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Posts posted by JeffB

  1. None taken, just wish people here would learn what "Banter" is...

    But yeah, Jeff is right, I do think he dresses like an old fuddy duddy, but nowt wrong with that, just banter between mates :-)


    Meh! Nothing wrong with dressing my age! I prefer to call it "sophisticated style".

    Ok, JeffB on your Sunday jaunt.


    Weather was lousy here all weekend, with record rainfall, cold temps and  lots of wind.


    Finally, on Monday night, with a bit of improvement I went out wearing my black, "O'Malley" slides, red capri jeans and black polo shirt. It was a nice look. I enjoyed myself.


    Thanks for your post and pics too.


    Happoy Heeling,


    Thanks for the kind words!

  2. Good to see you out doing your thing again Jeff.


    Thanks! Glad to be out and about again.


    No offence Jeff, but that top is just soooo lame... It screams "old age grandma"


    Pfft! I think it's stylish! I have one in light purple too!  :fine:


    Wow tech, I didn't expect that especially from you of all people... no offense.


    Don't worry about it. Tech has been criticizing my fashion sense for years now.  I'm used to it.  :lmao:

  3. Whew! You had me worried there for a moment, Tech! Meanwhile, back on topic:


    Jaunt #271, 6/28/2015:

    Hard to believe three weeks had passed since my last outing. How time flies! Anyhoo, after a wet and miserable Saturday, the weather changed for the better, so I headed out on a new outing, pairing the Payless "O'Malley" platform wedge slides which I had just bought with my brown t-shirt with the lace applique, my knee length button down skirt in natural and a brown handbag to match the shoes. Since I became a full blown fashion freestyler, this had been the first time I put together an outfit to go with a pair of shoes instead of the other way around, but I've been so hooked on the O'Malleys of late, they came first when assembling an outfit. I've said this before, the slides are so easy to wear and comfortable, not to mention stylish, they're hard to resist. And, yeah, I love how the shoes look on me.


    Onward, feeling like a movie, I drove into South Jersey and went to the multiplex across from the Cherry Hill Mall to finally see Jurassic World. Hopping out, I casually walked into the multiplex for the 10:15 a.m. viewing, there were plenty of young kids in attendance (kids love dinosaurs), so I got plenty of long stares here and there while adults ignore me, not unexpected as I'm long used to that. Little over two hours later, suitably impressed with the film (and with all the running Bryce Dallas Howard did in heels), I left the multiplex to more stares from young kids, hopped in my car and drove down the road to the Barnes & Noble near Moorestown Mall for lunch, enjoying a BLT with a bottle of lemonade while I read a few sports magazines, then, an hour later, I left for an anime magazine after enjoying some bookstore quiet time. From there, I went to Sears for a little shopping, namely for a black, sleeveless blouse to pair with a black patterned skirt I bought over the winter and a pretty sundress that I hope to wear soon on a future outing.


    Driving back over the bridge into Philly, I headed to the Rittenhouse Square area, parked, put an hour's worth of cash in the meter and walked to the park, crowded as ever on a Sunday afternoon so I could be seen. Of course, no one gave me so much as the time of day as I strolled about, then sat on a bench for some thirty minutes to take in the scenery and comfortable temperatures. It certainly felt good to be out and about in a skirt and heels, but a purely casual outfit that allowed me to blend in with my surroundings, and that's what I always seek to do when on my little adventures. And I'm already eager to wear the O'Malley slides again on a new outing. More to come....





  4. Actually, they are a purple/pink O'Malley wedge.


    Tonight I wore them with  deep purple capris, lilac, colored polo shirt, carried a purple cross body bag. It was a nice look and the purple and pink "O'Malley's" really nailed down the look.


    It's a lot of fun putting the right color combo's together.


    Happy Heeling,


    Indeed it is! I often spend an hour or more experimenting with tops, skirts and shoes to put together nice looking outfits. Great minds think alike!

  5. Very nice heels, but too high for me to wear.


    Yesterday, my grand-daughter attempted to wear a pair of similar looking heels, with her red gown. to her, "Senior Prom". At the last minute she decided to wear a pair of silver flats. I said to her a very smart move, considering all the dancing and partying, going on at one's Senior Prom. She did wear the "Killer Heels" to the  hotel, but changed into her flats, to party. She said she had a great time.


    Oh yes, to be a teenager again!


    Happy Heeling,



    Clearly, your grand daughter recognized the importance of comfort over style. Nothing wrong with that.

  6. Jeff , I really like the zip up wedges . Like you , I have started to really like wearing the wedge styles with a platform . They seem more stable to walk in . Keep up the fine work and thanks for sharing.


    Yes indeed. The stability of platform wedges was what attracted me to those shoes in the first place, and I certainly enjoy wearing them. Thanks for the compliment.


    Well, JeffB, just add the two mutl colors and you'll be righ up with me, with the O'Malleys.


    I posted  my latest ,"Heeling with bluejay" tonight. Hope you get a chance to read it.


    Happy Heeling,



    Well, I was thinking that the blue/pink O'Malleys might work well with my blue denim skirts. Heh!

  7. Nice look JeffB. Keep on wearing your O"Malley slides.


    Recently, I wore my natural colored O'Malley slides with black capri length jeggings and an off white top, that almost matched, the natural color of my O'Malley's.


    I liked the look.


    Happy Heeling,



    Oh, I certainly intend to continue wearing the O'Malley slides. In fact, I ordered a pair in brown and got them yesterday. These shoes are more fun than I thought and I'm enjoying them considerably.

  8. Jaunt #270, 6/6/2015:

    Even though the weather was a tad iffy, what with clouds and a shower here and there, I deemed conditions to have been good enough for an outing, so I headed out in a black cutout tank top, the knee length button down denim skirt from Sears, the Payless "O'Malley" platform wedge slides in black and my favorite black handbag. Once again, just like last Sunday, the slides were the first shoes I reached for, and the only shoes I wanted to wear with that outfit as they're most comfortable, what with their "deceptive" four inch heels, I love how they look on me and I love wearing them, plain and simple. Meanwhile, I've also been wild about wearing tanks and similar styled tops, haven't even thought about wearing my campshirts or polos. Another paradigm shift? Who knows, but I find it to be cool.


    My first stop of the day under mostly cloudy skies was to a branch of my bank in the University City area to tap the ATM, I did get a long look from a homeless man who passed me by, but that was it. From there, it was off to downtown and my friendly neighborhood comic book shop, parking half a block away, I got no looks as I walked to the shop where I spent a good twenty minutes, then walked to a conveinence store over a block away to buy a newspaper. Then it was back to my car and over the Ben Franklin Bridge into South Jersey as I headed to the Moorestown Mall area and Chick-Fil-A for lunch. As usual, the place was fairly full at just after 12 noon, as usual, I got looks from assorted small kids and several members of a girls soccer team who entered a few minutes after I did while I was in line waiting for my order. A couple of them pointed, I think one or two giggled, but nothing more than that. I guess they had never seen a middle aged man in a skirt and heels before.


    After lunch, it was off to Best Buy, my home away from home, given my love for gadgetry, I spent well over half an hour there gazing at all the gizmos and stuff before checking out with a Blu-Ray copy of the first season of The Strain which I've been eager to watch. My last stop of the day was to the nearby Barnes & Noble, as I approached the door and held it open for a black woman about my age, she nodded, then said, "Thank you. That's a pretty skirt you're wearing." I smiled back and thanked her. Ahh, compliments. Cool! I spent nearly an hour there, enjoying a tall glass of lemonade and several sports magazines before leaving with an anime mag. It was good to be able to go about my business in several locations, treated no different than anyone else, and that certainly felt good. More to come....





  9. Here is my latest purchase.  I picked these up from The Shoe Company for those that live in Canada.  The Brand is Nine West and the model is "Goodlookin"  That model comes in various colors but these ones are sea green.  They were the only color they had.  Online they will tell you the heel height is 4.5 inches.  But they actually measure at 4 3/4 inches.  And even though I would call myself a seasoned heel wearer, I can definitely notice the almost 5 inches when I put them on.  And there is no platform either.  So they are definitely high!


    When I tried them on in store  I fell in love instantly!  Then I checked the price.  They were marked $80 on the box but they had a 70% off sticker as well.  So I managed to snag these babies for just over $25!  Now my only problem will be trying to find an outfit for them.  I have never worked with green shoes before.  I welcome suggestion from everyone.  Here are a couple of pics as well.


    Hmm! Green shoes! How interesting! Nice style! Well, to offer my two cents worth, perhaps a green, short sleeved top in a lighter shade than the shoes and slim, cream colored pants.

  10. bluejay: Thanks! I've found that the O'Malley slides in natural work well with numerous outfits, a great color to wear at this time of year. I can see myself wearing them more often. Glad that you're enjoying yours, and spreading the gospel about them to boot!

  11. Haven't bought and shoes/boots for a while, so I'd thought I would treat myself to a pair of Jimmy Choo knee high boots (supposed to be over the knee,but I've long legs). They are made of really soft leather, very comfortable with a 5 and a bit inch heel and a small platform. Shall be wearing these a lot once I have worn them in. :)


    Oh, those boots are VERY nice! Well done, my friend! Well done!

  12. Jaunt #269, 5/31/2015:

    Just a short outing as I needed to run a couple of errands, with temps creeping close to the 80's, even at close to 11 a.m., I dressed appropriately in my brown embroidered tank top, the Old Navy khaki skirt, the Payless "O'Malley" platform wedge slides in natural and my recently bought beige handbag. My goal was not to stand out, but to blend in as best I can for a purely casual outing, to look like any woman running errands on a late Sunday morning, and I think I achieved that goal in my ensemble, as for the O'Malley slides, the first shoes I reached for when putting this outfit together, I can't deny that it's now difficult to resist wearing them, mainly because they're so very comfortable, easy to wear with their "deceptive" four inch heels and look darn good on me.


    Anyhoo, I headed west into Springfield, arriving at Best Buy just after the store opened at 11, there wasn't too terribly much of a crowd in the store as I entered, my objective being to buy a new cooling pad for my laptop, No one, save for small kids gave me so much as the time of day, so that was no big deal during the twenty or so minutes spent in the store before departing. My second stop was about a mile down the road to a strip mall where a Border's bookstore used to be and the nearby Hallmark greeting card store as I needed to buy a birthday card for a co-worker who's big day is on Tuesday, despite how warm it was, I was perfectly cool in my skirt, moreso than I would've been in jeans or shorts. The card store was quiet with only half a dozen shoppers, after some ten minutes, I found an appropriate card (something funny as I like picking out goofy cards), paid for it and left, pretty as you please.


    My last stop of the day was back towards home as I stopped off at Arby's for lunch, there were some half a dozen customers in the place, but no one in line, so I strolled up to the counter, bought a Beef & Cheddar Sandwich with a small lemonade, ate at my leisure then left for home. Even though it had been a short outing, it was still satisfying in it's own way. More to come....





  13. Hey, there, TBG! Interesting outing you had. Sadly, it stands to reason that we might well encounter less than sophisticated people who find what we do a source of amusement and lack the politeness when it comes to expressing said humor. Fortunately, encounters like that are far and few inbetween.

  14. Jeff, loving the all denim combo! Looks great, though I prefer a slightly shorter, tighter skirt, but that's just my fashion choice. Love the black slides as well :)


    That outfit was something I put together on the spur of the moment that morning. I'm glad it looked good, and since it had been a tad cool that morning, the longer skirt was a wise choice.


    I would love to try Vegas!  I think it is the mecca for people like us.  It would be easy to do outings there.  Not only that.  I think I would have the ability to push the envelope a lot further than I do now.  The main thing that holds me back is running into people I know.  Otherwise, I would wear anything and everything!


    Yes, freestyling in Vegas would indeed be great fun. I'll have to give that a try one day.


    I have not encountered that problem with my O'Malley slides. I just love wearing mine!


    Happy Heeling,



    So do I. To be honest, I never thought that would be the case in the beginning, but I've come to enjoy those shoes.

  15. Nice read again Jeff.  I have yet to do a casino outing as you did.  I think I may have to try that at some point.  In my town though, being that it is smaller, I would definitely run into someone I know if I did a casino outing.  You can't go to the casino here without running into someone you know.


    I'm fortunate to live in a big city where the likelihood of running into someone I know is extremely small. As for casino outings, one day, I'll have to try my luck in Las Vegas. That would be fun! Heh!


    Looking Good JeffB.


    From one O'Malley lover to another, your wedge slides look great and so do your wedge heel sandals. With the big sandal sale at Payless, I bought the other two colors of the Omalley wedge slides, the natural and the pink and purple multi. Now I have all five colors. I just love wearing them, and they go with everything in my wardrobe.


    Thanks for the post and pics. Enjoy wearing your O'Malley slides.


    Happy Heeling,



    Hey there, bluejay. Thanks for the kind words. Regarding the O'Malley slides, I never thought I'd enjoy them as much as I have, but, like I said, they're great fun to wear and look equally great with my knee length and longer skirts. After yesterday, I've worn both colors (black and neutral) twice and will try to add another color (brown) to the wardrobe. I'm already eager to wear those shoes again.


    Sorry to butt in to your thread with a question, but I note that you (and Bluejay) mention liking the Payless O Malley slides. I thought I would like them as well, but I've tried them on in a store on more than one occasion and went away without buying them. The fabric.band seems to want to roll under as I insert my foot and I found it very difficult to straighten out. Have you noticed any such problem with the O Malleys or is it just me?


    Hmm! Curious. I can't say I've encountered the problem you described. Don't take this the wrong way, but did you buy them in your proper size? That might be a factor.

  16. Guess what? You lucky folks get to read about....




    Jaunt #267, 5/24/2015 (morning):

    With sunshine and cool temps in the low 50's, I decided to turn the week's trip to the supermarket into a jaunt, leaving the house shortly after 8 a.m. in my denim jacket over a black tank top, the knee length button down denim skirt, the Payless "O'Malley" slides in black and a black handbag. Once again, I was eager to wear the slides which I've come to really like, moreso than I thought, they're comfortable, stylish, yet low key and casual while the four inch heels give me all the height I want. Bottom line, these are fun shoes to wear. After arriving at the market, I hopped out, grabbed a cart and walked on in, just like last Sunday, there was a fair sized crowd in the market, but I went about my business with no muss or fuss from people around me, leisurely strolling the aisles to fill my cart. I spent close to thirty minutes in the store before leaving with my parcels, saved nearly fifteen bucks to boot, can't beat that with a stick!


    Jaunt #268, 5/24/2015 (afternoon):

    Having bought a new pair of shoes at Nordstrom Rack just yesterday, a dynamic looking pair of platform wedge sandals with four inch heels in natural, I paired them with my brown t-shirt with the embroidered front, a 36 inch, brown print skirt and my beige handbag which pretty much matches the shoes. Speaking of which, the new shoes looked great on me, not to mention comfortable and easy to stand and walk in, also, this latest purchase made my sixth pair of platform wedge sandals, and I'm not sure that's enough for me as I've come to really love wearing this style of shoe, something I never would've said some three years ago when all I would wear were either "enclosed" shoes (a.k.a. pumps), loafers or boots. Back then, sandals (and now slides) would never have factored into my shoe wearing, today, I'm absolutely crazy about them. I'm also enamored with wearing long skirts, as much as I like showing off my legs, there's something about a maxi that really thrills me.


    Anyhoo, my outing took me to Parx Casino in the northeast where I haven't been since last summer if memory serves, and, as has been my tradition, all my trips there have been either in heels or heels and skirts, I've yet to wear a stitch of men's clothing in that place. The great thing about freestyling in a casino is that everyone is too engrossed with table games or slot machines to pay much, if any attention to a middle aged man in women's clothes, it was about 12:30 p.m. when I arrived, so the place was pretty much full, and no one paid me any attention. As for action on the floor, I would graviate to something like six or seven different one cent machines, didn't win much, the most I won was around sixty bucks, but hey, I go there to have fun, I never think about trying to win a king's ransom, something you can't do on a penny machine anyway. I would end up spending about an hour and a half in the place, splitting my time between attacking one-arm bandits and watching baseball on HDTV's at the bar in the middle of the gaming floor. All things considered, it was fun, especially after I left with about fifty bucks.


    Back in the car, I returned to town and drove to Rittenhouse Square. Took a good thirty minutes to find a spot some two blocks away from the park, put an hour's worth of cash in the meter and strolled to the park, I did get a few idle stares here and there, nothing more, in the park, I found a bench and busied myself checking Twitter and Facebook on my iPhone. I did have an encounter of sorts, I rail thin black man in his mid-twenties, dressed from head to toe in black, sporting long coat, fedora, a moustache and dark red lipstick, and wearing knee high lace-up boots with what looked like five or six inch platforms, he gave me a scowl and narrowed his eyes, his expression one of what I perceived as, well, mild disgust as he walked past. I found that rather ironic, given how he was dressed. However, my own face was impassive as I had no desire to pass judgment on his appearance, even while he did so with me. It was exceeding rare when my appearance elicited disgust in others, but again, taking into account how that young man was dressed, he had no business being a pot calling the kettle black, pardon the pun.


    With my time running low, I packed up and returned to my car, pleased with another successful outing, pushing the envelope by wearing another printed skirt and enjoying my new sandals which were a treat to wear. My mind was on that young man and his displeasure of my appearance, to be honest, I found it both ironic and mildly amusing, but hey, when I decided to put myself in the fishbowl, I knew encounters like that was likely to happen. Still, it was interesting in it's own way. More to come....









  17. There's a Nordstrom Rack near the King of Prussia Mall which I've visited off and on for years since they offer discounted shoes in size 13, though almost all in medium width. But I've never managed to even find, never mind buy something I liked there....until yesterday. That was when I found a super cool looking platform wedge sandal, the "Vessa" from a brand called Abound in the color natural (beige). At all of $39.95, it was a steal in itself, the style of the shoe with it's front zipper and four inch heel was eye catching, and the fit was great, perfect to wear with both short and long skirts. I'll be taking these shoes on a jaunt soon.


  18. Thanks JeffB for your approval and confidence in the O'Malley  slides. I like mine very much. I wear them every chance I get. That's why I have 3 pairs of them. I will be getting the off white ones too.


    I'm not as tall as you, being 5'11". I think the extra height is great.


    Happy Heeling,



    I have a couple of white skirts, so the O'Malley slides in natural should work well with both. If those shoes came in a dedicated white, that would be even better!


    Being tall has is downsides --  my lament, poor me….  ha ha ha….   sf


    Embrace your height, my friend!  :)

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