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Posts posted by radiodave

  1. Hi Steve, I wouldn't sweat it. It's the Internet, and any schmuck with a pulse can click "like" or "dislike". Just read the article comments of USAToday or MSN, and if you're like me, you'll wonder if some of the commenters just learned how to walk on two legs. My hunch is the ones who found your comment helpful were ones who either found it detailed enough that it was actually helpful to them, or they clicked it because they thought it was cool that you were a guy and not afraid to wear them. The ones who disliked were probably ones who thought it was just too weird that a guy would be commenting on "women's" shoes and that was their only means of expressing their disapproval.

  2. Hi Heelguy, I've read most of these posts, and I've enjoyed them. I especially like the ones from this pos http://www.hhplace.o...400#entry283137 . That's a nice look, and kudos to you for having the guts to wear black suede platforms out. Nice legs by the way.

    Sorry for the stress you're going through with your folks right now. Praying for you and your family, and I hope things improve. Believe it or not, reading your posts helped me regain some confidence in myself. Some long-time members have told me I gave them confidence based on my own adventures, so I can say it works both ways and you may have helped me regain confidence without even realizing it.

    Take care, and I hope your adventures continue. :thumbsup:

  3. Shoot, it's been two years since I've posted any outings? Apparently my old thread got locked because it was languishing. Took a hiatus from heeling for a while, having lost some interest in heeling, but it slowly came back. About a year ago I was really wondering if I was really a CD, but I realized that no, I'm not really a CD, just a guy who likes women's shoes much more than men's shoes. After the last girlfriend had a major malfunction over women's shoes, I really wondered "do I thin the dating pool considerably by doing something many women aren't that cool with, or do I better myself, and get over my foibles?". Unfortunately I almost convinced myself of that, and for a while it felt liberating to put them away. Over the last several months I've been going through a recovery program through my church, namely because I was still dealing with negative feelings from my divorce from 4 years ago. While it improved that aspect, there was still something lacking. Then I realized what it was. I wasn't being myself, I was fooling myself. I didn't even follow my own advice and I had thinned the shoe collection considerably. Then I realized what it was. I'm not at my best because I'm not being myself. Uy veh. Life is short, and even from my church I've learned you can't please everyone. So, I've started accumulating again, and I've decided life is too short to please everyone, so while many people might think you're the village weirdo for wearing women's shoes, or the ignorant masses might think you're gay, I realized that no, I'm not gay no matter how many stereotypes I might fit, and I have faith that when the right woman comes along, she will. I was married to one who accepted them, it could happen again. That said, I had an outing today. I picked up a pair of flats from Payless last night, and like them a lot. I took the hair off my feet, trimmed my nails, and wore them out today for a little shopping. Wore my jeans, my pink polo shirt, and my flats. Went over to the mall on the west side of Cleveland, and wanted to go to Aldo, one of my favorite places. I had some trepidation, not having been out in them for a while, but soon it was like riding a bike again. Nobody seemed too interested in a guy wearing women's flats. One guy and a couple girls looked, but that's about it. I looked at a pair of black espadrille wedge pumps at Aldo, which they had in my size, but they were small even by Aldo standards. Nothing in a larger size. Rats. I wandered over to Dillard's and saw they had some black Steve Madden pumps in black suede. They had them in my size, and they fit perfectly. The guy assisting didn't seem at all flustered when I tried them on. Maybe that's why I like shoe shopping, the thrill of trying them on in the store. Score one pair. Wandered back through Aldo, and saw a pair of blue suede pumps I liked. Lucked out, they were on clearance and I figured they were surely sold out, but they had my size and they fit perfectly. Wandered through the DSW next to the mall, but didn't see too much that caught my eye. Stopped by another mall along the way, one of the swankier places around. One guy took a long, hard look as I walked by, but it felt good to be wearing comfortable shoes that I happen to like, even if they may look a little strange. Saw an awesome pair of purple pumps at Aldo, and had to think really hard about those, but the price was a little too high. Stopped by Famous Footwear and saw a pair of tan espadrille pumps that I liked, and the price was right. Very comfortable. The lady assisting asked if I'd like another pair for 1/2 off, so I took a quick look around, but didn't spot anything that called out. Seems that offer is still open though, she stapled a coupon so I can come back at some point and take advantage of the 1/2 off another day. Good day overall. Spent almost the whole day in my flats. Yes, I realize this the High Heel Place, but I wasn't in a heeling mood today. Maybe some other day. As Steven Tyler would say, I'm back in the saddle again :silly:




  4. Not sure what country you're in, but unless you're exposing your privates or leaving your breast exposed, then you're not in any trouble in the U.S.A.. If you're trying to pass as a female and using the ladies' room that's a bit more complicated.

  5. Thanks Thighbootguy, I have 5" pumps but it feels like I'm wearing flats. I love the 8" heels. I agree with being aware of your surroundings. When you step out that door you hope there is no trouble on the otherside. All I can say is that we made it yet another time. I can't wait for the day that it is not uncommon for males to wear large heels. I would love love to venture out for dinner or a movie or just go for a walk. I love to just walk in the heels.

    Bravo! That's awesome that you have a girlfriend who supports it. I too would love to wear heels more and go to places like movies or plays, but it's finding that balance to wear what you want and not have folks give you grief for it. Still trying to find that balance myself, though I've posted my experiences of public heeling here before.

  6. I think what HHeeler is trying to say is that women who see it as a turn off, a little weird, or just not into it is OK, but if they go beyond that and label the guy as "gay" despite evidence to the contrary, then that's going a little too far. Is that right? I think I can relate, I dated a girl like that.

  7. Don't know why I feel guilty for catching sight of an absolutely lovely pair of heels today. Walking out of the mall I caught sight of a woman, maybe 25-30, in a white dress, wearing heels that I couldn't take my eyes off. She was catching a car at the valet pickup outside Saks. Tall 4" or so sandals, tan, with 3 straps crisscrossing their way up her leg with 3 buckles. No platforms, nice pedicure, and I went to the extent of changing direction just to walk past her. Oh my.... :unsure: I feel like I must creep women out for staring at their heels, but clearly if they are not that practical for walking and take some time to buckle them up then they must be to attract attention. Well, she got my attention! :mecry:

  8. My ex-wife was OK with it. Early in our dating we were going over what turns us on, and when she wore some heels for me, I let on that I was curious to know what it's like to wear them. Thinking she was going to freak out I stammered that out, but she didn't bat an eye and agreed there are probably lots of guys who are curious. She bought me a pair, and eventually just rolled her eyes and laughed if I got more pairs, joking that I'm going to be the next Imelda Morcos. :unsure: She accepted them, though she wasn't turned on by them. She had to concede that I walked better in them than she did, and she was jealous that I had narrow feet and had no trouble finding shoes that fit. The last girlfriend was completely against them, and went out with lots of nasty texts and e-mails. Lots of unflattering words such as "gay", "tranny", "fag", etc.. No great loss there though, she had lots of other red flags, and from the childish way she and her mom acted afterward, I'd say good riddance!

  9. Hi

    My name is Yann, I am a new member of the site ; I’m a French man (and my English is very poor) ! I am very happy to enter on this site with you.

    I like very much high heels with all kind of shoes and in Paris we have the luck to have still a lot. It is very exciting to see them in the street and in the tube.

    But my great exciting are high heels in cars : I am a fan of pedalpumping and crancking.

    I like very much seeing women driving specific cars with high heels: racing cars, old trucks, stubborn old cars ….

    For me, this pleasure began with my mother 40 years ago: It was the morning in the winter; it was cold and dark; my mother drove me at school and she had to start her little Fiat 500: The car was frozen and the cranking difficult. Because I was young, I was on the seat behind her and so I could see her pedalpumping during cranking and when she was driving nervously her little noisy car.

    So I am looking forward to create or answer to pedalpumping topics or other subjects with women shoes.



    Welcome, but be aware this is a fashion site, not a fetish site for pedal pumping. Enjoy your stay :).

  10. This kind of trash just isn't worth the time of day. Keyboard heros on pointless forums hate other people's cars, let alone their choice of shoes.

    How true. I am shocked, shocked, I tell you, that an internet poll about men in heels would have anything but positive, encouraging, open-minded replies. :irked:

  11. Interesting confrontation with that guy. Guess I would have to resist the urge to reply back "And so what if children saw it?". I think Foxyheels summed it up; if parents instill children with the idea that there's something wrong with it, then that's what they will think. Good for his wife for saying she didn't mind; maybe some of that rubbed off on him and he will realize that he's making mountains out of molehills.

  12. Sorry for thinking that people here are more open minded. I was just asking, there is no harm in that is there? Luckily there are some who are cool about it.

    It has nothing to do with being open minded or not. Would you walk into a bar full of strangers to have a drink and then ask some stranger sitting next to you to give you pictures of themselves? No, you would probably get to know them first. Whether it's in person or on the Internet it's still a little rude and a little creepy to just barge in and ask for pictures of folks. If you just want pictures, there are lots of other sites to search for pictures. If you want to talk about wearing heels as most of us do here, then talk about wearing heels.

  13. I've tried shaving a few times, but when it starts to grow back I end up with lots of red welts where my pants snag the hairs. Worse, sometimes they get ingrown and I've had some nasty results. Now I have an epilator, and like Steve says, it does seem to be coming in finer once you've done it a few times.

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