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  1. New entry! Although I was working from home today, I did have to venture out and did not change a single detail about this outfit. And boy, did it feel great to be seen in this!
    1 point
  2. I went through a minor shoe reshuffle yesterday. With all the new hires and all the failures I've had this year, my old system of organization was not working well anymore. In the process, my first two pairs of heels, which I keep for nostalgic reasons, were once again relegated to the upstairs closet, where they will be rarely seen. To recap from years ago, the black, thicker heeled mules are Söfft Aviano, my very first pair of heels. Let me clarify that. My very first pair of heels I bought with the intention of wearing them in public, and not hiding them in the crawl space or something. I always say they are low heels, but putting a tape measure to them, they're actually 3 3/4" tall, with a 3/4" platform, so they're not super low. I'd put them at the low end of mid-heels for me. As I recounted fairly recently in some other thread, that first walk in them, which was approximately one mile, and not all at once, was perhaps one of the longest walks I've ever taken in my life! The other pair, Sbicca Hutton (made in the USA, by the way), I keep because I think of them as my first "high" heels. This is mainly a visual characterization, because the tape measure says otherwise. Yes, the heel is a "high" 4 1/2 inches, a height that was inconceivable to me at the time, the platform is 1 1/4 inches, making them a rather tame 3 1/4 inches. Even my ex-wife could handle that for a few hours. I wore them a lot, to the point where they were not very nice looking anymore, and I bought another pair. By that time, I'd lost interest and never wore the new pair much. In my time of convalescence, I decided to take the old girls out for a spin one last time last week. Yeah, they feel low. Not only that, I shattered both heel tips in a one mile walk. I guess they are over 10 years old. They feel like 10 year old shoes that are plain worn out. It's either the bin or the back of the closet.
    1 point
  3. This week is the week of non-mules sandals, it would seem. My choice of the Söfft Ivory sandals this week is partially because they are among the lower shoes I have, and I'm trying to take it easy lately, so as not to injure myself. As I said elsewhere, my Achilles tendon is bothering me a bit, and I think it's because I overdid it on the heel training a couple of weeks ago, and then I overdid it on the walking the last two weeks of August, trying to catch up and make my monthly goal. Which I somehow managed to do, but that was not smart.
    1 point
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