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Posts posted by Elegant

  1. 1.) Men, have you ever worn footwear with an elevated heel? a) Yes. :smile: No


    2.) Men, have you ever worn footwear with an elevated heel in public? a) Yes. :wave: No


    3.) Men, how often do you wear elevated heeled shoes in public? Please specify X number of times per week, month or year or never.

    Once in a few weeks.

    4.) Men, if you wear elevated heeled shoes in public do you also wear other items of clothing that is 'socially determined to be ladies wear'? a) Yes always. :silly: Yes sometimes. c) Never only shoes. d) Not applicable.

    B [nail polish, makeup, bag]

    5.) Men, do your friends, family, work colleagues know of your wearing of elevated heeled footwear? a) Yes, I make no hiding of it. :o Some yes, but I'm careful who I share it with. c) No, this is not something I share with people outside such similar forums as HHPlace. d) Not applicable

    A [although there are some people who dislike it, they know]

    6.) Men, if you do not share the knowledge that you wear elevated heeled footwear with friends, family, work colleagues, please can you provide the main reason why?

    7.) Men, have you ever been to a 'Heelmeet' or similar arranged meeting? a) Yes. :) No. c) I would do if I could travel to such an event.


    8.) Men, if you have attended a 'Heelmeet' how many other men were present also wearing elevated heeled footwear? (please refer to the last Heelmeet you were present at).

    9.) Men, if you have attended a 'Heelmeet' in elevated heeled footwear what has been the general public response to your attire with respect to your footwear? a) Mainly positive. :) Mainly Negative. c) Indifferent/no reaction.

    10.) Men, if you have attended a 'Heelmeet' how has the number of men attending wearing elevated heeled footwear changed? a) Generally increased. :) Generally decreased. c) Increased more recently over the last 2 years. d) other, please specify.

    11.) Men, do you feel vunerable in your public surroundings wearing footwear with elevated heels? a) Yes. ;) No. c) Not applicable.

    A [in generally unsafe areas].

    12.) Men, have you ever received any public negativity when or for wearing footwear with elevated heels? a) Yes. B) No

    A [usually giggles/ verbal abuse]

    13.) Men, do you feel that an elevated heeled shoe could ever achieve unisex status as a mainstream fashion item? a) Yes. B) No.


    14.) Men, if the elevated heeled shoe ever became a unisex fashion item would it still hold the same appeal to you as the wearer? a) Yes. B) No. c) The same.


    15.) Sorry forgot, please could I you to specify your age and country of residence?

    21, Poland

  2. Well, my ideas are a bit different. Of course I wear black leather head to toe and the only thing of a different colour is my shirt. I've got some of them: three black ones, red, dark blue, purple, white [one is a tuxedo shirt, and the other one has a "typical" - but still nice- collar and French cuffs]. I'm sometimes thinking about being a bit more extreme in my fashion [for special occasions etc.]: leather as usual, red shirt and tie, red nail polish and lipstick [and maybe eye shadows... who knows?], black eyeliner and mascara, red bag, black or red shoes. But I think that this look will work way better if I dye my hair black, and I won't do that soon. I'm seriously thinking about going to Birmingham for the summer holidays [it'd be my first time in Great Britain]- and then, I'd be gothed up more than my narrow-minded momma would be able to accept! Piercings would also be a nice addition, but right now I want to donate some blood and I'd have to wait for six month before being able to donate.

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