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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2024 in Posts

  1. Hello fellow heelers! It has been a long time, too long for sure. I thought I would also add to the scene out here in the San Francisco area. For starters, I do not live in the big city. I live in an East Bay city that is predominantly Indian and Afghan families. I, as a Caucasian, am a minority. I have been fortunate enough over the past few years of living out here to feel comfortable in being myself. What does that mean? It means unless I am hiking or running, I am always in some kind of heel. That includes work, shopping, even church. I realize this is not everyone’s scenario. However, when it comes to men in heels in the area, I’d say if I’m actually outside the office during the week, I’d maybe see one other male in some kind of heel. I don’t know if any of them have ever noticed me before, but if they have, they’ve never approached. I was pleasantly surprised one day at the office to see a guy in almost knee high riding boots over his dark jeans. They were quite stylish, despite the lack of heel. It is always exciting when I do see other guys out and about in heels, because even though I may not approach them, I’m glad to see it’s slowly “normalizing”. As for side eyes, negative reactions, etc., I have not experienced it or have been aware of it if it has indeed occurred. I hope everyone is doing well and I will hopefully make more of a regular appearance here ☺️
    3 points
  2. Nice Valentine's ensemble, Melrose. Red suits you well. I wore red patent booties last week for Valentines. Was going to wear my red pumps yesterday, but with 8" of new snow on the ground, that wasn't happening yesterday, going to church. Happy Heeling, bluejay
    1 point
  3. I had a pair that looked like those when I was 15. Wore them out and it was a sad day when I parted with them. I currently have a pair of Nine West red stiletto pumps with 4 1/2” heels that I wore to a restaurant yesterday.
    1 point
  4. It’s irritating when they get the ads wrong. But they look nice at any rate and hopefully they’ll work out all right
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I think you fundamentally misunderstand what this site is all about. It's not that your photos are technically inappropriate in any sort of legal sense, but the boundaries you are pushing are irrelevant to us. We are trying to change society one person at a time. You are playing dress-up in front of the mirror. There's nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't really fit well with this site. We're simply not pushing "raciness" in any way. We are about practical advice, general fashion advice, and stories about interacting with the public as guys in heels, and hopefully gaining some acceptance as such. I hope I don't come off as a jackass, I'm just trying to put the issue in perspective, calmly. I can't say that I speak for everybody here, but I know I speak for quite a few.
    1 point
  7. I visit a small boutique shoe store about once a month. I once asked the store manager if she had other male customers and she told me she had a few. Judging by the interactions I have with DSW stores, it not uncoommon.
    1 point
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