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Posts posted by JeffB

  1. Jeff, I was also looking at those O'Malley slides, they really look nice.  However, once I got to the store and saw them I had to pass, the wedge at 4+ inches is WAY to tall for me!  I'm already 6ft 3in.  I did try a pair on anyway - with the encouragement of the sales gal, thanks Payless - and they are comfy.  Have fun wearing them.  sf


    SF: I'm only an inch shorter than you are, and I never worry about the added height wearing heels gives me. Heck, if anything, I rather enjoy standing above the common crowd. Heh! As for the slides, I find four inches to be a good height for day to day wearing.


    GM,  Don't fear those high heels - embrace them... I'm 6'5" and the extra height just lets feels good.


    Now THAT'S the spirit!


    The green skirt is fabulous! Suits you, and the slides look good :cheeky:


    Thanks for the kind words. And yes, I did enjoy wearing the green print skirt. As for the O'Malley slides, the more I wear them, the more I appreciate their unique style and how they're great shoes for spring and summer.

  2. Ah... wouldn't want JeffB to melt.


    I like both outfits a lot but the patterned long skirt really surprised me.  I haven't put my finger on the reason yet but that outfit is the most feminine look I have ever seen you present.  In fact with the first picture with that skirt, I had to remind myself I was looking at JeffB.  Well Done!


    What can I say? I don't like being out in the rain.


    Thanks for the kind words on my latest outings yesterday. As for the afternoon outfit, I appreciate your saying that was my most feminine look, perhaps the strand of pearls I wore had something to do with that. It certainly felt good to wear that outfit as I've developed a real desire to wear maxiskirts, they're more fun than I thought. And yeah, I won't deny that I felt feminine.


    OK, JeffB, on your most recent jaunts. I liked all the ensembles that you wore over the weekend.


    I'm glad your gettting a lot walking time in your O'Malley wedges. I have been wearing my O'Malley wedges too, and just love wearing them. Unlike you, I have been a fan of slides for years. My wife and I, even have matching pairs of Naturalizer slides, in block heels, both in black and white colors.  Now I love the look and feel, with the, O'Malley, wedge heels.


    Just tonight, I wore my brown, O'Malley wedges, with khaki colored capris, with a brown polo shirt. It was a nice look for an evening out. On Saurday, night I wore my rainbow colored, O'Malley slides, with a white mini skirt and red top. Got a couple, of looking good compliments, in my travels.


    Thanks for your post and pics too.


    Happy Heeling,



    Thanks for the compliments. Like I mentioned earlier, the O'Malley slides were the only shoes I wanted to wear with those outfits yesterday, they're such fun shoes because they're comfortable and easy to stand and walk in. The style of those shoes attracted me from jump street and I've come to enjoy them. Meanwhile, I plan to buy those slides in brown which would go well with my khaki skirts. Kudos to you and your latest outings, sounds like you enjoyed yourself.

  3. TBG: Never spent much time at Schuylkill River Park, so I can't tell you. Glad to read that you changed your mind about my wearing a pink top. I was eager to take that tank for spin for some time, and yes, it did pair well with my skirt. And now, it's time for....




    Jaunt #265, 5/17/2015- Morning:

    It was time for my weekly trip to the supermarket, so, on a whim, I decided to turn it into a jaunt, heading out in a blue, V-neck t-shirt, the Sears button down skirt in beige, my favorite black handbag and the Payless O'Malley platform wedge slides in black. After having enjoyed wearing the similar shoes in beige (natural), I decided to take the black ones for a spin. Like the other pair, the platform wedge made for stable wearing, easy to stand and walk in, and the "deceptive" (as I call them) four inch heels gave me all the height I wanted with that outfit.


    It was little after 8 a.m. when I left for the market, so there was a fair sized crowd at the market when I arrived, but I just hopped out, grabbed a cart and went to do my shopping. As with the case almost everywhere else I go, I didn't attract much in the way of stares, positive, derisive or otherwise, so I just went about my business, spending close to half an hour in the store, slowly cruising from aisle to aisle to aisle, no big deal whatsoever. After a five minute wait in line, I paid for my purchases, headed out, loaded up my car and left, pretty as you please.


    Jaunt #266, 5/17/2015- Afternoon

    Needing to buy a money order to renew my newspaper subscription, and swing by the drug store to buy something I needed as per a comment Thighbootguy made, so I decided to dress up, sporting an outfit I bought at JCPenney the week before: an a.n.a. (the store's house brand) crochet lace shoulder dolman t-shirt in olive green and a side slit maxi skirt in green print. When I saw that outfit on a mannikin in the store, I was instantly intrigued and decided it would good on me, heck, I even knew right away just what shoes to pair with the outfit, they being the O'Malley slides in natural (beige), all I needed was a matching (or close to matching) handbag, which I bought along with the outfit.


    This made the first time I've worn a patterned or print skirt, everything else had been solids, so this made for a new experience, and I enjoyed how light and airy the skirt was, oh, yeah, the side slits made for a darn nice touch as well. Attired in my new outfit, I headed down to the city's main Post Office which opened on Sundays at noon to buy my money order, having arrived just when it opened. Hopping out, I strolled inside and was sixth in line, waiting little over ten minutes before going up to the counter to buy my money order, there had been close to ten people behind me, but no one stared, at least not that I noticed. After I left, I drove into center city, stopping at a Rite Aid to buy a spray can of SPF 70 sunscreen after Thighbootguy mentioned how my skin was exposed in those tank tops I enjoy wearing, so I figured it would be a bad idea to invest in sunscreen to use while out and about during the spring and summer. Thanks for the suggestion, TBG!


    I might've stayed out longer, but the skies were dark at the time with showers in the forecast, in fact, no sooner had I returned to my car, it started raining. Good timing. All in all, it was a short, but good out, it was fun to wear a print skirt, something a great deal more dynamic and colorful than what I usually wear on my outings. As for wearing my slides on both outings today, they were the only shoes I wanted to wear, leading me to think I might be experiencing yet another paradigm shift. Three years ago, the notion of wearing open toed and/or open backed shoes like sandals or slides was a major league non-starter for me because of how much I disliked them, now I've come to appreciate such shoes, especially in the spring and upcoming summer and how well they go with my skirts. More to come....









  4. I really do admire JeffB's ability to put together an outfit that really looks good.  I have always said that my thigh boots were so over the top I could get away wearing anything with them, and that is often what I have done.  The past week or so I have been wearing hose with shorts and flats almost all the time.  I have gotten used to looking down and seeing what normally is a female look.  Once I was used to seeing myself that way it wasn't hard to start wearing a dress. 




    Well, it's all about proper preparation, experimenting with putting together outfits I think will look nice before I head out into the big, bad public. My goal, just like with any other self-respecting woman, is to look my very best from head to toe, something that's very important to me. As for my "look", I make no bones about it being purely female because that was my goal (see my signature below), and, like you, dresses will soon become part of the regular equation. By the by, cool boots, WBE! They look mondo sharp!

  5. I don't know if jealous is the correct emotion, but I have often been told, "You walk in those heels better than I could."  This is in reference to my 5" stilettos on my thigh boots.  It has often made me wonder how badly these ladies walked in their heels. :penitent:


    I've gotten that very same comment from women from time to time. And, it's not too hard to detect a certain level of....envy in their voices to boot.

  6. Jaunt #264, 5/16/2014:

    After a two week or so hiatus, I'm back in the saddle for a new outing. With temps forecast to climb into the low to mid 80's, I dressed for the occasion in a pink tank top, my knee length, button down skirt in dark denim from Sears, the Payless "Nicole Chopout" platform wedge sandals and my favorite black handbag. Pairing the light colored top and dark colored skirt with a wide, white belt proved to be a nice touch. Overall, the outfit was nice and summerlike, especially with the addition of the sandals, the only shoe I considered wearing, it just seemed to be the most logical choice in terms of footwear as nothing else came to mind, and it felt good to wear them, ditto for the button down skirt which has also become a favorite, in fact, I have that same skirt in three other colors which I'll trot out in future outings. As for the pink top, I had been eager to wear that, and, like everything else, I enjoyed wearing it, heck, it was fun to wear pink!


    Anyhoo, I headed into town, stopping at a branch of my bank in the University City area to tap an ATM for some cash, then it was off for downtown, after parking little over a block from my friendly, neighborhood comic book shop, I put five bucks in the meter for two hours worth of time, then strolled to the shop where I spent a good twenty minutes, chatting about sports and comic book movies. Then I headed down the street to the Rittenhouse Square area, packed as usual with people, thanks to a weekly farmer's market which attracts big crowds, but no one paid me any mind, despite the pink top, skirt and high heeled sandals, while it was cool to go ignored, admittedly, I still find it a wee bit odd for that to happen, still, I don't complain. After some twenty minutes in the store, I left the store, crossed the street and entered the park which was quite full since the weather was sunny and nice, giving me an opportunity to stroll about and be seen, finding a bench, I sat, crossed my legs and read a magazine I bought, other than the puzzled stare from little kids, no one paid me any attention, as usual. With fifteen minutes left on my meter, I packed up and left the park, returning to my car which was little under half a mile away and drove off.


    From there, it was over the Ben Franklin Bride and into South Jersey, I had a hankering for a Chick-Fil-A chicken salad sandwich, so I headed to the store near the Moorestown Mall. There was a good crowd in the store, as usual, I got a stare or two from little kids, but nothing more than that as I got my order, sat and ate in peace. Next was Best Buy, also plenty crowded where I spent a good half hour, chatted with a salesperson about Apple laptops before heading to the register with the Blu-Ray version of Escape From New York. My last stop of the day was at Barnes & Noble, as I approached the store, I opened the door for an older lady who looked at me, smiled and said, "That's a pretty skirt. It looks nice on you". I smiled back and thanked her, as it's always good to get a compliment on my attire. I would spend nearly an hour reading Sci-Fi magazines with a tall glass of lemonade before leaving with four manga titles, then headed home. I had idly wondered what sort of reception I'd get from wearing a pink top, but, like all my other outings, it raised no hackles, I was just another person enjoying the nice weather to be out and about like everyone else, and, at the end of the day, that was good enough for me. More to come....





  7. This was such a comfortable outfit I went to my favorite thrift store, Meijers, Sams and Remkee with the same outfit minus the denim vest and the addition of a necklace.  I did get a lot of looks and a lot of looks ignoring me.  By late afternoon it was too warm to exert much effort with my boots on but just walking around was fine.  I had a grand time wearing a dress (and it's all JeffB's fault).


    Of course! It's always my fault! HA! Glad to read you had a good time in that outfit!

  8. Just received these Sexy 20's from Pleaser. I love this style. Fit is pretty good. I now have these in black, black patent, tan, and red. Color is a deep red, photo appears a bit pinkish but they are candy apple red.


    Well done! Those are sharp looking shoes! Hope you enjoy your purchase!

  9. Hey there, TBG! How's things in your neck of the woods? That ribbed dress certainly looks interesting, from the pics you posted, I think it can work well either way, but I like it more as a dress than as a top, accessorizing is important, that said, I think it would look great with your thigh boots.

  10. :giggle: My new to me Red suede like pumps by Style& Co  4 inch heel 1/2 in platform size 10


    Now to get brave and ware them out some day


    Nice shoes there! I've worn red pumps out in public, red patent in fact, no one raised so much as an eyebrow. Go for it!

  11. I'm surprised it hasn't happen already.  A few years ago you would have expected it every time you saw a kid, but this new crop seems to have leaned some tolerance from their parents.  In fact, a few years ago you would have expected it from the parents.  :penitent:


    I agree with that. Still, I'll admit to being a tiny bit unnerved whenever some little kid gives me the hairy eyeball, mainly because I expect him (or her) to yammer out loud about me for all to hear, but I'm always relieved when that doesn't happen since they do appear to have learned tolerance, and, more importantly, manners from their parents.


    all kids' peers wear skirts nowadays, so it's not such a big deal (Yung Thug, Jayden Smith, Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa to name a few), not to mention kilts as well. And if you're looking good in your skirt, you're less likely to end up on Twitter or Instagram as the more clumsily dressed examples :nono:

    But someone as smartly dressed as Jeff will rarely have this issue :cheeky:


    Quite true, Kilty, quite true. Being smartly dressed is the only way to go in order to avoid being embarrassed on social media.


    Meanwhile, it was two years ago today that I last wore jeans while on a jaunt. When I decided on a whim to wear only skirts for the spring and summer, then the rest of 2013, I had no idea that would lead to my wearing them on a permanent basis on my outings. I had become so enthralled by skirts and how good I looked in them, I couldn't bring myself to wear anything else from the waist down, and that feeling has only grown stronger, especially since I've added dresses to the equation. I've come to take tremendous pride in my skirt wearing, making sure I properly pair them with the right tops and shoes to assemble outfits that make me look my very best while in public as I've evolved from being a mere heeler to a full-blown fashion freestyler. As I've said here many times before, it's no longer just about the shoes, for me, it's about the complete image from head to toe, and wearing skirts has resulted in that altered mindset. I feel that my journey as a freestyler has only just begun and the best is yet to come, needless to say, I'm excited to see where that journey takes me next.

  12. Kilty: Thanks for the kind words on the top. Once upon a time, I was not a fan of brown, but I've come to appreciate it now.


    TBG: Kids are funny with how they stare at me in abject curiosity. Sometimes, I'm amazed they don't point at me and yell at the top of their lungs, "Mommy! Why is that man wearing a skirt?" I suspect that scenario will actually take place one day. Meanwhile, I appreciate your compliments on my outfit, even if you couldn't bring yourself to like the new shoes. Heh!


    bluejay: Glad to read you liked the outfit. The tan skirt is just a great color for spring and summer and I plan to wear it more. Sorry to hear you're still plagued by cold weather, I hope you'll get to wear your springtime attire soon.

  13. Great look JeffB.  The black necklace tops things off nicely. 


    I'll bet the gal at Boston Market wouldn't have let you off so easily if you had had your thigh boots on. :penitent:


    Heh! You might well be right!  :lmao:


    Jaunt #263, 4/26/2015:

    As everyone knows, I'm something of a nut when it comes to numbers regarding my adventures, so, with April coming to a close, I decided to head out today, both to take advantage of the nice weather, and to reach double digits on jaunts after the first four months 2015. Wow! The year is one-third over already! Anyhoo, with plenty of sunshine and temps tickling the low 60's, I headed out in my trusty denim jacket over a beaded brown tank top, the Old Navy beige twill skirt, a brown handbag and, much to the consternation of Thighbootguy (Heh!), my new Payless "Omalley" platform wedge slides in natural. Having never worn slides before, I was eager to see what it was like to wear these shoes, and I'm happy to report that it was a pleasant experience. The deceptively high four inch platform wedge heel was very stable, making it quite comfortable to stand and walk in, and I enjoyed the shoes right away. Can't wait to take the black versions out on a trip!


    Anyhoo, I headed west into Springfield, making a stop at Acme to buy a couple of odds and ends, the store was quite crowded at just before 11 a.m., but no one paid me any attention as I spent a good twenty minutes there. From there, it was off to Best Buy, there was a good crowd in there as well, but I went about my business without any muss or fuss, spending well over thirty minutes in the stores before checking out with a Blu-Ray copy of Dracula Untold (which I plan to watch tonight). Next up was a stop down the road to Arby's for lunch, walking in, I did get a long, curious stare from an eight or nine year old boy who was ahead of me in line at the register, no surprise there, it's almost always young kids who give me stares, but I'm used to that. After enjoying a Beef & Cheddar sandwich and lemonade, it was back in the car and off into Philly to see if I could spend some quality time in Rittenhouse Park. I spent nearly half and hour looking for a place to park, but I did find a spot three blocks from the park, after putting enough cash in the meter for an hour and a half, I strolled down the street to the park which was jam packed with people enjoying the sunny and mild weather. Finding a bench, I sat down, I brought my nook™ with me to do some reading, but left it in my purse and just chilled out and watch the world go by. Scores of people walked by and no one gave me any stares, which was cool by me. It was a most enjoyable experience, simply relaxing like everyone else in the park.


    By around three thirty, I was back in my car and headed back home. Spending Sunday afternoon in the park as part of a jaunt is a lot of fun, and something I plan to do more often as spring continues and summer is on the way. More to come....





  14. Jaunt #262, 4/25/2015:

    On Wednesday, spring was rudely interrupted by an unplanned return of winterlike conditions as temps dropped from 72 that afternoon to the mid 50's the very next day and remained breezy and nippy clear into yesterday, but that didn't stop me from going out, I simply dressed for the occasion, sporting my black faux leather jacket over a magenta long sleeved scoopneck t-shirt, a 21 inch denim pencil skirt, black footless tights, the Payless "Tara" boots and a handbag. Even though temps were only in the mid 50's when I headed out, I was warm and comfortable and, more importantly, properly stylish.


    Driving downtown, I parked a block away from my friendly neighborhood comic book shop, and while there were a goodly number of people out and about, including kids, no one paid me much if any attention. After some twenty minutes in the shop, I indulged in a stroll to Rittenhouse Park, down Walnut Street which is always packed with people on a Saturday morning, it was nice to mix with the populace and go as unnoticed as everyone else, and the park area was more crowded than usual because of the weekly bazaar with numerous stands attracting lots of people, again, no issues, but then, I never expect any these days, and I found that most enjoyable. In the park itself, there weren't all that many people seated on the benches because of the less than springlike conditions, but I sat down on one and chilled out (pardon the pun) for some twenty minutes reading a newspaper. With ten minutes left on my parking meter, I returned to my car and motored into South Jersey and my favorite haunts near Moorestown Mall.


    Lunch was at Boston Market as they were advertising barbecue pulled pork and I wanted to give that a try. After placing my order and finding a table, I was taking off my jacket when one of the store's employees, a black woman in her twenties approached me and, with a smile, said she liked my boots and said she's like to have them. Returning the smile, I said I didn't like going around barefoot, she suggested a trade as she was wearing Dansko clogs, I shook my head and said they weren't stylish enough for me, and that got a giggle out of her. A fun little exchange with someone who liked what she saw and let me know that she did. Guess I must be doing something right. After lunch, I retreated to the nearby Barnes & Noble where I roamed the aisles and read The Silence of the Lambs on my nook™ for nearly an hour before going to the register with a couple of magazines. My last stop of the day was to Home Depot to buy a couple of new flashlights that I keep around the house for emergencies and such and that was my day.


    I find it mildly amusing, even a little ironic how people tend to notice my footwear more than my skirts, as if either are commonplace attire for a male, but hey, that's just how it goes I suppose. More to come....





  15. JeffB -


    Back in 2008 I posted this thread about a Guy's progress in heels (now locked).  It still seems relevant today.  Everyone progresses at their own speed and stops on the path where they are happy.


    I think I find wearing skirts as much an expression of my feminine side as it is a counter culture fashion statement.  Regardless of which statement, skirts are a fun and comfortable garment to wear.




    Wow! That essay of yours was right on target, TBG! Everything you wrote about resonated with me to perfection, and while my personal path stopped at "Wearing outer garments in public with confidence", that's more than good enough for me, that's where I want to be in my journey as a fashion freestyler.


    My desire for stiletto heels will keep me wearing them even after my mortal demise, as far as I am concerned. This idea that we are wearing gender labeled items is part of our social brain-washing. The item(s) of apparel that strike your fancy and you find them pleasing to have on, are outward expressions of who you are. This is the natural aesthetic properties of what attiring is suppose to accomplish. Using clothing to classify or segregate people is a demeaning habit society has developed to promote its man-made ideals for caste or role playing type systems. So wear the fancies of your desire that you are pleased with having on for the intended occasion.


    Well said, Histiletto! Well said! I couldn't agree more! Thanks for your comments, everyone!

  16. In case no one has noticed, a fair number of HHPlace members like myself, Thighbootguy and others have migrated from wearing pants and jeans with their heels to skirts, and I find that a curious sort of development. When I first wore a skirt in public back in late summer of 2008, it was simply a lark then, a desire what I would look like, and when I decided that I did like my appearance, I started wearing skirts more and more, leading to the point where I'm wearing them full-time on my public outings today.


    Time for an admission: I suspect that if I hadn't made that migration to skirts, I might well have lost interest in heeling. In terms of fashion, jeans and pants are rather limiting, boring even, but with skirts, the variety is nearly infinite: from minis to maxis and everything inbetween; denim, leather, wool and other fabrics; A-lines, straights, pencils and pleats, not to mention all sorts of solid colors and patterns, the sky is literally the limit. It's great fun for me to spend quality time pairing skirts with tops, hosiery and shoes to put together outfits, and the combinations when it comes to fashion are legion compared to pants and jeans. Having fully committed myself to being the most fashionable freestyler I can be, having the sort of options skirts gives me are important. A long time ago, I said that just wearing heels were no longer enough for me, it's the whole package from head to toe or not at all.


    So, to others here who've migrated to wearing skirts, either in public or at home, what was your motivation? What drew you to them, what do you like about wearing skirts? And do you think that it's a common or natural thing for some heelers to progress to wearing skirts? I'd love to hear your opinions.

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