfit-2.jpg

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, Mr. X said:

    I bought these in a thrift store today for less than $15!  The boots are black and slouchy with buckles on the side.  The heel measures 3 inches.  I thought it was actually less.  It looks small.  I actually prefer my heels higher but these were just to good to pass up.  They fit great, if not a little loose.  They are super comfortable to wear.  And they are very trendy right now.  I see many women wearing something very similar around here.  Can't wait to take these on some outings.

    005 (223x320).jpg

    Very nice, Mr. X! Those boots do indeed have a cool style! I look forward to seeing what you pair with them!

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Steve63130 said:

    Well, $100 or $150 will buy a very nice pair of new heeled boots or shoes! I wouldn't turn my nose up at that!

    Good for you! We knew you were a winner! LOL


    Thanks for the kind words! It's always good to win a little cash at the casino.

  5. 5 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    Wow do I ever understand that statement... but I cant explain it.  When you figure out  "Why that is", let me know.  I have fried a lot of brain cells trying to figure that out.

    However, the outfit looks great and I like those boots better than the riding boots, especially with the short skirt.  You might try the riding boots with jeans (if you still have a pair).

    I don't recall you ever posting that you have lost money at the Casino.  Those folks are going to start remembering the guy in a skirt and heels that wins all the time.:wink:

    I think the sunny and nice weather yesterday had a lot to do with my desire to dress up and go out. As for trying to figure that out, I won't bother trying, not worth the bother, I just roll with it and enjoy. Meanwhile, I'm glad you liked the outfit, the skirt came from a store called Primark which just opened at the King of Prussia Mall two weeks ago. They had lots of nice looking stuff at reasonable prices, methinks I'll be shopping there often. By the by, I donated every last pair of women's jeans to Goodwill, I'm all skirts all the time when it comes to my outings. Lastly, as for my exploits at the casino, I never take more than fifty or sixty bucks with me, so, I never have too much to lose, and I usually get lucky on those one penny machines, though I don't think I've ever won more than say, $150 bucks. Still, not too bad. Heh!

  6. Jaunt #294, 12/6/2015: Today's outing was strictly a spur of the moment decision, brought on by sunshine and crisp temps in the mid 50's. I had no place in particular I had to go, nor any errands to run, I just had a mad need to dress up and go out, so I headed out in my black faux leather jacket over a turquoise crew neck sweater, am 18 inch crew knit skirt I bought the day before, gray tights, the Pleaser "Vanity" knee boots and a black handbag. I looked good and felt good, that's what wearing a short skirt and high heeled boots will do for a guy. Once in the car and away from home, I arrived at the decision to go to Parx Casino in the greater northeast, I got there shortly before noon, and there was a good sized crowd in the place, probably because the Eagles don't play until 4:25, so there was time for folks to spend a few sheckles before settling in to watch the Birds in action, and I won't deny that was one reason I headed out. Once inside, I went to one of the restaurants for lunch, munching on a small hoagie and water, then headed out on the floor to wage war with those wicked one-armed bandits. I spent about an hour in the place, then left with close to one hundred bucks, hardly enough to retire on, but I had fun.

    Leaving with my meager winnings, I hopped back in the car and headed into town and drove to the downtown area and parked about a couple of blocks away from Rittenhouse Square Park. The weather was mild and pleasant, good conditions for a walk through the area, crowded as usual with shoppers, none of whom gave me so much as the time of day as I strolled to one of my usual stops, Barnes & Noble, I headed up to the second floor where I enjoyed a bottle of lemonade and a croissant in the lounge at a window seat where I watched the world come and go, and that was most relaxing. I headed back down to the ground floor where I snatched up the latest issue of an anime magazine that I frequently read. Walking out the store, I crossed the street, went into the park, sat on a bench and spent a good half hour reading my magazine while people came and went, and I found that a good thing as I was treated like just another pedestrian enjoying the nice weather, and isn't that what everyone wants, to go about his or her business without incident? By going out of my way to dress tastefully and appropriately for the surroundings I was in, I garnered no unpleasant attention because I wasn't garishly attired. If you're going to be a freestyler like myself, then dress to impress, it's the only way to go. More to come....

    Jaunt #294, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #294, outfit-2.jpg

  7. 19 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    I have always thought your place looked tidy.


    Here is a winning formula:

    Cool weather + leather jacket + short skirt = Thigh boots

    Regarding my place, well, I do as best I can. As for your formula, I will take that under consideration! HA!

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    Yeah, I like sweaters. I have one particular favorite that my wife knitted for me before we were married. I am thinking about trying some longer sweaters, and wearing them with leggings this winter. 

    I've done that once and found it to be a good look.

  9. 18 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:


    I like the outfit and the boots but I do miss the heels.

    It is always nice to get a complement.

    Indeed! Especially unexpected compliments, like the one about my handbag.

    17 hours ago, Steve63130 said:




    Thanks for the comment!

    Jaunt #293, 11/29/2015: Sometimes, a guy has just GOT to wear a short skirt! That's how I described my brief outing yesterday, even though it was cloudy and chilly, with temps only in the mid to upper 40's, and had showers earlier in the day as well, I had a sudden desire to go out in my 15 inch denim mini which I paired with my black faux leather jacket, a red crewneck sweater, black tights, the Walking Cradles Elites riding boots and my new handbag. Even though there was a decided chill in the air, I felt perfectly comfortable in my outfit as I headed out into the western 'burbs to run a couple of errands, perhaps it was because of the chilly conditions that spurred my desire to wear that skirt which went well with the boots which I've kinda become addicted to wearing because they look good on me. My first stop was to a supermarket to buy a few items I needed, there was a good sized crowd in the store when I arrived shortly before 11 a.m., but, as usual, I went ignored as I wandered down the aisle filling out my short list. From there, I went to Home Depot right next door to buy a new broom to replace one that had worn out, that place was crowded to, but went about my business without comment.

    With the stuff secured in my trunk, I felt the siren call of Best Buy, and since I had little under ninety minutes to kill before the day's NFL action began, I headed there to look around. Best Buy was pretty crowded with holiday shoppers, but I blended in appropriately, or, as well as a guy in a skirt can blend in with my surroundings and spent well over half an hour there before heading to the register with a Blu-Ray version of the action flick, Olympus Has Fallen, a film I'm curious about since a sequel, London Has Fallen is coming out in 2016. While my outing was relatively short, it was none the less enjoyable, as are all my outings as a freestyler. And since I'm a nut for numbers, it should be noted that yesterday's trip was my 100th in boots, tops for footwear since I started keeping track of my stats, in a way, I have Thighbootguy to thank for that since nearly half of that number were done in thigh boots. And, I promise to wear heels again real soon! More to come....


    Jaunt #293, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #293, outfit-2.jpg

  10. Jaunt #292, 11/28/2015: Despite cloudy skies with showers in the forecast, I decided conditions were good enough for an outing, and with temps in the upper 50's, it was mild enough to wear my denim jacket over a magenta crewneck sweater, my black denim pencil skirt, the Walking Cradles "Elites" riding boots and a new handbag I recently bought at Sears because I liked it's style. My first stop was to the main branch of the Post Office as I needed to buy a money order, walking to the main entrance, I held the door open for a thritysomething woman who gave me a little smile as she left, perhaps that was in regards to my outfit. After a five minute wait in line, I bought my money order, filled it out and left, next was downtown and my friendly neighborhood comic shop, I managed to find a spot half a block away from the shop, and after feeding the meter, I spent a good twenty or so minutes in the shop chatting about the Eagles and their horrid Thanksgiving Day loss to Detroit.

    From there, I headed down the road to the Rittenhouse Square area, crowded as usual with people, perhaps a little more than usual since the holiday shopping season was underway and went into Barnes & Noble which also had a good sized crowd. I spent nearly half an hour there before heading to the register with a couple of anime magazines, when I stepped up to the counter and placed my bag on same to fetch my wallet, the cashier, a twentysomething woman told me she liked my bag and asked where I got it, I replied that it came from Sears, she chuckled, saying she did most of her shopping at Macy's but couldn't find anything as nice as what I had, then added she would go to Sears and look around. This wasn't the first time a woman complimented me on my handbag while ignoring my skirt and/or footwear, and I found that mildly amusing. I guess women will notice what they want to notice, still, it was cool to get good input on my attire, tells me I'm doing things right in terms of my appearance.

    Heading back to my car, ignored by passersby as usual, I drove over into South Jersey and to Boston Market for lunch as I was eager to partake of their pulled BBQ chicken carver sandwich which I had on a previous outing and enjoyed it. My last stop of the day was to Best Buy as the clouds grew thicker and rain looked to be on the way, and I have little love for being out in the rain. I spent well over half an hour there as the place was packed with holiday shoppers before going to the register with a Blu-Ray copy of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and then headed for home. As usual, it felt good to be out and about, especially about how no one gives a guy in a skirt the time of day, which I find to be a good thing. More to come....

    Jaunt #292, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #292, outfit-2.jpg

  11. On 11/26/2015, 2:03:02, LovesHiHeels said:

    Not me. I never wear sweaters

    Aww, you don't know what you're missing!  :wink:

    On 11/26/2015, 10:49:02, Thighbootguy said:

    I haven't done an inventory but I have a lot of sweaters and turtlenecks.  I really like wearing them when it's cold enough, but with the global warming... last week I was still wearing shorts.

    I know what you mean. Temps reached into the upper 60's here yesterday. But, when it does get chilly, I'll be ready!

    23 hours ago, stevey2 said:

    Not tried sweaters i have a 2 or 3 different  cardigans to wear with short sleve dresses

    Hmm! That sounds like something interesting to try.

  12. With fall here and winter right around the corner, I've stocked up on sweaters to pair with my seasonal skirts and boots. It's really great to wear women's sweaters because of how soft they are, and since I've opted for medium size, they're nice and snug on me, and that's a great feeling, on top of that, they look good on me and, just as importantly, they help keep me warm. Here's what I have:

    5 turtlenecks (black, red, gray, brown, beige)

    5 V-necks (black, red, ivory, blue, gray)

    8 mocknecks (black, red, ivory, navy, brown, magenta, turquoise, gray)

    5 crewnecks (black, red, turquoise, gray, magenta)

    4 long sleeve tees (black, red, magenta, blue)

    Suffice it to say, I have plenty of seasonal tops to get me through the rest of fall and winter in style, and I'm all about being stylish when it comes to my appearance. Who else are into sweaters like I am?

  13. 2 hours ago, MackyHeels said:

    Givenchy Suede Screw-Heel Chelsea Boot is a clever bootie. If i was  going out on the street but thought thin heel stiletto would be much for people to notice this boot camouflages while still wearing a skinny heel.

    What do you think? At $1900 ain't cheap. 


    Please don't take this personally, but that's perhaps the most ridiculous shoe I've ever seen. Why bother hiding a stiletto when people rarely, if ever pay attention to what men wear on their feet? And at nearly two grand a pair, it's good money flushed down the toilet.

  14. Jaunt #291, 11/14/2015: When I heard the forecast calling for sunshine and chilly temps only reaching 50, I thought that made for a good day for a jaunt, so I headed out in my black leather jacket over a gray turtleneck, the Sears corduroy pencil skirt in beet red, black leggings, the Walking Cradles Elites riding boots and a black handbag. As promised, it was plenty chilly indeed, but I felt perfectly warm and comfortable in my outfit, I also felt at ease wearing such a brightly colored skirt as I didn't think it was any big deal, perhaps I might've been just a tad overdressed for a Saturday, but hey, I love dressing up and showing off a nice outfit I put together, and for a third time I enjoyed wearing my riding boots which paired together well with the outfit. I'm so glad I bought them!

    Having drove downtown and parked little over a block away from my friendly neighborhood comic book shop, I got to enjoy a good walk, unfazed by the crisp temps, if anything, I actually felt invigorated by the chilly air which made being out and about all the more enjoyable. After twenty minutes spent in the shop, chatting about the Eagles-Miami game on Sunday, I headed down the street to the Rittenhouse Square area to Barnes & Noble, Walnut Street was packed to the gills with people as usual, and, as usual, no one paid me so much as a second's worth of attention, which I found satisfying. Following some twenty minutes spent in B & N, renewing my membership and buying a couple of basketball magazines, I left the store and headed further down Walnut to the Apple Store to take a look at the new iPad Pro with it's near 13 inch diagonal screen, boys and girls, that thing is honking HUGE!! So's the price tag as it starts at $799. Methinks I'll stick with my trust five year old model, thankyouverymuch. After chatting with a salesperson about the new rechargable wireless keyboard and the iMac with the dazzling Retina Display which intrigued me, I left and returned to my car and headed into South Jersey.

    Lunch was at Boston Market near the Moorestown Mall where I had their pulled BBQ chicken sandwich and wow, was it ever good! What I found humorous was how the person who waited on me, a Latino man in his thirties called me "boss", even though I was wearing a skirt and carrying a purse. HA! Next was a stop at the nearby Best Buy which had a plenty good crowd and looked to be getting ready for the usual Black Friday madness, I spent well over half an hour there, chatted with a salesperson about the LG OLED 4K TV which is absolutely dazzling before leaving with a Blu-Ray copy of The Equalizer (the Denzel Washington big screen remake). My last stop of the day was to JCPenney for a little shopping, but, and this will surprise everyone, I didn't buy a skirt, rather, I purchased a new handbag and a couple of crewneck sweaters, perfect for the cold weather on the way, but with comfy corduroy skirts like what I had worn, I'm ready for whatever old man winter throws my way. More to come....

    Jaunt #291, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #291, outfit-2.jpg

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  15. On 11/10/2015, 11:29:06, aristoc said:

    As it's coming up to panto season thought I better get into the spirit of things with these bad boys!

    My first pair of thighboots and not sure if I've got the balls to wear them out in public.


    Heck, why not wear those boots in public? They look sensational! Folks like Thighbootguy and myself have worn thigh boots openly in public (I've worn mine with miniskirts) and never had any trouble, if anything, we've gotten compliments on our boots. Go for it!

  16. Double denim looks great! Never been a fan of button front skirts myself,  but teamed with that jacket it looks cool.



    It's rare when I double up on denim, but I thought it made for a nice look. As for button down skirts, I've come to like them a lot, casual but stylish.


    Nice looking ensembles that you wore out this past weekend. Since I like a lot of color in my ensembles, I like your Saturday ensemble, the best.

    I'm not a big fan of denim, but I do have a short 20" denim skirt, that I will wear out on occasion.

    I recently bought some black and grey color combinations in both leggings, tights and tops. The black and grey combinations are big this fall. I'll still be wearing my bright colors combinations, this fall and winter.

    I still have not worn my riding boots yet, but did wear a pair of Born, western style, mid calf boots, with a 3-1/2" stacked heel, a couple weeks ago on a very cold evening, with black leggings.

    Happy Heeling,


    I've wanted to experiment with color while not looking too terribly garish, and I though I did a pretty good job in that regard. As for denim, it's what I enjoy wearing, but I've added other styles like knits and now, corduroy. With fall here and winter on the way, I'll be stocking up on tights for the season to come.

    TBG, when I saw Jeff's magenta top and how it clashed with the gold drapes, I thought EXACTLY the same thing as you! HA HA HA!

    Great minds run in the same gutter, eh? LOL


    Jeff, don't mind us. We're just clowning around. You're looking great!


    It's all good, I appreciate humor! Heh!

  17. TBG: Thanks for the kind words. Funny you should mention green, one of the three corduroy skirts I recently bought at Sears is a sort of dark olive. I'll be sure to wear that one soon.

    Artist Formerly Known As Kilty: To be honest, I wasn't all that broken up over my outing yesterday being a "flop". Heh! Yes, I do go to great lengths to look good and act appropriately, because it just wouldn't do to embarrass myself while on my outings. Does this mean I can go pretty much anywhere in women's clothing and shoes? Nope, not even close, but it is gratifying to know I can be accepted (or just plain ignored) in certain places I visit in the clothes I choose to wear.

    Jaunt #290, 10/25/2015: Sunday arrived with a chore I needed to undertake, so I decided to turn that into a quick little outing, going out in my denim jacket over a black, long sleeved, scoopneck t-shirt, the light denim button down skirt, the Payless "Karmen" pumps in black matte and a matching handbag. My chore was to Home Depot out in Springfield to buy a new smoke detector for the basement and batteries for all the others in my house, I didn't need to dress up for that small task, but I wanted to wear a skirt in public, and this provided me with an excuse. There was some sunshine and mild temps when I arrived, so I hopped out after I arrived and went inside. There was a good crowd in the place, but, as is the case, no one paid me any attention as I went about my task of finding the aisles where the smoke detectors were, picking out the one I wanted, followed by getting some batteries, I went to the self serve register, paid for my items and left, pretty as you please.

    Back in the car, I headed down the road to Best Buy for my weekly ogling of all things electrical and electronic, something that nevver gets old for me, and I did see some cool new stuff, like a gizmo that, with the help of an app, enables one to use a smartphone or tablet as a remote control for a home theater system. Man, that's so neat! I didn't buy it, but it's on my want list for a future purchase. After a good half hour, I headed to the register with a Blu-Ray copy of Jurassic World, meaning I'll soon be able to rewatch Bryce Dallas Howard being chased to and fro by dinosaurs while in a tight skirt and heels. HA! My last stop of the day was to Arby's for lunch where I had a classic roast beef sandwich and a small fruit punch. Yummy! All in all, even though it was a short outing, it was nonetheless enjoyable because I got to wear the clothes and shoes I enjoy. More to come....

    Jaunt #290, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #290, outfit-2.jpg

  18. Jaunt #289, 10/24/2015: I look at yesterday's outing as another opportunity to push the envelope, though perhaps in a small way as I opted for more colorful attire for what was a sunny but chilly Saturday, heading out in my faux black leather jacket over a magenta turtleneck, a 23 inch corduroy pencil skirt in camel, black tights, the Walking Cradles Elites riding boots and a black handbag. Between the sweater and skirt, those were colors I felt would help me stand out, to see if I'd really get noticed, as for the boots, I was dying to wear them again because I enjoyed them so much.

    My first stop of the day was the main branch of the Post Office as I had to buy a money order to renew my newspaper subscription. with temps only in the low 50's with a wind blowing, it was rather chilly, but my outfit kept me nice and warm. Once inside the Post Office, there were half a dozen people in line, but, no one took notice of me, that even included a young girl who busied herself chatting to her doll, something I found cute. After purchasing my money order, filling it out and dropping it off, I was off to downtown and my friendly neighborhood comic book shop, having parked little over a block away, I enjoyed a good stroll to the shop, the half inch heels making a nice, sharp sound on the pavement, but people didn't bat an eye. Having spent twenty minutes in the shop, I headed down the street to the always crowded, hustling and bustling Rittenhouse Square area, no attention. I spent a good half hour in Barnes & Noble, then strolled at a slow, casual pace over two blocks down the street, chock full of people, again, no notice, swung by the Apple Store as I was thinking about upgrading my iPad as it's showing it's age (I've had it for nearly five years now) and wanted to check out the current offerings, but, I didn't buy anything. The store, as is always the case, was packed with shoppers, but I went ignored. Leaving the store, I strolled the almost four blocks back to my car among the crowds without so much as a glance from passersby.

    I guess my little experiment to be noticed by wearing more colorful attire was a flop. But, that didn't disappoint me, no, it showed what I've always believed: that people are too wrapped up in their own lives and affairs to take notice of anything deemed out of the ordinary (and if they did, manners dictated not saying anything), and that society for the most part, seems to have no problem with the concept of a man in a skirt. Meanwhile, the more I wear skirts, whether with heels or flats, the more I love the experience, makes me glad I ditched my jeans for what I truly love wearing on my outings. More to come....

    Jaunt #289, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #289, outfit-2.jpg

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