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It's Snowing Again!




This is not a great time to wear heels outside! But being the heel nut that I am, I do go out in heels even in the snow. Now I not stupid I don't try wearing stilletos in the snow. I only use my ankle or calf length boots in the snowy season and they all have blockier heels for stability. Now that brings me to what I want to talk about this time. A couple good places to score some good heels. So here we go!

Shoes of Prey

Shoes of Prey is a site that allows you to design your shoes online be they heels or flats the way you want. That means styles, fabric, colors, trim, etc. They do go up to size 12 in most of the styles and up to a 4" heels on some of the styles.

All of your design choices are easy to apply on the site. You can then view your new heels from various angles to get a better idea of what they will look like. You can always go back and make any changes you want. And if you just cannot decide they have a great team of people that will assist you with creating your dream heels or just a new pair of heels for a special evening our outing.

Here is one design that I was working on and need to tweek a little before I pay out the $ 129.00 the heels will cost:


Once I am done with the final touches on this shoe, I will post an update on the fit, comfort and detail on the shoes.


DSW, as many of you know is a retail store that sells men, women's and children with the tag line, "Designer Show Warehouse." They have some great heels at the store, but I have found that they have very, very few size 10 and above in heels. You may luck out on one or two, but it can be a frustrating search. However all is not lost at DSW! Just go online, they have a number of heel styles available up to size 12. Maybe not the sky high sexy heels that we know and love, but some really nice heels all the same.

You can order the heels online and then have them shipped to the store for free or have them shipped to your home. Either way, I would give them four stars for what they do have.


JustFab, is and online store that caters to women's shoes and clothing. Has some really nice heels and their clothes are to die for all at very reasonable prices. You have to check this site out if you have not already!

Basically the site works this way, your first purchase is discounted a lot. Like when I did my order the other day for a couple of heels. Cost me only $39.00 for both! (see them below). Now when February comes around I will have to buy another item or let them know I am skipping the month. If I do not let them know I am skipping the month by the 5th, then I would be charged $39.50 for that month. But, that money will be there when I do decide to but something. And knowing me, I will have little trouble buying something every month.

Oh and they have a thing called the "My Boutique" where you let them know your styles so they can make better recommendation to you. So with out any further things, here are the two shoes that I ordered. They should be here Monday at which time I will model them for you.


Well that's all for now! And as always get out there and strut your stuff!

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Nice write-up, thanks!

Do you need to buy monthly from JustFab? how often can you "skip"?




From my understanding, you can skip at least once. I will have to check to see if it goes beyond the one-time. I was thinking that even if I had to pay the $39.50 a month or two I would surely spend that quickly the way I shop! :cool::cool:



In theory its a great idea. They have some really nice styles. Sadly, my budget wouldn't allow a monthly amount like this



This is the subscription business model. You have one for your mobile phone, for internet, why not shoes and clothing. "Adore Me" is a subscription for lingerie. They are counting on the fact that you will forget to cancel.



I love wearing my boots in the snow also!



How about some snow heels pics or should I say snow footwear 



Im just cranky at this

shoes of prey started as a AUS company and mived to US a year or so ago. 

Those same shoes ordered from here in Aus cost au$249. Your shoes with aud v usd change are au$160. Its crazy that the same company thinks it’s reasonable that different countries get charged different rates for the same product



Sorry to hear that.  Have you bought a pair from them?



14 hours ago, K2inheels said:

Sorry to hear that.  Have you bought a pair from them?


ive been very close. I have several saved. I might try to find a way to trick them to thinking im in usa



Good luck on that. But I had a thought that if you have a friend in the US, have them buy the shoes and then send them to you. I do not know if that will save you much money due to the shipping costs, but it might be a way to accomplish your goal.

Good luck!



Im hoping to use a vpn and show im in the states and put in a aus shipping address 

hoping anyway 



Maybe next year when I make my way back to Aussieland I'll bring a suitcase full of high heels of high heels. Wonder what your customs will say?


I have family down there

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