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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2024 in Posts

  1. We don’t need aloof runway models in faraway cities to effectively convey male heels fashion. We have down-to-Earth mlroseplant in Iowa to bring it home. Sporting fashion we may actually afford and wear. Now that’s something to toast. And click your heels over.👠HinH
    2 points
  2. New comment today from a younger woman: "you have such a great shoe game, so much better than mine."
    2 points
  3. I totally agree with HinH. We are indeed fortunate that mlroseplant appears amongst us both in comments and photos demonstrating that appearing in public wearing high heels and occasionally mixing Items of feminine apparel with his outfits is courageous and socially acceptable, much in the same manner as does kneehighs, casting aside any fear of being stigmatized as deviant. Their examples demonstrate the fact that while wearing items of clothing usually associated with male or females, they are really totally normal people who’s taste happens to include selecting color, shapes and functions not usually associated with males. I, for one, do not pay attention to what clothing fashion designers and models present during their shows. Often I have great sympathy for the models who have to wear these hideous designers creations. At times models must be humiliated and embarrassed having to appear on the runway wearing these unappealing creations. As to this forum, it’s appeal to me (or those of us that frequently login) would totally be diminished should either or both kneehigh or mlrosplant disappear or no longer post comments. Should that happen, given the decline in comments being posted, Hhp might as well pack it in.
    1 point
  4. Looking at the slanted angle of these heel wearers reminds me of those YouTube videos showing vehicles with wobbling or slanted tires. Invariably the dashcam then shows a tire flying off or the vehicle crashing into something. It just doesn’t look promising. HinH
    1 point
  5. Oddly enough I had a similar compliment the other day from someone who wears stylish heels herself. She said envious of my boots, I was quite flattered
    1 point
  6. Mine too! You can't have them all😃
    1 point
  7. Careful buddy your approaching my style. Very elegant pumps, and I'll say it, sexy heels.
    1 point
  8. Not to reopen the subject noted here, but I had an interesting experience yesterday afternoon that reminded me of the this thread. On my way home from church I stopped at a drug store to pick up some vitamin supplements. Their was a fashionably dressed beautiful young woman looking at some over the counter medicine in the same isle. I couldn’t help noticing her outfit because she was better dressed than any other woman I had seen all morning. I took notice of her shoes that she was wearing. Much to my surprise, she was wearing pare of black leather pumps with 4 1/2” wedge heels. While they looked presentable, they had that “often” worn look. But what really peaked my interest, besides the fact that I had an identical pair in my closet at home that I wear quite frequently, was I noticed that the shoes leaned in the same manner described in this thread. In fact the angle they leaned was so acute that the heel caps were worn to a point that caused the shoes on both feet to lean outwards to a degree that they looked uncomfortable. That being said, what is even more curious to me is why she wore that particular pair of shoes when she was so beautifully dressed. In my opinion, they spoiled her overall appearance.
    1 point
  9. I agree. The heels described in that study were ghastly. From what I gather they created them so the male participants would not feel as though they were wearing feminine footwear - again the hang-up about crossing the dreaded gender line. How nice it would be if more people could get over that. They might also have had more volunteers for the study and fewer drop-outs
    1 point
  10. Interestingly enough, although I still can't see the article on this computer (it doesn't lock me out, it just won't load), I could read the article just fine (with the appropriate amount of magnification) on my phone. Weird, huh? At any rate, I'd be embarrassed to wear heels like they described, too! Chucks? With foam wedges somehow attached to them? Yuck! The comments I made from a position of ignorance turned out to be accidentally correct. I am quite aware that my feet/achilles tendon are affected by regular heel wearing. I try to counteract this by regular stretching in addition to my golf ball exercise, mentioned elsewhere. Overall, I think the results are not only positive, but quite positive. I have no idea about walking efficiency, nor do I care. I do know that on the rare occasions that I wear heels as low as what they used in this study, I can sure zoom. Even in effective 9 cm heels, I am back to not doing too badly after my long trip.
    1 point
  11. May I suggest that starting in heels again, is better with wedges. Rebuild the ankle muscles in wedge heels which are broad and comfortable. Then conversion back to stilettos should be much easier.
    1 point
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