I am delighted to hear that you say 'zed', in common with the great majority of the English-speaking world. Now, please concentrate on using 'different from' and using the 'loo/bog/toilet' rather than the bathroom or restroom. 😉
I agree that care must be taken in using certain words or expressions - not that this should really be necessary in intelligent society, and certainly not just because certain groups have hijacked perfectly good words and given them a new meaning that is now sacrosanct, and often for use only by other group members. But, in the UK at least, we are still able to use 'queer' in its established sense and context. And 'queen' likewise, which reminds me of a tale attributed to the late Queen Mother (widow of Geoge VI). Whilst waiting to be served her gin and tonic, the Queen Mum could hear two openly-gay members of her staff arguing in the hallway outside her sitting room. Impatient at being kept waiting, she eventually called out 'When you two old queens have finished arguing, this old Queen wants her gin.'.