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Posts posted by dr1819

  1. I respect your position wholeheartily, Dr. Shoe. I hope the powers that be do the right thing and begin enforcing the login before posting option (a very simple and easy option), as I've thoroughly enjoyed your input here on the board and would hate loosing it because of an easily rectified technicality.

  2. My first exposure was in the third or fourth grade, when I came across a box containing my mother's three-inch heeled Italian boots in the front hall closet while searching for a board game. Intrigued, I put them on and stood in them for a couple of seconds before taking them off. I later would occasionally try them on if I knew I would be unsupervised any length of time, such as during the summer when my brother was out playing and Mom would visit with the neighbors. That summer, I also explored the closets of two neighbors while taking care of their animals while they were away. I didn't have much time, as Mom would come looking for me if I didn't return soon, but it was long enough to try on one or two pair of heels before doing the chores and returning. Later, around 7th grade, I was a latch-key kid, and my brother would hang out with friends while I was at home, so I went through the usual phase of trying on more than just heels. My foot was the same size as my mom's, then, so I'd often wear pretty much anything in her closet while watching TV, and simply shove it under the couch if my brother came home early. By 9th grade, I'd pretty much grown out of it, and didn't return until college (albeit very briefly) when a girlfriend's roomate loaned me a pair of her heels for Halloween. I actually bought a pair of very comfortable white leather 4" pumps in college, but thought there was something wrong with it, and threw them away after a few weeks. It didn't resurface until about a decade ago, when my wife suggested it as a joke, then again about 5 years ago when, while trying on a pair, I simply realized I enjoyed wearing heels. Been wearing them every since.

  3. For it to work, you have to divide by the actual length of your foot, not your shoe size. It's also important to ensure you use the same units of measure (if the length is in cm, then the heel height should be in cm).

  4. And what about those of us that measure in centimeters?

    That's the beauty of it, as it would be exactly the same. Whether you're dividing a 4 inch heel by an 11 inch foot length, or a 10 cm heel by a 30 cm foot length, the ratio is the same: about .35.

  5. Wow, talk about good vibes. What a really neat experience. I can see why you had to wait until your divorce before you could tell it.

    The funny thing is that while my wife supported it for the first couple years (I think she thought it was novel), she rebelled against my wearing heels the last, then finally began calling me "gay," even though I through out everything that wasn't plane-jane chunk low heel.

    Yet I never cheated on her, even in my heart. She really hasn't a clue as to what she's lost.

    Fortunately, my girlfriend, a far more stable individual, accepts me for who I am, heels, skirts, and all, and we're able to actually discuss contentious issues. How's that for "novel?" I call it "neat!" And very near and endearing to my heart.

  6. I was "caught" by a neighbor one night while taking out the trash in my full-length denim skirt and 4" heeled boots. He pulled up just as I reached the trash cans. I'm sure he noticed, at least the skirt, due to the streetlight, but he didn't say a thing other than, "How've you been," exchanging a couple of comments, then, "good talking with you." We've talked since and he's been normally neighborly, so I don't think it was an issue with him.

  7. What a parody of pain! Too bad it wasn't a 6" nail sunk two inches deep - that would have been a clincher... Reminds me of a pair of cartoon heels I saw once, with the heel so high it no longer existed - just the toe, tucked vertically under the ankle.

  8. Hello there

    I have a friend at school with tiny size 3 UK size feet who can walk in 4 inch heels rather well, her boyfriend doesnt understand why she carries flip flops in her bag and changes into them when she is tired.

    Her boyfriend has a size 9 UK shoe size, is there any way of working out the ratio of a size 3 shoe with a 4 inch heel.

    In other words, what size heel would a size 9 shoe need to feel the same?

    I hope to hear some scientific answers lol

    Sure. Go here: http://www.payless.com/en-US/Consumer/CustomerSupport/Finding_Size.htm#measurementtips

    Then, divide 4 inches by her foot length, and multiply it by his to derive an equivalent heel height.

  9. Oversized avatars waste boardspace, especially with one-line responses. Better to just keep them within bounds. Good suggestion, Scotty, on using software to resize. I think most Gif-enabled software can resize animated gifs.

  10. My theory is that accountants and lawyers take care of one another. Most legislators are lawyers, and they pass laws that keep the accountants employed. As a result, accountants give lawyers (some of their best customers) regular breaks. The rest of us, however, pay both lawyers and accountants through the nose.

  11. Sorry, I have no interest in wearing frumpy clothing or tone down who I am, just to further some "cause". I'm not going to wait to dress how I want because society isn't OK with it at the moment. If I wait for social acceptance for what I want to wear, I'll be dead, and bitter at that.

    More power to you, Trolldeg - be dead and bitter.

    I'd rather you be alive and well if we ever meet, though... Would definately be nice to say, "Hi!"

  12. I actually run four machines at home, Nigel - one Windows XP Pro, one Linux, one Unix, and one Mac. For various purposes and network security testing/monitoring. It's my job. As far as your comment, "you do need to spend extra money to make XP work as it should..." Not a thin dime! And it works exceptionally well when combined with a NAT firewall and Norton Antivirus. If you think that's spending extra, think again. I can hack into any Linux system on the planet. I do it for a living (but only under governmental direction). Appropriately configured systems as mentioned above are exceptinally more difficult to hack than Linux systems out of the box. Cheers!

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