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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2024 in all areas

  1. Australia is considerably different than the US - perhaps not if you are only visiting, there may seem to be superficial similarities, but as a place to live, work, raise children, the differences are huge. we live in troubled times, sure., but for overall standard of living and quality of life there are many worthy alternatives to the US. I’ve never been a fan of the idea that any country is “the greatest in the world”
    1 point
  2. That’s what I did after more than 40 years of living outside the US and with Australian citizenship and no intention whatever of ever living in the US (I’ve not even set foot in the place in 15 years and only rarely before that)
    1 point
  3. I wasn't looking for a new pair of shoes, but I have always wanted a pair of high heeled penny loafers. I thought I had found such a pair a year ago when I bought some New Religion shoes of that description, but they had a fatal flaw: No matter how many fitment devices I used, I walked out of them every other step. So I got rid of them. Then, a few weeks ago, these Stuart Weitzman Mocup loafers in olive green suede appeared in my Poshmark feed. Not my first pick of colors, but a unique addition to my collection. The seller kept dropping the price over a period of time, and by the time the price got down to $27, I couldn't resist. And this for Stuart Weitzman! What I did not realize is that these shoes have evidently never been worn. Not a mark on them anywhere, top or bottom, even though they did not come in a box. They are rather more attractive in person than I thought they would be from the photos. Their appearance is super narrow, even though they don't necessarily fit that way. They have a 5 inch heel with a 1 inch platform, which at one time was a staple of my collection. The heel is 3/4" wide, and is simulated stacked leather. I wore them outside right away, which is something I used to shy away from doing until I vetted them properly. I can kind of tell fairly quickly nowadays. I wore them for several hours with nothing negative to report.
    1 point
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