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  1. Past hour
  2. Thanks guys! They kind of give off a "riding boot vibe", love the tall shafts, fit my chicken legs pretty well.
  3. Ok, fair enough. 1) The driveway has become a thing now, I guess. It has largely replaced the drainpipe that @Puffer has admired for so many years. I suppose I could turn 90º and have the background be the deck and the back yard, but that is often littered with cast-off motorcycle parts and other junk like used oil bottles. I probably wouldn't take any pictures at all, except for this group. The driveway is a compromise between decent photo quality and spending lots of time to grab a few snapshots. My wife used to make me go to the park almost every Sunday after church and take photos of her there, which she would then post on social media. For a number of reasons, this stopped after our public health issue reared its ugly head. But I still haven't answered your question. Our neighborhood is fairly static. Typically, houses only come up for sale after a death. Therefore, my neighbors are long familiar with me, and don't question why I have a tripod set up in the driveway. They probably know. Frankly, it's still a little embarrassing to think about a 56 year old man taking selfies, but ah well. 2) As I alluded to earlier, my wife is a bit of a fashionista, or used to be. For reasons I won't get into, that is largely no longer the case. Sometime around 2018 or 2019, I got to a point I wanted to get to, as far as pushing my fashion limits, and have pretty much stayed there. Of course, the public health issue changed everything, and it seems since then, my fashion choices are not a subject of discussion anymore. I naturally know which situations require me to be invisible, and in which situations I can do what I want. The subject has not really come up for a long time. She doesn't even get mad when I occasionally get a new pair of shoes in the mail. The skirt, on the other hand, that's a one-off. I'm not really being serious. It was truly an experiment, and my wife certainly doesn't need to know about it. It would be foolish to upset an equilibrium that largely works for us. She rightfully has other, more important things to criticize me about. And now, a question for you. As I recall, one of the stipulations between you and your wife was that the kids never know about your fashion proclivities. How did you manage to wear heels at all during that couple of decades of child rearing?
  4. Today
  5. Well done, big difference between those and your red stiletto boots. Comfort is everything but we catch up someday bring both and we can test them accordingly.
  6. For sure, put at least a mile on them yesterday....Even with my bum knee
  7. Yesterday
  8. I got these round toe boots from Macys, couldn't resist for $35. Leather with zippers, fit nicely over the jeans and adidas pants. I kinda like the way the boots look with the adidas gear, what do you guys think??
  9. Over time, there have been several questions that keep popping into my mind concerning your situation as covered by your posts here that I have been hesitant to address. The comments above present an opertunity to mention two that I have been curious about. 1) given the location where you usually take your pictures and the close proximity of your neighbors house to your driveway, I have often wondered if your neighbors are aware of this activity and give you any feedback? And 2) while living with a reluctantly supportive spouse — but one that really would rather not have to deal with the situation— for over 36 years, I realize that there is a point where tolerance has been stretched almost to its limit, how do you deal with this situation? ( l learned early on where these limits were and vainly tried never to exceed them, which at times was extremely difficult.)
  10. I guess I didn't realize that toes had a box.
  11. I don't believe this should be phrased in the future tense. Haven't I done enough time already? 😆 I think I told the story about when the 40-ish woman wanted to compare heel heights at church, and as it turns out, she severely underestimated the general height of my heels. As an aside, her kid is graduating high school this year, my kid is a freshman. It just tells you how old I am compared to most parents. It is really unlikely that I will wear that skirt beyond the confines of my driveway. The main limiting factor is not the church, but rather the fact that my wife would probably kill me. I know at least one neighbor saw me out there with the tripod capturing the above images, but the wife was working. She has no idea. As far as the length, we are several inches from that being a concern. As a normal congregant, I could get by with wearing much shorter to church. Not that I would, but I could. As the public face of the church via livestream, however, I don't know what the limits would be, and I don't intend to find out.
  12. Last week
  13. I purchased a hole punch to create extra holes to increase the vamp. This is the reason I can’t wear pumps; I have a large toe box girth. I could never find a pair of men’s sandals that fit my toe box and I could also close the top strap. I would run out of strap to tighten before it was tightened enough. When I converted to only women’s shoes, I found the first sandals that fit my feet.
  14. Nice look Melrose, I like to wear skirts too!!!! Happy Heeling, bluejay
  15. Great look. Appearing in Church dressed like that must make more than one woman jealous because everything matches in good taste and, I would guess, not one female would be wearing higher heels than you do. WOW. What a great look. Going anywhere wearing that outfit would take a ton of courage. Especially to Church service . But, then again, you have been wearing heels to church for a long while, I doubt the skirt would raise many eyebrows. Any criticism given might be along the lines of the skirt is way to short for wearing at a religious service. (You should submit the picture of you sitting on the motorbike to the Best Dressed contest.)
  16. Haha! The skirted you. Nice, comfortable and great look. oh yah, don't let Tech get you. if only I knew why the text underline is on.
  17. And now, it is time to reveal the week's truly interesting event--my "new" motorbike, which broke down after only having owned it for one week, is now back in service. Actually, that's not the news. I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves. I just wanted to see what it would look like. I don't hate it.
  18. Gentlemen, if I have a problem with straps, it is usually the opposite problem--I run out of holes before the strap is tight. I suppose this, among other things, is why I favor mules.
  19. They look interesting. Too bad we couldn’t have a better look at them.
  20. I have a new pair in my closet waiting for an old pair to give up a strap so I can lengthen the straps that came with the heels. Or maybe I'll just pick up a pair of old shoes at a yardsale.
  21. This pair of JS Dany sandals was the last time I wore heels away from home when I went shopping then to a movie. Apart from that wore wedge heels quite regularly at home or outside. HinH
  22. Don’t like it when a company makes a shoe which does fit me but it comes with an ankle strap 1-1.5” shorter than normal. It’s relevant if one has to perforate some extra holes in the strap. Don’t see a lot but it’s annoying. HinH
  23. Glad to hear the collective value of members’ heel-wearing experiences inspired you to take that first step outside. As I’ve said before, but it is worth repeating, the world is utterly neutral towards you but will look approvingly upon anyone who exudes confidence. Thanks for placing your trust in the community here. It validates the site. HinH
  24. Gige, Looked this over and decided your “armchair fashionistas” are now fat and can’t master the look you now sport. They are not in the chain of command and the content of what they tell you is really not directly related to the job you’re all paid for. You could note they offered no comments before wearing more feline styles but I’d be inclined to record any interaction with them if you can manage it. It’s one sure way of shutting down would-be troublemakers. These phones have a life of their own as a phone in a pocket or purse can start recording at any moment…theoretically. HinH
  25. Mlroseplant, Well-done on your whole-hearted JKrenzer endorsement! Practice over time makes just about anyone master a skill whether it’s walking in heels, learning electricity, or delving into amateur radio. Time spent in heels will also tone those calves. Keep it up! HinH
  26. I have heard some wild things from women while getting a pedi. Eye opening.
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