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Posts posted by vector


    It was great to hear about your heeling experiences. You can rest assured your nights out at the casino were recorded by the security cameras. So you're now part of the heelers of record, at least for the time of security rotation. Our lives can never be consider anonymously private in public mediums any more, which is still a bit scary. The more heelers are seen, the sooner heeling will find its place on the male persona.


    Most likely, security is looking for professional gamblers, card counters, and folks like that, so though they might have noticed you, I'll be they paid little attention.

  2. If there were no stigma attached to stiletto heels and men it wouldn't change a thing. Men generally are not fashion animals and seem to care little about how the present themselves to the world.

    I disagree. I believe many (most) men already have a curiosity and would wear them if not for the stigma (ex: ear rings). No matter how free we claim to be, societal boundaries do affect many of us.

  3. Depends. If they have been treated with mink oil or silicone spray, they should be safe from the moisture (check the directions/warnings on the label). However, they could damaged from any ice melting product (salt, calcium chloride, etc.)

  4. Piggybacking on Bubba136's advice, jump very carefully and plan strategically. Perhaps keep your present employment and go to school at night, or try to get work in the prospective field (paid or non-paid) to bolster your resume. You may also have to take a "temporary" step backwards salary wise. Good luck!

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