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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. Aahh... the allure of the


    I agree some of the higher end versions of the classic plastic Pleaser shoes base are quite appealing when worn correctly.

    Designed for 'tarts' you mean....?!? They are VERY slutty...but then, they ARE 'TopShop' heels!!:):wave::)

  2. ^^ 'Wedge' - you are very close to my original comments. This is what I said in my original post:

    Originally Posted by pussyinboots

    My thoughts as well.

    The results here say that 72% believe that women like men in heels...and only 50% say that we don't.

    My last wish is to upset anyone here, but it just goes to show how much denial or skewed perception there still is around this subject - the reality of the question is that 72% of women - or more - DON'T like men in high heels - and less than 50% would say that they do.

    It is now clear that I made an error, and quoted the VOTES - not the percentages, so just to confirm, the ACTUAL figures in this Poll - as of today.....say this:

    Yes, Women like Men in heels! 73 (32.30%)

    They don't like it but accept that her partner/friend wears them. 66 (29.20%)

    Indifferent/don't care. 37 (16.37%)

    No, women don't like Men in heels! 50 (22.12%)

    However, this still doesn't reflect the true nature of women's views. The top figure is still obviously fantasy - IRL (in real life) the figures would be closer to being women who like men in heels - 16%, whilst the 'real world' DON'T like figure, would be closer to the 32% - in fact probably double. The 'indifferent' figure may well be higher, at around 29% quoted for partners - but that is pure conjecture. The only way to get a representative idea would be to carry out this Poll with only women casting votes.

    This still goes back to what I said about 'skewed' perception and denial......at least 3 girls from different backgrounds, have stated clearly here that women do not like men in heels - and yet the discussion still continues to try and force the issue that they do.

    Like I've said before, in general - women don't like men in heels.

  3. I love toe rings. I wear them everyday in the spring and summer. They look great on guys too. There just fun to wear.

    This. I must admit I wasn't a great fan of any foot jewellery for a long time - however one of my girl friends persuaded me to try toe rings and now I love them, and I'm very much into anklets and barefoot sandals (foot thongs) as well.

    Like 'barbara' says, toe rings can look just as good on guys as they do on girls.

  4. Hello,

    I just wanted to share how excited I am with everyone because I finally got the new stiletto pumps I have been waiting for!!! They are 7.1 inches high and I simply love them.

    Here are some pictures of them, let me know what you think about them!

    They look absolutely hotter than hot with those black lycra leggings.....wonderful..!!:)

  5. Thanks for the advice.When I have time during the uni exams Ill drive somewhere quite and practise.Driving with heels in my auto was easy.The manual might be slightly different.Pussyinboots I dont know how you can manage 6inches single sole lol.I really admire people that can walk and drive in those heels.Not for me :)

    I only drive automatic now Sweetie. I stopped buying manual cars about 10 years ago.

  6. Well my experiences would indicate that women have little or no tolerence of guys wearing heels. Several past partners / girlfriends have had no tolerence resulting in us going separate ways.

    And when it comes to going out in public the reactions more often than not are either 'who's that queer' or look the other way. Maybe it's living in a very conservative city. To those who have experienced the opposite_lucky you!

    Unfortunately, this is the reality of it. I'm sorry that you've had such bad luck with girlfriends Sweetie, however their views are most definitely representative of the majority of the female population. As for 'who's that queer' - this is the view of a large proportion of the male of the species as well.

    Sadly, I can't see it changing much at the moment either.

  7. As long as you wear single-sole heels, you should be OK, if a bit uncomfortable because of the unfamiliar ankle angle. The big danger is wearing platforms. Without thinking about it when stopping, you lift off the gas an almost exact (short) distance to move your foot over to the brake pedal....all out of sheer habit. With plats, that distance needs to be 1" - 2" higher to avoid hiting into the edge of the pedal, not the top of the pedal. At speed that old habit can slow your braking time down just enough to ensure that your'e the first to arrive at the scene of the accident. Practice, practice, parctice.

    As someone who drives in heels all the time, I must agree with you. Single sole heels, no matter how high (and yes...I have driven in 6" heels) - are far better for driving. You have more 'feel' through the sole and you're less likely to have your shoe slip off the pedal - or simply miss it altogether.

    I have driven in platforms and not only are they more unweildy, you tend to have less feeling on the pedals, and press them harder as well. There have been many times, driving in the wet, when I have planted my platformed foot harder on the gas than I intended....and pulled away with madly spinning back wheels.

  8. The only thing I have even the slightest regret about my heel wearing or buying, is that I didn't keep a lot of the fabulous heels I wore in the 1980's........they would be worth a small fortune now...!
  9. they can look cute on the right feet with the right outfit.

    Especially the case if the wearer has small feet as the small heel doesnt look out of proportion as with a larger foot

    Agreed. Kitten heels can look fabulous................



  10. 'ilikekicks' and 'shafted'........

    You both make very good points and I agree with most of what you have both said. Personally, I have no problem with guys wearing heels...I never have done and never will do. In fact, many of the male heel wearers I know often look better and walk better in heels than a lot of women do..!

    I believe the problem that exists about this in society - is the same problem that people have, when they try to get their heads around the subject of 'sexual identity' vs. 'gender'. In much the same way that the ordinary 'man on the street' finds it hard to understand why a male on the outside can be a female on the inside - he has the same problems accepting that a fully hetrosexual man can like wearing ladies high heels - and NOT automatically turn gay...!

    It's all down to education, experience and understanding....and tolerance. In the main, most intellectually able folks will either have a favourable opinion of a man in heels - or just simply not be bothered by it.

    The same goes for women - although the percentage of those who are not bothered or offended by it is much smaller. Generally - as 'ilikekicks' has suggested, a lot of women feel threatened by men in heels. They see them as being competition for attention, they might see them as perverted or deranged, they most definitely believe that they are effeminite and thus weaker than the average 'alpha male' - and they certainly view them as intruding on the fundamentally female territory of flamboyant fashion and decoration. Of course, any sensible person knows that this is absurd, as in nature, it is the male of the species that is the colourful one - and the female the dowdy, dull and more timid of the two.

    In humans - insecurity plays a large part in forming people's ideas - and anything that is unusual or out of the norm invokes fear in the uninformed or uneducated....and thus those intellectually challenged individuals will 'herd' together and lash out with the only defence at their disposal - anger. It's a natural state of affairs that is as imprinted an instinct as mating is.

    As 'Amanda Snake' so intelligently posted a few days ago, this is a primal thing. Women don't like men in heels because it simply doesn't trigger the same instincts and emotions about 'mating' that a rugged and aggressive pheromone loaded man does. The intellect is overtaken by the hormones.

    As I have said before, it is a sad state of affairs in any so-called advanced society, when people have become so badly brought up, that they have no sense of decency or manners - and feel it is their God-given right to shoot their mouths off at anyone who doesn't fit the stereotype that society brainwashes us to believe. Whatever happened to 'minding your own business'....and 'keeping your opinions to yourself' - in public...?

    As long as society follows the path of trivialising old fashioned moral and religious values, in favour of 'attitude' and subliminal stereotyping, then this appalling lack of respect for personal freedom of expression will continue.

    As I have said already, I do not, and never will have a problem with all this. However, as a woman I can say with no fear of contradiction that the MAJORITY of women do not like men wearing heels - and even if they do - many will say that it is definitely not a thing for their own partner to indulge in. Even in my own close circle female of friends, I have to be careful who I share my views with, as certain folk's 'tongues would wag', and the repercussions socially could be disastrous. That's terrible isn't it..?!?!

    I have now said all I need to say on the topic. Any further discussion - for me anyway - is superfluous.

  11. I'm surprised at the results. I'm sorry my ex fell on the other side.

    Her/our loss.

    My thoughts as well.

    The results here say that 72% believe that women like men in heels...and only 50% say that we don't.

    My last wish is to upset anyone here, but it just goes to show how much denial or skewed perception there still is around this subject - the reality of the question is that 72% of women - or more - DON'T like men in high heels - and less than 50% would say that they do.

    Let me just hang this in the air. How many of you guys here, have had an instant reaction of joy, elation and encouragement from your partners/wives when they have discovered that you wear high heels - and how many of you have had a real job gaining their support....?

    We've discussed the acceptance of male heel wearing by women, at great length, but it still seems that some folks don't want to see the truth of it. Had this Poll been taken on any normal High Street then (sadly) the results would definitely be the reverse of what we see here.

    The fact that as little 200 years ago, man were regularly seen in heels simply doesn't register in today's so called 'open-minded' society....perhaps because humans have short memories, perhaps because History is hardly taught at school now - more likely though, it's because the 'herd instinct' still prevails in this day and age, and that the majority of people's intellectual capacities, seem to be RE-gressing rather than PRO-gressing.

  12. im totally struggling to find them... do you think if i contact Giuseppe Zanotti Design website email.. they may have info on where i can get them?

    i found these http://www.shopbop.com/tapered-toe-high-heel-pump/vp/v=1/845524441887033.htm?folderID=2534374302124537&currencyCode=GBP&extid=froogle_uk-GIUSZ2012319367

    but i wouldnt buy them unless there £150 mark.

    Posted Image

    Sweetheart - there are a couple of stores on EBay Germany that stock Guiseppe Zanotti heels all the time. I have them saved as favourites in my EBay account, so I'll look them up for you. Give me a day or so and I'll come back to you.

  13. I can wear 4 inch indefinitely, 5 inch for a day, 6 inch if I don't have to stand or walk in them.

    I like your honesty.

    Despite many people's claims that 6" heels can be worn all day without breaks, the reality is very different. Most 6" heels put a lot of strain on the ankles, the ball of the foot and the toes, the calf muscles and the hips. However, 6" 'stripper' heels are different, in that the platform brings the true 'rake' of the foot down to that of a 4.5" heel. In addition, a lot of male heel wearers may find that walking in extreme heels is easier on their joints, as they tend to be thicker and stronger than a girl's.

    In all honesty, I can WEAR any height heel without a platform - however walking in them brings the limit down to a 6"/6.25" heel without a platform - and for no more than a few hours.....with 'rest breaks'.

  14. Actually, I would be very interested to find out precisely what our gentlemen members here class as 'high heels' when they post about everyday wearing of heels.

    Do you mean stilettos as we girls do - or do you mean a high, blocked heel, a cuban heel....or what..?

  15. Much as I am loathe to admit it, on the strength of her wonderful appearance at the recent Royal Wedding, I have to say that Victoria Beckham is the closest to a fashion/high heels 'icon' that we have seen in recent years.

    She is heavily pregnant, she wore a beautifully elegant outfit coupled with madly high heels - and she looked simply fabulous....!!

    (Her husband looked pretty cute too.....*swoon*)

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