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Posts posted by dr1819

  1. I was kidding, Chris, sort of a parody on how some people say, "why are you wearing women's shoes?" one answer of which might be, "why would you consider them woman's shoes? Just because they have heels? Men invented heels!" Another answer would be, "why do you say they're women's shoes? They're my shoes, and I'm not a woman."

  2. For what it's worth, I showed up at jury selection well dressed with stiletto heel boots. What it got me was selection for three jurys. Men in heels in the courtroom where I live anyway is no problem at all.

    I'm sure they thought you'd be more open-minded. One thing that'll get you excused from a jury faster than you can say "I do" is to hold a strong opinion not likely to be swayed, or staunchly contrary to either the prosecution/plaintiff's or the defendant's side.

  3. True, it does involve middle-school math, but I think the result is worth it. One thing I've come to dislike on some of the larger sized shoes I've purchased, particular the cheapies (I'll always buy real shoes from now on), is that they use heels made for a shoe two sizes smaller. On a larger show, it makes the heel cant forward towards the toes, so that walking on the heels is extremely unstable. Not fun. And it's because they fail to consider proportionality. On my currently favorite sandals, a pair of RSVPs with a toe loop and an instep strap, the heel is more of a modified, one-piece cutout wedge. As such it's very sturdy, which makes walking in them a breeze and a lot of fun!

  4. It looks rather photoshopped. The basic image is probably a magazine cover, since things have been edited out (rather badly) in the top/left corner of the image, and the B-bling-thing has probably beed added.

    Hmmm... Then why didn't they go one further and simply Photoshop the nails sticking through the heels...

    I think it looks pretty authentic, myself.

  5. Google's response: "Your search - shoefetishpsychology - did not match any documents." :evil: Perhaps you find a link you'd like to share, then cut and paste it from your browser here. Ok by you?

  6. Babelfish is a good translater, too! Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and more normal-character languages, too. Yes, it does all the characters, and I've used it in Korea, such as when I'm looking for a particular item, I'll name it, describe it, and they'll usually just read the paragraph and bring me exactly what I'm looking for. Quite handy!

  7. Yep! I'm not sure what it is, but provided they're comfortable heels, I definately feel more at home walking around the house or just sitting in front of a computer than in a pair of flats. Perhaps it has something to do with reflexology...?

  8. I concur with the comments of my board mates - take it easy! One summer I worked up to 5" heels, then something happened in one ankle and something else under the ball of the other foot. I was back down to 3" clogs in no time, and couldn't wear 4" heels without discomfort for the better part of six months! Before you start heeling with your wife on a "business trip," consider ensuring she call you when she gets there then check the phone number on caller ID to ensure she really did. Better yet, instead of sneaking around behind her back, just share with her your desire to wear heels. Take the time to examine yourself and discover where it really comes from. Consider introducing her to this board - it's helped several GF's and wive's realize, "oh, my BF/husband is one in a billion in his desire to wear heels - lots of men do." Of course we do, and those of us here on HHmeeting place are probably less than 1/10th of 1% (that's 1 in a 1,000) of those that do. Given our numbers (about sixty quite active), that's 60,000 of us, with about 20 to 1 lurking for a total of 1.2 Million, or about 1 of 2,000 of the Western population. Considering the fact that only one in ten men who wear heels on a regular basis actually wears them outside on a regular basis, we can safely say that 1 in 200 men wear heels regularly. It's a rough wag, but I think it's pretty close, as it roughly matches with other estimates put forth here and elsewhere. No small beans at all, but definately spread out throughout the US, UK, AU, DE, and other countries (sorry if I didn't include everyone). The principle ingredient women love in a marriage is honesty. If you hide it and she finds out later, you'll have a LOT of ground to recover later in the trust department, and she'll always be suspicious. But if you broach the subject first, in a non-threatening way, particularly if you tell her you trust her with your heart, and wanted to be sure you never held anything back, that'll go a long way. Be prepared for an ultimatim, however, as not all women can adjust to the idea. I gave up wearing heels for my wife, but it wasn't enough, as I'd been out once too many times without her, and she never recovered from her suspicious (groundless, but no one can change a woman's mind!). By the way, I went to a friend's 40th Birthday party last Friday, and one of the guys in the room who'd I'd met a couple of times was wearing a pair of women's low to mid-heeled sandals. They had wide straps, so I doubt if many noticed they were women's shoes, but the heels were at least 2-1/2 tapered heels. Long jeans, so I only saw them when he was reaching up in the cupboard for another glass, and again later when he was sitting on the couch. I don't think he noticed my 3" block-heeled boots (few people ever do).

  9. Anyway, that is yet another reason why I have given up even block heels in favor of wedge heels. So far not 1 person has even flintched at that one.

    In another side note, I also wore THESE in the hospital with shorts when my daughter was born and not 1 person flinched. I also wear an anklet too;) I wore them to my daughters friends picnic and also to Kings Dominion again, with shorts both time. Not 1 person flinched:)


    Glad to hear no one flinched, Scotty!

    Flinch: to withdraw or shrink from or as if from pain : WINCE; also : to tense the muscles involuntarily in anticipation of discomfort.

    It's sort of a mild convulsion, as particularly well-exhibited by Mr. Bean, usually in response to someone raising a hand as if to strike them.

    But I'm curious - did anyone gawk? Did they murmer, move away, avert their glance?

    Sorry I couldn't resist, but I began laughing at the thought of one of Mr. Bean's overegaturated flinches in response to seeing you in such a benign pair of heels. They just much like male Danskos, just with a higher heel. I've a pair of Clarks with a 3" heel that I'm particularly fond of and wear in public with jeans quite a lot. I could, and often do, wear them all day. Never worn them with shorts, as I usually save that for flat or low-heeled women's sandals. My next favorite pair of wedges are a pair of 4-1/2" heeled cork wedges (very silent) with a narrow heel and two straps. They have a 3/4" plat (normally not into plats, but this makes these shoes very comfortable). I don't wear these out, but they're wonderful around the house in a mid-length skirt.

  10. At least they're honest! My wife lead me to believe that she was completely ok with it, even encouraged me. Now she's using it against me in a custody battle. Some women. Can't live with 'em, can't love 'em, either.

  11. One thing I've noticed is that most of us who're taller do not regard taller people as having anything more "special" about them than shorter people. Although I'm considered an inch above average for my sex/age, I've usually had friends who were about 2" or more shorter than I was, but one of my best friends is 6'4". When it comes to friendship, size really doesn't matter.

  12. Hi, Ruby! Welcome to the sight.

    It's fairly simple - most boys have worn their mother's heels at one point or another. Most outgrow the desire. Some don't.

    Psychologists are moving away from considering pure heel wear as "cross-dressing," as women moved 100% away from skirts and dresses to pants (previously only worn by men) without anyone labeling them either transvestites or cross-dressers. Many men now wear earrings, previously the exclusive realm of women, and have avoided the CD/TV label.

    More than two-thirds of all men have worn high heels at some point in their lives. More than a third have worn them on several occasions. Approximately ten percent have worn heels on a regular basis, yet less than half of one percent actually wear heels regularly in public.

    I guarantee you, thought, that if heels were offered in more masculine styles and were worn by men regularly, at least a third of all men would, given the stats above.

    Why? The members here have posted several reasons, including the fact that they like the style, they like the feel of wearing heels, they like the way they feel themselves while wearing heels, it helps out with some ankle problems, they feel sexier in heels, and they simply like the look.

    Most of the men here on this site are heterosexual males. This weekend, there was a heel meet in Amsterdam, where perhaps a dozen members gathered for a good time, good food, good spirits, and some sightseeing.

    The previous heelmeet was in London, which was attended by around fifteen (if I'm not mistaken), and some wives and girlfriends.

    Some men wear MUGs (kilts, skirts, sarongs, etc.): http://www.kiltmen.com/world.htm

    Some men wear heels.

    I like 'em both, but wear one or the other at the local watering holes. At home, however, I'm usually in a skirt as it's very comfortable (breaths, not confining), and heels (just because I enjoy wearing them).

    I wouldn't sweat it. In fact, if you come to terms with his wearing heels, be sure to let him know, as most guys are afraid to let their girlfriends/wives know because they think they'll bail on them. Some would, but most aren't so narrow-minded and choose to stay.

    I hope you're among the latter!

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