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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2023 in all areas

  1. I just spent a week travelling around by Britain, mainly by rail, and nearly every day wearing a pair of brown suede OTK boots over skinny jeans. They were standard heels admittedly, not high heels, but still very definitely OTK boots, with ornamental lacing down the sides and straps and buckles over the instep - styling that would very definitely be regarded as feminine by society at large. Over the course of the week I passed through several big cities, several main train stations and had meals in working class pubs - some of which were busy, others of which were quiet and where patrons were more likely to notice newcomers. And not once did my choice of footwear evoke so much as a second glance. No compliments, but no censorious looks either. In fact, my footwear choice did not seem to register with anybody at all, not the lest little bit, which is just as it should be. I'm not out trying to attract attention or push an agenda but simply wearing a style of boot I liked, which looked nice and was suitable for where I was going and what I was doing. I make the point not for the regular posters here, to whom this would be preaching to the choir, but for those hesitating on the sidelines, wondering what the reactions might be if oe steps out in more theatrical footwear. The answer: none.
    2 points
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