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Posts posted by JeffB

  1. I used to love snow when i was a kid, especially when schools closed because of the weather and I got play in it with my friends, enjoying snowball fights and whatnot. Then I grew up, became an adult and had to shovel the crap, that severely decreased my love for snow to zilch city.

  2. HappyinHeels: Well said, my friend! Everything you said makes perfect sense. Wearing dresses isn't for every guy, I consider myself extremely fortunate that I can make dresses work, and look good them, for anyone else who wants to give them a try, it's important to do everything you can to look your very best.

    Meanwhile, I ordered three sweater dresses over the weekend from JCPenney and are ready for me to pick up today. I can't wait to see how they look on me, then take them out for a spin.

  3. On 2/8/2016 at 9:37 AM, Thighbootguy said:

    Nice look JeffB.  Very conservative, which works well with the riding boots and the long jacket.

    Yes, I enjoy looking conservative at times when out and about. Suits my personality.

    On 2/8/2016 at 11:15 AM, Steve63130 said:

    <tongueincheek>JeffB, ah c'mon! That post belongs on the www.flatheeledboots.org forum, don'tchathink? Them heels need to be higher for here!</tongueincheek>

    Nice outfit, though!



    You know, I keep looking for flatheelboots.org but can never find it. HA! Meanwhile, just like those Payless slides I wore seemingly all the time last summer, it's hard to resist the clarion call of those riding boots.

    On 2/9/2016 at 3:51 AM, heelsrus2000 said:

    I would change my name to flatheelsrus, but I only recently changed this year :nono:



    See what you missed out on? Double HA!

    On 2/9/2016 at 10:32 AM, Henri1942 said:

    I agree with Steve.  Nice Outfit but definitely need higher heels.


    I'll see what I can do about that soon.

    18 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    Hey @JeffB, I found just the outfit for shoveling today's snow sprinkles.  Thigh boots and a 9" (nine inch) mini skirt (only to be worn with leggings :shocked:, it really is like a wide belt).  My hands were freezing (couldn't operate the camera with gloves on) but the rest of me was surprisingly warm. 

    How did you manage to deal with your recent blizzard?


    Cool outfit there. As for the blizzard we had, dumping nearly 23 inches worth in the city, my small street was blocked in for a couple of days, then was plowed out. Heck, I even got a couple of days off from work because of the storm, so I didn't complain.

    11 hours ago, Sydheel said:


    whats that white stuff on the ground ?

    Dont get any of that here in Sydney


    I envy you greatly.

  4. Thighmax: Good luck to you. I hope things work out with your purchases.

    Meanwhile, as I'm planning to wear dresses more because I love how they look on me, and, more importantly, how good I feel when wearing them, I'm thinking about giving a bodycon a try. Perhaps this ego, but I really think I can make a bodycon work, and I'm eager to wear one. Once I purchase one, I'll see what I can do about an outing.

  5. 14 hours ago, aristoc said:

    JeffB;                Thank you. Heels are 5.5"

    Wow! That sure is steep! I've never worn anything higher than five inches (a pair of thigh boots), and even then, infrequently as I value comfort over height since I do a goodly amount of walking and standing on my outings. How are they to walk in? And what about comfort, especially over long periods of wear?

  6. heelsrus2000: Thanks for the kind words. To answer your question, yes, that skirt is high waisted, and I rather like it that way. I have three others like that in different colors and have only one left to wear which is navy. As for why girls wear short skirts with no tights in cold weather, fashion I guess, thank goodness I'm not quite THAT fashionable! Heh! Meanwhile, I've really come around to liking pencil skirts as I love how they look on me, perhaps in time, pencil skirts will become all I wear. We'll see.

  7. Jaunt #301, 2/6/2016: Hard to believe several weeks had passed since my last outing, thanks to the demands of daily life, plus that blizzard which hit the region on January 23rd, but I finally got to go out yesterday, sporting my black faux jacket over a beige turtleneck, a burnt green corduroy skirt from Sears, black tights, the Walking Cradles "Elites" riding boots and a black handbag. Even though it was plenty chilly out, I felt perfectly comfortable, in fact, there's a certain....something about wearing a skirt on a cold day that I find rather exciting, and after arriving downtown, I saw a goodly number of women on the streets wearing skirts shorter than mine, and some of them didn't even bother with legwear or boots like I had, and that made me wish I had worn something shorter. Heh!

    After my regular stop at my friendly neighborhood comic book shop where we chatted about the upcoming Super Bowl, I headed down Walnut Street to Barnes & Noble on Rittenhouse Square, as usual, the center city area was packed with people, and, as usual, no one gave me so much as the time of day, I guess guys in skirts are a nonstarter. Double heh! After some twenty minutes in the store, leaving with an anime magazine, I headed down Chestnut to One Liberty Place where I had lunch in the building's second floor food court, packed with customers, and no one paid me any mind while I dined, then, on my way out, I walked past a Nine West on the ground floor and, as was often the case, I wished they had larger sizes as I love their shoes and boots. Oh, well. After a leisurely walk up Walnut, I returned to my car and drove into South Jersey and to the Moorestown Mall where I took in a viewing of Pride & Prejudice and Zombies in the remodeled multiplex. Had to stand in line for over five minutes, giving a couple of curious onlookers a thrill of sorts before entering the theater and taking in the movie which I enjoyed. After the movie ended, nature called, so I went to the men's room, earning me a puzzled stare from an older gentleman who left as I entered. What? He never saw a guy in a skirt go to the bathroom?

    My last stop of the day was to JCPenney at the Cherry Hill Mall for a little shopping where I bought a couple pairs of tights and a nice looking sweater dress that was discounted from $60 bucks down to under $25. Cool! Nothing like a deal! One of my goals is to wear more dresses, and I liked the one I bought a lot. You'll see it on a future outing. All in all, yet another enjoyable outing as the more I wear skirts, the more I love them and how they emphasize my passion for fashion freestyling. The footwear is simply part of my overall public appearance. More to come....



    Jaunt #301, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #301, outfit-2.jpg

    • Like 1
  8. Newkid: To give you my definition, I call freestyle fashion the practice of men openly wearing articles of women's clothing AS men, no wigs, makeup or padded bras. It might be just one particular article of clothing like a skirt, or in the case of myself, head to toe in women's wear and shoes. I'm of the opinion that freestyle fashion is open to personal interpretation and that every participant tailors the practice to his specific tastes. Like I said, that's just my definition, I'm sure others here have their own views. I hope this was of help to you.

  9. 17 hours ago, Thighmax said:

    Congratulations JeffB:  I recently bought two dresses.  I have never tried them on.  I am currently having the same problem as Guest.  My wife knows about my liking of leggings, hosiery and heeled boots but she doesn't know about the dresses.  She is not entirely fond of the boots but she has grown to accept them and the hosiery too.  Regarding the leggings, she told me that she doesn't really like to see me in them.  If I tell her about the dresses she will definitely start to think that there is something wrong with me.  

    I am going to try the dresses and see how they fit.  I don't know if I am going to like the feeling though.  I will let you know if I like how they look.

    Regarding the situation with your wife, I can only suggest that you consider her feelings and wishes on the subject of dresses and give a lot of thought as to whether or not it's worth the trouble. Good luck to you.

  10. MackyHeels: A pity you weren't able to make those booties work. Like I said, they look sharp. I can understand the problems associated with wearing five inchers, they take a goodly amount of effort and can be painful if you're not used to them. Speaking for myself, four inchers are pretty much my limit because I do a goodly amount of walking during my outings, so comfort trumps style, heck, even three inchers can look sexy if the shoe is styled right. Good luck to you.

  11. On 1/17/2016 at 10:37 PM, MackyHeels said:

    Bought two booties one RAGS & Bone Harrow in tan Suede 3" block heel

    Second bought Calvin Klein LANEIGE on 4.5" stiletto heel. This is my first attempt to wear a stiletto heel in fact did it in the department store on a busy Saturday. Felt the booties were way too narrow. Once i stood up i felt like my achilles tendon was going to stretch out and break. Soleus muscle was feeling a stretch that i never felt before only standing in these heels. Once i knew i wasn't going to topple over i began to walk looking for a mirror thus my selfie. The pain for maybe 5 minutes wearing  these heels was torture, is it normal for others for the first time also wearing heels, with this painful experience?

    Had plan before i came to the store  was wear these booties out the store when i decided to buy them.  Not wearing heels this high ever in my life and the uncomfortable feeling wearing them in the store wasn't an option. 

    After taking them off and checking out i felt a huge relief wearing my block 3"heel wishbone booties. Then the achilles began to hurt really bad again from wearing those Laneige stilettos in the store for a short time.  Hours after wearing them still feel tightness in my achilles is this normal?

    Could it be the pitch of the bootie heel is wrong for me and only will give me pain. Should i give these booties a chance or return them because i doubt i could walk comfortably  or stand for any length of time. That is why i didn't want to walk out the store with these booties thinking i wouldn't make it to my parked car.


    FullSizeRender (13).jpg

    FullSizeRender (14).jpg

    The booties in the first picture look terrific. I'm curious though, didn't they come in wide width? That might have solved your problem.

  12. 19 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:


    Another option for leg warmers is contrast. 


    I think this has too much of a schoolgirl look so I probably won't go out like this but you get the idea.  I think I have lost some weight.  The skirt is a (generous) size 14 with a little flair that is 14" long.  I just ran a 1" seam down each side taking 2" out from the waist to get it to fit and be more straight lined.

    By the way, that is the extent of the snow we got in the Cincinnati area. :fine: We really dodged the bullet.  A few miles south got dumped upon.  I've been expecting to see your picture with snow up to the top of your thigh boots. :roll:

    Hmm! That is an interesting look. As for the schoolgirl quotient, well, thigh highs are popular in Japan, so i see what you mean.  As for snow, we got hit hard, 22.4 inches, fourth highest on record, and my small street in blocked in with no way of knowing when I'll be able to drive. Oh, yeah, I have off from work today because the Navy base where I work is closed. It's a good thing cabin fever is no big deal to me.

    9 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:


    NPR just ran a story about a new Comic Book/Coffee Shop opening in Philadelphia. 


    Amalgam Comics & Coffeehouse 

    2578 Frankfort Ave

    Sounds like it is your kind of place.

    Yes, I read about that place. I might have to check it out sometime.  :)

  13. Hey there, TBG! Yeah, it's snowing plenty good right now. The forecast is for 18 to 24 inches in the city, though I'm hoping it won't be quite that bad.

    By the by, thanks for the suggestion in your previous post. Most interesting!

  14. 23 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:


    The Walgreens down here has them 2 pair for $10.  Check out your store (300 N 63RD ST) or (1 S BROAD ST).  I wear my boots when I go to my Walgreens.  They ask about them if I'm not wearing them.

    I've been to the Walgreens downtown. It used to be a Border's bookstore and it's three stories tall, easily THE biggest drug store in town, if not the region. Thanks for the info.

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