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Posts posted by JeffB

  1. swedeheeler: That's a pretty cool leather kilt there. To offer my two cents worth, I'd pair them with the OTB boots which I like most, but eschew the leggings, those might distract from the kilt or the boots, I think you can look good barelegged. As for a top, I think that something in red, perhaps a turtleneck or a crewneck sweater would work well, and, depending on the temperature, perhaps a black leather jacket to match. I hope these suggestions will be of some help to you.

  2. TBG: HA! Funny! To be honest, I haven't played hoops in years. However, I have seen louder looking sneaks than those in stores! :giggle:

    Jaunt #304, 3/19/2016: This doesn't happen very often, but, every now and then, I approach an outing with a specific goal, a particular objective in mind, and such was the case yesterday as I had what could be best described as a mad desire to stroll through a crowded mall in a skirt. The outfit in question for the jaunt was my black faux leather jacket over a red crewneck sweater, the knee length denim button down skirt, the Walking Cradles "Elites" riding boots and a handbag. Leaving home on what was to be a somewhat brief trip because of the day's NCAA games, I drove straight into South Jersey and headed to the Cherry Hill Mall which is usually crowded on a late Saturday morning. After parking, I walked into JCPenney's and strolled right into the mall itself, and yeah, it was pretty packed, my first stop was the food court near Penney's for lunch, treating myself to pizza and a bottle of water. Lots of people were enjoying lunch but no one paid me any attention as I wandered about looking for place to sit and eat.

    Once I finished, I proceeded to go about on a slow, leisurely stroll through the mall, passing by scores of people, no one giving me so much as a glance, not even in the center of the mall which overflowed with kids and their parents taking pictures with the Easter Bunny (what with Easter next Sunday) and enjoying Easter themed activities. Continuing on my stroll, I swung into the Apple Store to check out all the gadgets and related stuff for a good fifteen minutes or so, I did make a purchase there, that being a new cover for my iPad Air, sixty bucks, but it was pretty nice. Leaving the store, I sat in a chair outside and fiddled around on my phone for any new emails for some fifteen minutes while people passed, no big deal, finally, I went back the way I came, going past more throngs of people with no reactions whatsoever, whether or not they did double takes after I passed them, I have no idea. All in all, I spent well over an hour in the mall before heading back home, surrounded by scores of people, and the world didn't come to a screaming halt, but then, I never expected that to happen. As I've said many times before in this thread, as long as you dress appropriately for the surroundings you're in, and act calm and cool like you belong, regardless of how you're dressed, you can indeed get away with wearing a skirt in just about any environment.

    Satisfied with how well and uneventful this outing went, I plan to do this again, but at a much larger mall in the future, namely King of Prussia. More to come....

    Jaunt #304, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #304, outfit-2.jpg

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, yoyo said:

    No, this is a 6 inch heel (15.5 cm). Its very high !

    So, comfortable?  Would say yes, but need to take and spray shoe eze before. 45 is a little big for me, and 44 a little small.

    Six inches? Whew! That's too steep for me as I stop at five inches. But hey, good for you for being able to wear them.

  4. 2 hours ago, yoyo said:

    new pair ! because a wanted very good quality boots, i go to gianrico mori ebay store.


    img_7911.jpg img_7912.jpg img_7913.jpg

    img_7916.jpg img_7915.jpg img_7914.jpg

    italian quality, very fast delivery, nothing to see with aliexpress ! TOP quality service .

    Very nice. How high are the heels? Five inches? What about comfort?

  5. 4 hours ago, heelsrus2000 said:

    A very well put together outfit yet again ;)  just don't leave it so long between jaunts next time :) 

    Thanks for the kind words. As for future outings, with the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament, a.k.a. "March Madness" about to start, my weekends will be busy for the next few weeks.  

    • Like 1
  6. CPB: Thanks for the kind words.

    Jaunt #303, 3/12/2016: It seems like it's been awhile since my last outing, but with mostly sunny skies and mild temps yesterday, I headed out on a jaunt, wearing a favorite out being my denim jacket over a short sleeved red t-shirt, my black denim pencil skirt, the Payless "Karmen" pumps in black patent and a black handbag. Like I said, I've worn this outfit, or a variation of same a few times before and I find it enjoyable since it's a pleasant mix of casual and dressy.

    As usual, being downtown, no one gave me so much as the time of day which is always cool because people treat me no different from anyone else. Parking about a block from Rittenhouse Square, I fed the meter and walked to the nearby Barnes & Noble where I spent a solid twenty minutes before leaving with an anime magazine. I then headed into the park which was full of people enjoying the nice weather and is always a great place to hang out and watch the world go by. Finding a bench, I sat and started reading my magazine when a twentysomething lady said to me in passing with a smile, "I like your shoes." I smiled back and thanked her, pleased to have gotten a compliment. I guess that black patent does attract the eye. Heh!

    After nearly an hour in the park with loads of people walking by, I returned to my car and drove over into South Jersey where I had lunch at Wendy's at Moorestown Mall before going to the multiplex to see Deadpool for a second time. Man, what a wild and crazy fun movie that was! From there, I casually strolled through the Mall, fairly packed with shoppers on a Saturday afternoon and did a wee bit of shopping in Sears, but not for women's wear, instead, I was in the men's department as I bought some undershirts, quite the unusual congruence, wearing women's clothes while buying men's stuff. I don't think I've ever done that before. HA! From there, it was back home to watch local college hoops team Villanova play Seton Hall in the Big East championship.

    I know I've said this often, but it never fails to feel good to wear skirts and heels in public without attract negative attention, hell attract much if any attention at all. But when I do get a compliment like that lady who appreciated my shoes, that says that I'm doing things right when I put together outfits for my outings. And that's important to me as I seek to look my very best. More to come....

    Jaunt #303, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #303, outfit-2.jpg

    • Like 3
  7. On March 9, 2016 at 8:05 PM, jetheelsfan said:

    When did the color white fall out of favor as a "spring/summer" must have?  At one time as a lad, all the ladies and girls my age all wore white shoes starting on Easter Sunday through Labor Day.  There was nothing like a pair of classic pumps in white.  White still rocks!


    I think women have been experimenting with colors other than white, wanting to broaden their horizons with brighter colors and/or pastels while white is seen as dull and boring, something mom and grandma wear. Then there's the matter of keeping white shoes clean which can be something of a bear. But, that's just my opinion.

  8. 3 hours ago, heelsrus2000 said:

    No jaunts of late? Is everything okay? :(

    Not to worry, everything is just fine. I've just been busy (and a tad lazy), so opportunities to go out and about have been far and few inbetween. However, I hope to go out again soon.

    • Like 1
  9. On 2/21/2016 at 9:10 AM, Thighbootguy said:

    I'm patiently waiting for "jeans and/or pants" to be replaced with "skirts and/or dresses" to see what is next. :cool:

    Hmm! I haven't thought that far ahead!  :giggle:

  10. 5 hours ago, Schnubab said:

    Hey TBG, the jeans are a little thick around my ankles so I wanted to avoid tucking them in as they appeared almost 'forced' in, but I do want to try it with a better fitting pair of jeans.

    Peter1, they are a pair of Steve Madden Akademi booties.


    Were those men's jeans you wore in that picture? Perhaps you might consider women's jeans instead as they would give you a slimmer, sleeker profile to pair with your booties.

  11. Impala: To add my two cents worth, it's important to be confident and comfortable in your own skin, regardless of what you choose to wear, and, not to care what the rest of world thinks about your attire. At the end of the day, it's only shoes which everyone wears, who cares if yours comes from the women's side of the store. When you arrive at the realization that 99% of the world shows little to no interest in what you're wearing, any concerns you might have melt away, and that's when the fun ramps up greatly. As someone who not only wears heels but skirts on my outings, I practice what I preach. Good luck to you!

    • Like 1
  12. Thighmax: Thanks for the kind words. I spend a good deal of time experimenting with outfits until I put together something I like that looks good on me, and looking good is VERY important to me when I go out on my little adventures.

    heelsrus2000: That's quite the nice look you've presented. While I certainly do like pencil skirts, I like to have a wide variety of styles in my closet for any and all occasions. As for those "weekend doubleheaders", we'll see.

    HappyinHeels: Good question. The reason I buy my shoes in Pennsylvania is because the Payless stores in New Jersey don't offer anything in size 13, taxes were never a factor for me. As for buying clothes, I shop in PA and Jersey with equal delight. Heh!

    • Like 1
  13. 20 hours ago, heelsrus2000 said:

    A gorgeous skirt, Jeff! Very nicely coordinated outfit, I need to get a more mature look as well. Considering the weather,  I don't think it is too dressy. I do like my straight skirts  but your overall attire has got me thinking about a change of fashion to something more delicate and not so corporate. Great heels as well :wink: 

    Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad that my latest ensemble gave you an idea or two. Good luck!

    18 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    As usual, great look. I think the addition of some neckwear would be a nice touch.

    If your going to wear a long skirt where the tops of the boots disappear under the skirt, you might as well wear your thigh boots just because they're fun. :happy:

    Hmm! Not a bad idea! I'll take that under advisement. And perhaps I'll buy some neckwear too!

  14. It's occurred to me that if I hadn't started wearing skirts (and now dresses), I might have lost interest in heeling. I mean, how many times can you pair heels with plain old jeans and/or pants before things get boring? But, with skirts and dresses, the options and combinations are literally limitless, it's not at all uncommon for me to spend an hour or more pairing skirts with heels, hosiery and tops to assemble outfits prior to my little adventures, and that's a whole lot of fun for me. With skirts, the choices in terms of length, color, fabric and style are many and varied, they bring out my inner fashionista because I strive to look nothing less than my very best while in public, something that was never quite as important to me when all I wore were jeans. And now that I'm wearing skirts full time on my outings, I'm having more fun heeling than ever before.

  15. Jaunt #302, 2/20/2016: Nothing like unseasonably pleasant February weather on a Saturday, what with sunshine and temps in the upper 50's for an outing, so I headed out in my denim jacket over a cream colored turtleneck, a black, 34 inch A-line skirt, the Pleaser "Vanity" knee boots and a black handbag. I must say it sure felt good to be back in a proper pair of heels for the first time since New Year's Eve, and pairing them with that long skirt was a real treat as it made for a charming outfit. Of course, that brought up a bit of a conundrum about looking so, well, dressy on a Saturday when most choose to go the casual route, but it's at times hard to resist the urge to dress up and look fancy, it makes me feel good, and that increases the overall enjoyment of my outings.

    Anyhoo, my first stop of the day was to a branch of my bank to withdraw a mildly sizable sum of money to pay my real estate tax bill. At the counter, the lady who waited on me was most cheerful as she waited on me, she even complimented me on my handbag, whether she noticed the skirt of boots I have no idea, but it was cool to have gotten a compliment and, with a grin, I thanked her before I left. From there, it was off to the main branch of the city's Post Office to buy a money order to pay said tax bill, other than getting a long, puzzled look from an older Asian couple who left the building as I entered, no one gave me the time of day during the twenty minutes I was there, and there was quite the crowd, what with half a dozen people in line ahead of me and a dozen more in another area waiting to get passport pictures taken. After leaving the Post Office, I drove over into South Jersey and the Moorestown Mall area where I had lunch at Boston Market, their pulled BBQ chicken sandwich is very tasty. Then it was movie time at the nearby multiplex, chock full of people as I went to see Deadpool. Man! Talk about a wild a crazy movie, best time I've had watching a film in a long time. My last stop of the day was to Sears for some shopping, but not for clothes (SURPRISE!), rather in the electronics section to buy a Roku 3 for my bedroom TV. For anyone unfamiliar with Roku, it's a box that you hook up to your TV and via the Internet, you can stream all sorts of TV shows, movies and anime. I've wanted one for a long time, so I went and bought it.

    As usual, it was enjoyable to come and go as I pleased without incident, mild or otherwise, and that's certainly terrific. It makes everything I do before I step out the door worthwhile. More to come....

    Jaunt #302, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #302, outfit-2.jpg

  16. Thighmax: I'm rather proud of the image I present in a dress, otherwise, I wouldn't wear them. Like you, I feel quite natural in them and I love how I look, especially sweater dresses. As far as figures are concerned, I'll admit I do cheat a wee bit by wearing a body briefer which helps shape and smooth my physique, giving me a slimmer profile. Lastly, I regularly clock in at around 225 pounds, but, I also stand six foot two inches, so my physique is adequately proportionate to my height. And that helps make wearing dresses easier.

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