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Posts posted by dr1819

  1. Thanks, demoniaplatforms - I appreciate your sentiment. In fact, I'm so motivated by the support here I'm going to send this thread to the Smithsonian for preservation for all time. Don't think it'll last beyond the first 23 seconds, but hey... (no, I won't send it - useless)

  2. I see there's a consensus of sorts at 3". However, how high a heel feels is dependant on several factors, principle of which is the length of one's foot. Shoe construction has a lot to do with things, too. I have a pair of 5" wedge heels (3/4" platform) I can wear all day (and have been wearing since I first got up this morning - it's now 12:34 pm). That's a rise of 4-1/4". But I also have a pair of 3-3/4" stilletto sandals I had to return because they were just too high for me, but my 4" heeled knee-high boots are perfectly fine.

  3. Sorry - I should have made that more clear. If they're profiling people based on what's considered "normal" behavior, and a man walks up wearing a pair of 4" taper-heeled knee-high boots, what do you think that's going to do to all the little alarm bells in those folks' heads?

  4. Come to think of it, the proportionality factor would work for width and circumferance of the instep, as well, making ordering custom shoes very easy: Here's the original measurements followed by the ratios: Inches Length 10.00 Width 3.56 Instep 9.11 Heel 3.50 Ratio Length 1.00 Width 0.36 Instep 0.91 Heel 0.35 Thus, we could do away with shoe sizes altogether. If you wanted to standardize by using metric, the measurements would change, but the ratios would remain the same: cm Length 25.40 Width 9.03 Instep 23.14 Heel 8.89 Ratio Length 1.00 Width 0.36 Instep 0.91 Heel 0.35 Thus, if you were to custom order a pair of shoes or boots, the measurement would look like this: Length 25.40 Width 0.36 Instep 0.91 Heel 0.35 Additional ratios might include ankle circumference (across ankle bone), calf height (just below the knee) and calf width. With today's CAD/CAM capability and the vast integration of computers, there's no reason why every pair of shoes shouldn't be custom designed. That way, you could get a perfect fit, every time. It would sure be a boon to manufacturers, who would only make just enough shoes to sell.

  5. Main Entry: skirt

    Pronunciation: 'sk&rt

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse skyrta shirt, kirtle

    Main Entry: shirt

    Pronunciation: sh&rt

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle English shirte, from Old English scyrte; akin to Old Norse skyrta shirt, Old English scort short

  6. I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation! While riding my bike early this morning, I saw a guy wearing heels. Couldn't tell if they were boots or shoes, as his jeans covered most of them. But they were black, with a round toe and a chunk heel, at least 3", probably 4" high. Simple, plain, but definately heels.

  7. Actually I think there are two reasons:

    1). They are in demand. We want 'em!

    2). The manufacturers don't make enough of them because they are listening to a bunch of marketing gurus who are out-of-touch with reality.

    True. Collectively, they make less than 1/5 the number of heels in size 13 than they do in size 11.

  8. Q: If you had to give reasons as to why you wear high heels, what would it be? *I enjoy the feel of the height and walk. 10 *Fashion - an indispensible accessory. 6 *For the extra height and confidence. 2 *A way to emphasise my femmininity. 0 *I am sexually stimulated by wearing them. 0 *A useful tool to attract nice guys to me. 0 Added question: *A useful tool to attract nice girls to me. 4

  9. Language is common throughout the animal kingdom. It's form is most often gestural, but occasionally auditory. Dogs can understand dozens of verbal commands, but are more responsive to gestures. I find it fascinating that some parrots are capable of learning human language, and are obviously "thinking" in English, as would we. At only 4 years old, a 950-word vocabulary is absolutely amazing, even for a human! Time will tell as this bird teaches us more about reality.

  10. Hmmm, if a cell phone can put out enough electrical hash to send this huge aluminum tube crashing unceremoniously to Earth then exactly why do I want to be on it?

    They can't crash an airplane, but there's a potential (very slight) for a cell phone signal to interfere with the precision navigation system (like ILS) that the pilots use to safely descend in the weather to the intended destination. Interference may cause the aircraft to descend to a location that's not intended, such as the side of a mountain.

    Highly unlikely, though, as any interference would almost assuredly render the system inoperative, rather than providing false signals, and there are several workarounds for that, including the flight attendants checking all pax, using a difference system on a different frequency (such as a VOR or GPS approach), obtaining a PAR (where the ground-based controller gives you steering and altitude inputs every ten seconds until you're at your minimimum altitude), etc.

    So, really, I don't understand the ban on cell phones, provided they're scanned, as the scanners do highlight explosives.

    And yes, one small cell phone, if it contained the right explosives instead of cell phone innards, would be enough to bring down an airliner.

  11. Posted Image



    I'll not be satisfied until someone makes a cast of someone's foot in that position, casts an above-ankle hoof in steel, removing just enough to allow the person to insert their foot, and replaces the missing material with inserts that go in afterwards, all of this mated to an iron-clad (don't you just love the innuendos) strap-down system that keeps everything together.

    That would be quite a sight.

  12. Keep this up and soon it will become routine and hopfully more men who are gun shy will see that it's ok for us to wear heels and this trend of street heeling will become popular for men. What a nice dream.LOL!!!!!!!!

    In the 1500s and 1600s, it was reality, spreading to nobility throughout Europe and Russia.

    So it could very well become reality again.

    Consider the fasions that have come from the punk/goth world that are now mainstream styles worn by men:

    Earrings (ubiquitous, along with less common piercings)

    Rayon shirts (previously only worn by women)

    Capris (common on men in Germany, less common elsewhere)

    Robes/Skirts (seen by moi several times at more progressive places in the wee hours)

    Heels (seen by moi less often than skirts, but still present)

  13. With the muggy summer months, I've now been skirted inside the house full-time since May. I've taken out the trash, and have gone for late-night walks wearing skirt and heels (usually my black two-strap wedges). I've passed several people, even at 1am, none of whom have said a thing, or even looked sideways at what I was wearing. Then again, I'm not out in a miniskirt and white thigh boots like skimpiskyhighthighbootguy, either! My usual outfits (unless otherwise noted, all heels are 4"): 1. A charcoal long-sleeve shirt from Pierre Cardin and a black lether ankle skirt with the black wedge heels or black boots 2. My short-sleeved steel gray button-down shirt with khaki mid-calf skirt and the toe thong/strap shoes or medium brown flat toe-thong sandals. 3. Same as the above two, but with my longer mid-thigh (between mid-thigh and knee) khaki skirt. Of the last, I was wearing my toe-thong sandals (they could easily be men's sandals, as they have no frills and wide straps), the longer mid-thigh skirt, and my steel-gray charcoal shirt. I'd been wearing it all day, and took out the garbage. While closing the lid, I noticed my neighbors working on their cars (they have two show cars, hopped up, on which they're constantly working). Their wives were out there, too. As I used to work on cars, rebuilding engines, etc. in high school, we've become decent friends. They're the same ones I often play cards with, but only with one of the couples, not the other. Without thinking, I walked over, said hi, and asked what he was working on today (modifying the factory settings on the idle jet and testing them). We talked about a couple of things, then the wife of the couple with whom I don't play cards with (I've played cards with the other wearing long black ankle skirt and 4" heeled boots) said, "Ummm, can I ask you something?" "Sure," I replied. "Why are you wearing a skirt?" I looked down, and sure enough, there it was, girded about my loins as the good Lord commanded Adam and Eve to do with the animal skins, was an honest to God, cotton khaki skirt hanging from natural waistline to about half-way between my knees and mid-thigh. I looked up, and as it was broad daylight, and I almost never wear a skirt in broad daylight, said, "It's actually a kilt, of sorts." Yes, I was lying through my teeth, as there's a significant difference between a skirt and a kilt. For one, the kilt is a fastened wrap, while the skirt is fitted to the person without means of adjustment. This doesn't even begin to touch on tartans, box pleats, vertical pleats, etc. But she said, "Oh, ok" and the rest of the conversation proceeded over the next half an hour as if nothing were out of the ordinary. I did get a commitment from them to play cards with the other couple and I, and I plan to show in my black ankle skirt and 4" heeled boots again. I wonder what her question will be this time!

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