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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2024 in Posts

  1. Here are the JS Devalyn sandals I said I’d post. They are size 10. Bought a shoe stretcher and used it several times. Wore them several hours a day to break in. Love the way they look. Have pics in jeans but have to resize them. I would think mlroseplant would like these. Here’s the JS Devalyn sandal with jeans and a top for Christmas. You don’t have to do your toes but it’s more fun with shoes like this. HinH Here’s the JS Dany sandal with some pvc pants. The sandal is the ganache color which is a chocolate brown. Size 10 and no stretching required. I’m wearing them barefoot with no fit issues. Very stable and will go with many outfits. HinH
    4 points
  2. I'm always looking on what other people are wearing on their feet, the functional trend is here but a good part of women still benefit on their liberties and remain wearing high heels or other fancy shoes. What is overwhelming is that, in a single week, I've seen two men (other than me) wearing high heels in quite fashionable ways and that makes me very happy.
    2 points
  3. I thought I'd start this thread as a bit of a finger on the pulse of what is being worn. I was thinking of this the other night when I was in a busy pub having dinner and noticing the boots and heels being worn by my fellow patrons. I was wearing low-heeled OTK boots myself - bluish-grey suede over skinny jeans. I was not the only one in OTK boots. There was a young lady in black shorts (this in winter) with some very tall black leather boors - actually more like thigh boots than OTK. I'd never seen anything quite like them. The shafts looked to be made of very nice leather and fit her well; that part was elegant. The boot part though was like a pair of exceptionally heavy Doc Martens with very thick clod-hopper soles. I don't know if contrast and aesthetic tension was the point of this, but it looked like hell. My other outing this week was to go to Leeds, an old city in the north of England. I saw a lot of people (all women) wearing heels - typically chunky heeled knee and and ankle boots with 3" heels. It was almost the norm. I was wearing black leather knee boots myself, again with low heels (my circumstances at the moment do not lend themselves to wearing heels - not because of the fear of censure but risky footing and the ruination of nice suede high-heeled boots) Again, my black leather knee bots, for over skinny jeans, passed without notice.
    1 point
  4. Please expand, what were they wearing and where?
    1 point
  5. Bought on Amazon, seller from China, very cheap but better made than some more expensive European manufacturers, very solid until now. Size is CN 49 (equivalent to EU 47), heels between 8 and 9 cm, round toes, very very comfortable, I'm in love. Faux fur interior (very warm, it's -2 C here today and I felt hot), faux leather. So today's outfit for the office, let's see if they are durable enough.
    1 point
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