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Posts posted by JeffB

  1. 11 hours ago, Heelster said:

    I found that out recently too!

    For some strange reason, I spotted these black fleece lined leggings at of all places - A Rural King store. Priced on sale at $3.99, so I figured 'what the hell' and bought a pair. These leggings are freakin warm. Kinda chilly in these parts so I decided to see how they worked with a denim mini and some tall boots. Granted, I'm hangin around the house, but these leggings are warm.

    I can see why the lady's wear them out in the winter. I was outside in 5 degree evening with a wind chill of -8 degrees, and I was pretty comfortable.

    Think I'll grab a couple more pairs.

    Hmm! Fleece lined leggings! Methinks I'll have to investigate that. Sounds like something that would certainly come in handy now that winter has fully reasserted itself in my neck of the woods.

    11 hours ago, Heelster said:

    Ummmmm - - - Ain't workin for me. Maybe I need a drink so I can see it better.

    Well, that sort of look isn't for everyone, I'll grant you that.

    10 hours ago, HappyinHeels said:


    I'm impressed as to the detailed numbers sorted by type of outfit and accompanying footwear. It looks like your "jaunt diary" converted into numbers. You may well be the forum leader as to the combinations worn and the frequency in a particular area. I have worn most of the same things but have tried to take my heels along and wear them in different cities, states, and countries. I also like to do as many different things as  possible in them from eating in restaurants, cooking meals at home, driving, shopping, etc. I believe a lot of us probably create a mental log of what we've done but you have memorialized it to a magnificent degree. Please continue the great tradition.  HappyinHeels

    Thanks for the kind words. I was in a numbers detailed position back when I was in the Navy (Storekeeper), so that love for numbers carried over into my outings. One of my goals is to broaden my horizons and go to other places and indulge in other activities so I don't fall into any sort of rut. And yes, I will indeed continue my tradition.

  2. Thanks for the kind words, heelsrus2000. Much appreciated. I'll check out that link when I can. I'm really glad I bought those riding boots which have been fun to wear. Meanwhile, I've come to appreciate wearing pencil skirts and the like, they really suit me and the image I want to portray as a freestyler, and yes, I definitely want to wear more dresses!

  3. And now, with 300 jaunts in the book, I present for your reading pleasure----THE NUMBERS!


    • 2008: 10
    • 2009: 42
    • 2010: 28
    • 2011: 61
    • 2012: 34
    • 2013: 33
    • 2014: 45
    • 2015: 46
    • 2016: 1 (and counting)


    • Skirts: 217 (above knee-150, below knee-50, at knee-17)
    • Jeans: 63 (tucked in boots-39, untucked-24)
    • Skorts: 9
    • Dresses: 5
    • Capris: 4
    • Pants: 1
    • Long Sweaters: 1


    • Payless shoes: 175
    • Other shoes: 125
    • Boots: 106 (knee high-59, thigh high-45, ankle high-2)
    • Pumps: 96
    • Loafers: 37
    • Flats: 24
    • Sandals: 20
    • Slides: 17


    • Skirts: 72.4
    • Jeans: 21.0
    • Skorts: 3.0
    • Dresses: 1.6
    • Capris: 1.4
    • Pants: 0.3
    • Long Sweaters: 0.3
    • Boots: 35.3
    • Pumps: 32.0
    • Loafers: 12.3
    • Flats: 8.0
    • Sandals: 6.6
    • Slides: 5.8
    • Like 1
  4. 22 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:
    22 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    Nice look JeffB.  You you are correct, "dressing" is fun.  I have a couple of similar dresses in muted colors and I find that they look better with a belt.  In fact one of mine came with a belt.

    They do lend a casual look, but I miss the heels.:roll:  And, you have to find a cropped jacket.

    Hmm! It never occurred to me to pair my dress with a belt. Interesting! I might have to give that a try. At this time of year, sweater dresses are the best bet because they look nice, and keep one warm when properly accessorized. Like I said, I'm eager to wear dresses more because I enjoy them. And yes, I'm still looking for that cropped jacket.

    17 hours ago, heelsrus2000 said:

    I love the dress. Jeff! It seems there's a lot more people 'freestyling' out there, thanks to Instagram I came across this guy who travels the world, often skirted. I love his skater skirt, and I think I might get one next if I can break the addiction of pencil skirts (I find they fit me so well!) You could try a belt with a dress, or even a skater dress which I think would suit your figure. Look forward to your next jaunt as always :P 12301257_459979187544608_1948682888_n.jpg


    Well, that's certainly an interesting look, even though I'm not a fan of his thick legs or choice of footwear. Still, a skater skirt might make for an interesting change of pace from what I usually wear. I will take that under consideration. Thanks!

  5. Jaunt #300, 1/16/2016: What a way to kick off my 2016 adventures with my 300th outing, by wearing a dress, namely my black, cowl neck sweater dress which I paired with my black leather jacket, footless gray tights, the Walking Cradles "Elites" riding boots and a handbag. Even though it was fairly chilly, despite a goodly amount of sunshine, I felt perfectly warm and comfortable in my outfit. Let me tell you right off the bat, as much as I love wearing skirts on my outings, there's a certain....something about being in a dress that is more exciting and enjoyable than I can describe, and basic black suits me to perfection. Now, why my flat heeled boots? Well, beyond the fact I like wearing them, I thought they lent a more casual air for a Saturday. But, on this day, it was all about the dress and how much fun it was to wear it.

    My first stop of the day was to my friendly neighborhood comic book shop where I discussed the myriad problems with the Philadelphia Eagles with the staff, if there's a reason I go there as much as I do is because I can chat sports, and that's a treat for me. Leaving the store, I headed down Walnut Street, packed with shoppers and pedestrians and, predictably, pretty much no one gave me so much as the time of day, something I've come to expect on my outings, walking into the Rittenhouse Square Barnes & Noble, I was greeted at the door by the security guard who was a woman who smiled and said, "Nice dress." I smiled and thanked her for the compliment. After some thirty minutes in the store, I left with the newest issues of Sports Illustrated and ESPN the Magazine and returned to my car little under half a mile away, swing by a convenience store to buy a newspaper and a Powerball Lottery ticket. Back in the car, I drove over the Ben Franklin Bridge into South Jersey and the Moorestown Mall area where I had lunch at Boston Market, dining on their pulled BBQ chicken carver sandwich, darn good! From there, it was off to Sears where I shopped for and bought bed linen which they had on sale and bought two sets for about $40 bucks before taxes, after that, I wandered into the mall itself on nothing more than a lark. Even though it was well after Christmas, the place was fairly full with shoppers, and while I did catch a few stares and second glances here and there, otherwise, no big deal.

    With NFL playoff action some forty-five mintues away, I went back to the car and drove home, otherwise, I most likely would've stayed out longer than I had, but hey, being a slave to sports is a cross I don't mind bearing. Heh! The experience of wearing a dress was positively exhilirating and, like I said earlier, it was great fun. I amazed myself with how at ease it was to wear that dress and, more importantly, how natural it felt, moreso in some ways than skirts which I've fully devoted myself to on my adventures. One thing's for certain, I most definitely intend to wear dresses more on future outings. More to come, including THE NUMBERS....

    Jaunt #300, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #300, outfit-2.jpg

    • Like 1
  6. robbiehhw: It doesn't matter to me that something I wear is seen on younger women, if I like it, and it does the job intended (keeping me warm), then I'll wear it.

    heelsrus2000: I've worn footless tights from time to time, makes wearing boots more comfortable, especially with my Pleaser boots which are only regular width.

    • Like 1
  7. On 1/11/2016 at 4:41 PM, heelsrus2000 said:

    Any jaunts on the horizon or is it not mini skirt weather? :wink:

    Been busy of late, but I hope to be out and about again soon. To answer your question: Yes, it IS miniskirt weather! Just as long as you layer up!

    On 1/12/2016 at 9:11 PM, Thighbootguy said:

    You'd be surprised how warm leggings and thigh boots are (which go well with a mini).  I was out in 10F weather with a bulky sweater, scarf, leather coat, earmuffs, gloves, thigh boots leggings and a mini.  When I went into Sam's Club I had to take the coat, gloves, and earmuffs off because I was too warm.

    TBG is right! Leggings makes wearing a short skirt easier, warmer too! HA!

  8. On 1/7/2016 at 11:42 AM, aristoc said:

    Only fairly recently added a pair of thigh boots to my wardrobe, but so far getting a real buzz wearing them. While my confidence level is in no way near approaching that of TBG and JeffB ("May The Force Be With You"), I have been out and about a few times teamed with skinny jeans and jacket.



    Although not usually a fan of tights or fishnets, I think they actually go quite well with a short skirt and thigh boots! I would probably not dare go out and about in public like this but did go to a private club event recently. Only a short walk from where we parked the car to the club and it was dark, so can't really claim this as a public outing. Fun though!!







    Well done, my friend! Your pictures looked great! I was glad to have read that you enjoyed wearing thigh boots, TBG turned me onto them and they're absolutely great, especially when paired with a short skirt, something I find to be a fantastic combination. The last two pictures were most intriguing, definitely more for a party or club atmosphere than a simple walk through a downtown area like I specialize in, but you made it work. Hopefully, the more you wear your boots in an everyday sort of environment, the more confidence you'll achieve, and the more fun you'll have.

  9. hernaezjames: That's a nice and casual outfit. What brand of pumps were you wearing?

    freestyle75: Cool skirt there! I'm not much for stripes, but that top worked with your skirt. Like Thighbootguy, the clunky heels on your boots didn't move the needle for me, but hey, as long as you enjoyed being in your outfit, that's the important thing.

  10. 18 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    Hey JeffB;

    Nice necklace!

    I'm still surprised the casino doesn't recognize you as a "habitual winner". Certainly you are memorable enough when your not winning money from them.  If I ever do the casino thing I'd like you to be with me.

    Now how would you have wanted to be greeted?  I'm often greeted as "Hon" but mostly by people that know me. The only time Sir offends me is when is is given as "SIR" as a disapproval of the contradiction of styles I present and that the greeter is insisting he knows I'm a guy (and should look like one).

    She got it right.  Great boots JeffB.


    Isn't that a letdown.  You get all dressed up with a mini skirt and thigh boots and no one pays nay attention.  Some day when this becomes a commonplace thing (guy in skirt and boots), you'll have to do something really different like a suit and wingtips.:roll:


    Kidding aside, that really is a good look.  Had I seen you I'd have given you a "Nice Boots" comment.

    TBG: Well, I can't exactly call myself a "habitual winner" since I only go there two, three, maybe four times a year max, and there have been times I came away with a pittance. It's just about having fun. I know it's proper to be called "sir", I still found that humorous, heh! Meanwhile, thanks for the kind words, I really should wear my thigh boots more, they're such fun, especially with short skirts!

    17 hours ago, CAT said:

    Awesome outfit Jeff.  Thigh high boots and a mini always a favorite for me!!  Winning money is always great. I wore the longest skirt I own for NYE in Chicago and a pair of awesome pumps.  My GF said she never thought I would wear anything but a mini!!!  Was a great night although I did admit in my post I was cold!   You have great pics outfits and outings!!!

    Thanks for the compliment. I'm kinda surprised at how easy it's become for me to wear a miniskirt and thigh boots in public. And it's great fun as well!

    14 hours ago, Mr. X said:

    Shorter skirts and Red Lobster.  Now you are speaking my language Jeff.  We all know what the lady at Red Lobster was thinking but what about the lobsters in the tank Lol  I'll tell you what I'm thinking.  Your outfit looks great!  Well done!

    Thanks much. It's always great to get compliments on what I wear, makes me realize that I'm doing things right when it comes to putting outfits together.

    8 hours ago, Steve63130 said:

    Great outfit, JeffB! Well done.


    Much appreciated!

  11. Jaunt #299, 12/31/2015: After days of cloudy, gloomy and damp weather, the sun returned, so I decided to close out the year with a jaunt, attired in my black faux leather jacket over a red turtleneck, a black 16 inch denim miniskirt, the Payless "Legend" 4 inch heeled thigh boots and a black handbag. Even though there was a bit of a nip in the air, I felt perfectly comfortable in my outfit as I headed out to Parx Casino to spend a few coins. After arriving in the casino's parking lot and headed to the building, passing by a bus stand where a couple of people gave me a long look as I walked past. Entering the building, I was warmly greeted by a casino employee with "Welcome to Parx, sir" (I found it humorous to be called "sir" while in a short skirt and heels, but hey, no big deal), I saw right away there was a large crowd in the building as I guess patrons had off for New Year's Eve, but few paid me little to no mind as I strolled past since they were busy working one armed bandits, while at an ATM, a middle aged black woman standing next to me at another machine looked at my skirt, grinned and said, "Honey, aren't you cold in that thing?" I chuckled and said I was felt comfortable. She chuckled and said I looked sharp and I thanked her.

    An observation I made right away while seated at a slot machine, it didn't matter to me that my skirt rode up while I sat, showing plenty of thigh while my legs were crossed at the knee, quite a change from the first time I wore a mini with thigh boots and was scared to sit, now I didn't care that I was being something of an exhibitionist, this was simply a by-product that came from wearing a short skirt, to be honest, I kinda liked being a showoff, but no one paid me any attention. Meanwhile, in the gaming department, I was about an hour into my star before I got lucky and won about $137 on a one penny machine, I cashed out immediately pocketed my winnings and called it a day, fortunate to have won a little moolah. Feeling hungry, I returned to my car and drove back into town and then into Springfield as I had a mad hankering for seafood, and I sated that need at Red Lobster. The restaurant was fairly full and bustling as I was led to a booth where I chowed down on a three shrimp combo with salad and bread and a tall glass of lemonade. Ahh, good! On way out the door, I paused to stare at a large tank with live lobsters and I heard a female voice from behind me whisper, "Wow! Check out those boots!" Without turning around, I smirked as I strolled out the door.

    It certainly felt good to close out the year with a jaunt, especially an outing where I won a little money. HA! More importantly, I felt emboldened from being able to wear a dynamic outfit like a miniskirt and thigh boots in public, something I really enjoy. More to come....

    Jaunt #299, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #299, outfit-2.jpg

    • Like 4
  12. 19 hours ago, Steve63130 said:

    Hey, cool boots, mister!



    Heh! Thanks!

    17 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:


    Great choice of venue.  I was getting tired of the comic book shop (not really but the change is great).  Three hours probably didn't scratch the surface of seeing the Philadelphia Art Museum.  Three days may be a better estimate if you want to see the whole thing (and that's if you hurry).  I'm sure the museum would be honored to have you as a member.

    Great look as usual but some neck wear might be a nice touch.

    Complements are always nice but getting one from a young lady is especially notable.

    Well, comic books are one of my hobbies, and I enjoy going to that shop because we talk not just comics but local sports as well. Yes, I agree that just three hours at the Art Musuem just wasn't enough, and I honestly thought it would, probably thought the same thing back in August and I was wrong then too. But, hey, just gives me a reason to go back, and I still haven't been to the restaurant or Museum Store yet. Then there's the Barnes Foundation which opened earlier this year. I might have to give that place a looksee as well.

  13. 11 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    I am looking forward to my first long sweaters. I have these coming in the mail on Wednesday. I can't wait to try them out. I hope they look 1/10th as good on me as they do on the model, who is a total CUTIE. Can anyone say "impulse shopping?"



    Interesting! Please be sure to let us know how those sweaters work out for you.

  14. Happy holidays to you, Mlroseplant! Regarding your comments on heels and height, I'm 6'2" in my bare feet, so I darn sure don't need to wear heels for additional height, I wear them for the simple fact that I enjoy them. Now, I'll admit to some vanity in that I kinda get a kick out standing head and shoulders over the crowd as I approach 6'7" in five inchers, still, it's all about the true fun of wearing heels. Always has been. Enjoy your passion, my friend.

  15. Jaunt #298, 12/28/2015: The weather here continues being on a roller coaster, after temps tickling 70 on Sunday, it was no better than 45 and chilly on Monday, good conditions for a jaunt as I decided to visit the Art Museum, attired in my black leather jacket over a black mockneck, a 34 inch A-line light wool skirt in grey, the Pleaser "Vanity" 4 inch heeled knee boots and a matching handbag. While I probably didn't have to dress up for my outing, I chose to as I wanted to sport a classy look for my visit to the museum. After parking in the nearby garage, I did attract a few stares from people on a double decker city tour bus that passed by while on my way to the museum, once inside, I drew no stares, even though the place was plenty full of people, including kids as there were holiday themed events for little ones. Wandering through the museum has become quite an enjoyable experience, mostly because despite my best efforts, it seems I never see everything the place has to offer and I see something new that I hadn't seen on my previous outing back in late August.

    Another fun component of being at the museum are the wooden and tile floors, allowing me to hear that wonderful sound of my heels clicking on the surfaces, a winner in my book. I was an hour into my visit when a woman in I guessed was her forties told me I looked stylish and that she loved my skirt, I smiled and thanked her for the compliment, leaving me silently pleased that I had decided to dress up. Among the holiday events at the museum was a performance by a high school choir and I sat down amidst a large crowd in the main hall to listen to the choir and they were very good. During a break between performances, the choir members wandered through the museum, near the Asian art area, I ran into one of those singers, a girl who grinned at me and said, "Cool boots, mister!" I grinned back and said I liked the choir and she giggled. Once again, I've shown that if you dress nicely and look appropriate for your surroundings, you can be accepted for your appearance, regardless of if you're a man in a skirt and heels, and I love to look nice, it's the only way to go for me.

    After little over three hours in the place, I finally left, convinced I still hadn't seen everything, again, but hey, that simply means another visit in the future as I've really come to enjoy the museum for all the amazing works of art it offers. Perhaps I'll sign up for a membership and save some cash on future outings there. More to come....

    Jaunt #298, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #298, outfit-2.jpg

  16. 19 hours ago, kneehighs said:

    JeffB--Merry Christmas!  I was just in Philadelphia a couple of days ago...Barnes and Noble in Rittenhouse Square reminded me of you.  So easy to find a spot to sit there!

    Really? Cool beans! I hope you enjoyed your visit to my fair city! Happy holidays to you as well!

    13 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    JeffB - Merry Christmas  post-928-133522876626_thumb.jpg

    HA! I like that! Many thanks! Happy holidays!

  17. 20 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:


    That is an excellent outfit to meet your goal of blending in, especially in a Christmas shopping crowd that is intent on their shopping and nothing else.  The outfit looks great.  You might add some neckware for a little accent.  I wouldn't worry about going to a larger mall in this shopping season, except for getting trampled.

    Thanks for the kind words. As you know, I go to great pains to make sure I look as tasteful and stylish as possible. As for neckwear, I had forgotten all about that! I'll have to remember to add a pendant for a future outing.

    11 hours ago, mwhh said:

    Great outfits.  Given the beginning of the adjustments in current social attitudes towards mixing fashions, it's not surprising that you elicited little reaction to your your choice of clothing.

    Just out of curiosity, if you are going to visit your relatives over the holidays, how are you going to dress?

    Well, I'll be visiting with the family on Christmas Day, but will wear men's stuff as my relatives don't know about my freestyling. Perhaps I'll tell them about that one day. Perhaps.

  18. Jaunt #297, 12/21/2015: The first day of winter found temps in the mid 50's under partly sunny skies, so I headed out to take care of a couple errands and otherwise enjoying being out and about, my outfit of choice being my denim jacket over a magenta mockneck, a 34 inch black A-line light wool skirt, the Pleaser "Vanity" four inch heeled knee boots and a black handbag. As is often the case, it's fun to dress up and hit the road and I made sure my outfit was appropriate for the conditions. Heading west into Springfield, my first stop was to Best Buy, always fun for me as I get to wander about to ogle all the gadgets and geegaws, because of the upcoming holiday, the store was more crowded than usual at 11 a.m. when I arrived, while in the movie section, a twentysomething female salesperson walked past and said she liked my boots, I smiled and thanked her for the compliment. Half an hour later, I headed to the register with season one of Game Of Thrones on Blu-Ray that was on sale for $29.99, now I can finally find out what all the fuss is about this show.

    My next stop was a strip mall little under a mile down the road when I took care of three tasks, task one was buying cards for relatives at the Hallmark Store that I'd deliver in person at a family gathering Christmas morning; task two was at FedEx Office to ship off a small package to someone in the state, and should get there on Christmas Eve; task three was lunch at Olive Garden, there was a good crowd there too, but no one paid me any notice as I was taken to a table where I would enjoy an entree of Chicken Alfredo, and it was plenty darn good, especially with a tall glass of raspberry lemonade. Yum! My last stop of the day was further down the road at the Springfield Mall, it took a few minutes to find a parking space as the place was packed to the nines, good a time as any to wander through a mall, and yeah, the place was just as full with shoppers, but I strolled through with no gasps, stares or double takes, my objective was the calendar kiosk to buy my 2016 calendars, Chuck Norris for home and Dilbert for my cubicle at work. From there, I simply wandered through the mall, including Macy's, even though Springfield Mall is small, almost tiny compared to King of Prussia and Cherry Hill, being able to blend in with multitudes of shoppers without incident was most satisfying and enjoyable. Perhaps I might push the envelope and try my luck at one of those larger malls, just to see what happens.

    Once again, if you dress tastefully and appropriately for your surroundings, you should be able to blend in like I had done, and that made the experience, like all my experiences great fun. More to come....

    Jaunt #297, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #297, outfit-2.jpg

  19. 4 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    It is a good thing you didn't take a picture.  It would have been in violation of Liberty Place's "Code of Conduct" (#3- Photography, videotaping, asking for signatures or other entertainment are not approved by mall management).

    I agree with the "festively dressed young woman collecting for The United Way"  - Awesome look.

    I still wish you would look around for a cropped jacket though.  I just recently found a leather one and it has quickly become my favorite. (The ones I had were denim.)  It was a $10 thrift store find where I also found a full length leather coat that fits like a glove for $15.  I just had the radiator replaced on my car and the shop was about a mile from my house.  I wore the short coat and boots when I dropped the car off and walked home, and the long coat and taller boots when I walked back to pick it up.  For that much walking, both boots were low heeled.   (I could have taken the bus, but the exercise did me good... and it was fun being out).

    I'm working on that jacket, not to worry. Hopefully, I'll manage to find one before winter ends. As for picture taking, lots of people were snapping pics of the tree, so it's no big deal.

  20. On 12/19/2015 at 2:06 AM, heelsrus2000 said:

    Looks great! It has been unseasonably warm around these parts too, especially for December. A great reason to go without any tights. I am back home now (temporary accommodation ), but won't hijack the thread lest others start to kick off... I would stare at such an outfit as it looks so good, and you have the confidence to make it work! You do you, hun :wink:

    Thanks much! I do as best I can, and have fun while I'm at it!

    12 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    Great look JeffB!  Did you get a haircut or are you just getting old and the gray doesn't show? (Been there done that [the getting old part]).

    As a matter of fact, I did get a haircut last Friday, but the gray does indeed show. Oh, well, what can you do?

    Jaunt #296, 12/19/2015: It's amazing the difference a week makes. Last Saturday, temps were in the mid 60's, allowing me to go barelegged on an outing. Fast forward to yesterday when, despite plenty of sunshine, the mercury struggled to crack 40 while a stiff wind made it feel a good deal colder. Of course, that encouraged me to go out and brave the elements, attired in my black leather jacket over a red turtleneck, a 20 inch dark denim pencil skirt, black leggings, the Payless "Tara" knee boots and my new black leather tote bag that I bought at Sears the week before. Despite how biting cold it was, I felt perfectly warm and toasty in my ensemble, and that made me feel plenty good inside, proving that you can indeed wear skirts in frosty conditions and still be warm as long as you dress well and dress smart.

    My first stop of the day was to a local branch of my bank to take care of some minor business, while I waited to served, a teller approached me and, with a smile, said my skirt was cute and looked good on me, I smiled back and thanked her. From there, it was off to my usual stomping grounds in center city, because of the holiday crowds, it took half an hour to find a place to park, however, because the city suspended meter feedings on Saturday mornings after 11 a.m. during the holiday season, I was able to hang out downtown much longer than I usually do. After a good twenty minutes or so in the comic shop complete with more chatting about the Eagles, Philly sports teams and the trailer for the new Star Trek film coming out in 2016, I stuffed the four comics I bought in my new bag and headed down Walnut Street and into the heart of the crowd which was considerably large with shoppers, and because it was so large, I was able to blend in to perfection, something I always strive for on my outings. I headed down Walnut at a casual pace, then, on a whim, I walked over to Chestnut Street and The Shops at Liberty Place, a very popular place downtown to visit with shops on the ground floor (along with a huge, well decorated artificial tree in the rotunda at Christmastime) and a food court on the second floor where I went for lunch. 

    In all the years I've been doing freestyling adventures, it had never occured to me to visit Liberty Place, but today, I did, oh, sure, I did get a few stares here and there as I walked through the shopping area and to the escalator to the second floor, but that was to be expected, and was no big deal. Buying a corned beef special at Bain's Deli with a bottle of iced tea, it took a couple of minutes to find a table to sit at as the food court was just as crowded as the shopping area downstairs and ate at my leisure, as I left, I passed by a black woman who looked to be a few years younger than me and nodded appreciably as I walked past. Going back downstairs, I spent a few of minutes appreciating the tree, even though it never occured to me to take pictures while I had the change. Tsk on me. Leaving Liberty Place, I headed over to Walnut and headed back to my car, stopping to put a couple of dollars in a basket of a festively dressed young woman collecting for The United Way, she smiled and said I looked awesome before thanking me for my little contribution and I smiled back. By the time I got back to my car, and I had been in center city well over two hours and it had been an enjoyable experience, but, the day wasn't over as I drove over the Ben Franklin Bridge as I had a stop to make in the Moorestown Mall area.

    My one and only stop there was to the Barnes & Noble where I had ordered the just released Blu-Ray version of The Car, a schlocky 1977 horror movie starring James Brolin as the sheriff of a small desert town menaced by a demonic, driverless car, a longtime cult classic I've loved. Like everywhere I had been, the bookstore was crowded to the hilt, but was able to come and go as I pleased. I was pleased with this outing as I pushed my envelope a little more with my stop at One Liberty Place, and that made things fun. I'll have to visit other places in freestyle mode and see what happens. More to come....

    Jaunt #296, outfit-1.jpg

    Jaunt #296, outfit-2.jpg

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