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Posts posted by vector

  1. Hi Nick, You've asked this same question last year. They weren't any that I saw marketed for men last year, but I did the year before that. I believe it's a style a man can pull off easily.


    I must compliment you on your memory!

  2. Evan Radio, Complicating the sizing issue is that different styles and manufacturers of shoes fit differently. For instance, I wear a 10 US in most sandles (occasionally a 9.5), 11 in most long toe styles and those with open back and a 11-12 in pumps (11 in Newport news/Colin Stuart and 12 in Ellie/Jante/Pleaser high heels like 5 inches and higher). In mu experience, Aldo tends to fit small with Newport News and Payless fitting a bit more generously. In closing, I echo the advice of jmc who advised that you make sure to find a vendor with a good return policy. Good luck! The hunt is part of the fun!

  3. its skewed because of you..I dont see anyone complaining but you.

    Im not talking about gender, so stop trying to take my post and drive it in a different direction. I mentioned "vulnerability in heels"

    if u wanna talk about my original topic, great im all ears

    if u wanna lead my topic in your own route..IM NOT HEARING IT.

    Have respect for others, there are 10000 posts concerning the topic your itching to bring up and dispute...this is a drama free zone!


    That's not a complaint but an observation; a statement of my beliefs. Not need to get defensive about it. Hey, have respect for the opinions of others also.

    I believe vulnerability can be "felt" at least two ways, by how the person feels internally and how they are viewed/treated by others. You may not initially feel a certain way, but the actions and reactions of others can change that.

    In my opinion, for many (most) women, shoes (and clothing in general), is an emotional thing- not only in terms of how they feel , but how they are accepted and treated by the general populace. I don't think it's the same way with men. My point was, most likely most men would respond from a more practical point of vie (escape/defend) while women would respond from a more emotional point of view (how they were treated by other women and men). Besides, women in heels are viewed very differently than men (sex objects, etc). Which could be women would dress extra sexy when they are in the company of a man or in groups. It's protection.

  4. I think that this post is very skewed by gender. A women in heels is going to be viewed very different than a man in heels. Add to that the socialization of being male and female, and it makes for a very interesting conversation.

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