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Vegas, Baby!!!!


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I have a really good chance of going to Las Vegas in November for a 5-day conference. In my mind, I am trying to plan what I am going to bring with me (heels) and when/where I am going to wear them.... I think I have a good idea. My question, to all of those that live in Vegas or visit there frequently.... are there any stores that I can go to in the greater LV area to buy some nice heels (size 15/16), hose (2x/3x), etc???? I'll have a car and a GPS, so driving won't be a problem. I was there a few months ago with my wife, and we went to a Zappos outlet and they actually had some 15/16 shoes, but they weren't much to really look at. There is a 'showgirl supply store' by the Strat, but I don't know what they have for me there. Any help would be really appreciated!!!!

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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My wife likes Red Shoes. Go up the strip to the Stratosphere and turn left. Go until you pass the In-n-Out burger on the right, then look to your left. It is in a strip mall with a costume/corset place and a fetish show (I think it is Lady B's or something like that). I work heels all over vegas in January with no problems. Guy at the Golden Nugget even asked me about my heels and was really positive. I think he wanted to wear them too. CassieJ

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK... I am definitely going to Vegas in November.... What brands/sizes does this Red Shoes place carry???? Are there any other places??? One of the Zappos outlets had some of the larger sizes, just kind of ugly... I'll be checking there (all 3 of them) as well.

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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  • 2 months later...

My wife likes Red Shoes. Go up the strip to the Stratosphere and turn left. Go until you pass the In-n-Out burger on the right, then look to your left. It is in a strip mall with a costume/corset place and a fetish show (I think it is Lady B's or something like that)...CassieJ

Here's a link for what the store looks like outside.

Let me know what you think of it, maybe I'll stop in during my next trip there.

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He said that he wasn't going to wear heels in Vegas, but was interested in places where he could BUY heels while there. That is if he stays out of the gambling casinos and has any cash left in his pockets. Vegas is very additive in many, many ways, and a town where anything goes 24 hrs a day. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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From the Strip, head West on Sahara. There are a number of stores selling high sexy heels up that way about a mile. I cannot remember their names, but are all within a 4 block stretch, on both sides of the street. Or if you head East from the Strip, Glamour Boutique is on your Left ( 714 E. Sahara Avenue #250, Las Vegas, NV 89104, 702-697-1800)

Proudly standing in my patent High Heels

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So... I took all of your advice on where I can look for heels in large sizes... My first stop was Glamour Boutique. I actually got here first by mistake - I was trying to go to Red Shoes first but chose the West Sahara option rather than the East Sahara one on the GPS which took me 6 miles out of the way. BUT, on the way back to civilized civilization (drove through some not-so-nice neighborhoods), I figured I would check out GB first. So here I am in the parking lot, sitting in my rent-a-car, heart pounding (this was my first attempt at going INTO a real store with real people rather than being protected behind my e-mail address). So here goes -- I opened the door and climbed the steep staircase to the 2nd floor. There were cameras everywhere, so I felt secure but insecure that someone had me going in there on tape. I walk in and see a very VERY tall woman in a corset, pencil skirt, and 5" heels. She sounded like a woman, looked like a woman, but... I digress. She asks me what I am looking for and I said shoes. She then led me into the 'shoe room' and asked me what size I was. Of course I told her 15/16 woman's. I told her what I was looking for (a high MJ with a small plat) but she said that she didn't have them in my size. Mind you the inventory was large - in both normal and jumbo sizes. She found a pair of Pleaser pumps (don't remember the model) that were really nice - I sat down to try them on when she asked me "are you able to walk in heels??" I smiled and told her that I am able to walk in 6" ok, 5" well, and 4" as if they were sneakers. That's when she showed me her 5" heels (in a large size) and said that she doesn't feel right without them. Anyway -- After trying on several pairs, I just didn't get the warm and fuzzies on spending the money on them - the fit just wasn't there. I shopped around for a bit - got a couple of other things for myself. Next was the trip to Red Shoes, which was only 3 miles in the other direction. The store is huge... The 'clerk' was sitting on the phone in a non-American/English language (middle-eastern) arguing with someone. I again digress. I found EXACTLY what I was looking for - both Pleaser and Jante. He put the phone down and asked me if I needed help. I showed him what I was looking for and told him the size. He, not really pleasantly, told me no, we don't have them in that size. OK - let's save some time... I asked him if he had ANYTHING in a 15/16 woman's and he said we only go up to size 12. I thanked him and walked out. In my despair, I looked across the street and saw a massive store with a big sign that said "FETISH HEELS" amongst other stuff. So what did I have to lose?? I drove across the street and went in. This time with no expectation of success. BTW - the name of the store is "Studio Lites" and they have a location in Denver as well. I meandered my way through amazing 'stripper' outfits, sexy clothes, etc... to the shoe section. Immediately a young woman asked me if I needed any assistance. I told her that I was looking for some shoes and asked first if they carried my size. Sure enough, she said they carry many to size 17!!! So I looked around and found a pair of MJ style shoes with a small platform and asked if they had those in my size. She went in the back and came out with them in a 15 and another pair with a slightly higher plat in black Patent Leather. I tried the first pair, but they were just too small to be comfortable in. I then tried the others. LIKE A GLOVE!!!! They fit perfectly and are sooooo comfortable. I looked at the brand and it has the store's branding label in it. I haven't looked for them on-line yet... not enough time. So... I bought them. The sales girl told me that if I see a pair of shoes on the internet that I like, to e-mail them and see what their price is - they'll ship!! I'll post the next part of the story separately as I'm sure people don't want to read such a long post.

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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OK - last post was about finding the most comfortable shoes. Now for what happened next!!!! Once I got back in the car, I put the heels on... Why not. I'm in Vegas. What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas (unless you post it on HHP). I was already wearing a pair of footless tights under my long jeans. I figured why not. Of course the footless tights don't help with shoes, but... I drove back to my hotel, gave the car to the Valet, and PROUDLY walked into the casino... Walked around there for about half an hour then decided to move on. About 4 blocks away is the New York, New York hotel/casino. I made the walk in my new shoes... no socks or hose.... no problem. Spent about an hour in this casino... won enough to cover the shoes ($60) and then some (a little more). Got bored and walked across the street to the MGM Grand and dropped the winnings and more.... OK - time to head back. Here I go -- heeling my way back to the hotel, in 6" heels, with no socks or hose and still no problems. On my way, I passed a man... in 3" heeled boots and a skirt. That took me by surprise for a minute, but then thought - "HEY, Why Not" seeing that here I was in heels myself. The lobby is the typical marble flooring. I didn't get the official 'click-clack' of heels, but the wonderful sound was still there. During my entire outing, I don't think ANYONE noticed, and if they did, they didn't say anything nor did I care. How invigorating. The only way I can get a picture is with my phone -- I'll see what I can do and will post if it looks OK. Thanks to ALL of you for the positive encouragement!!!! Couldn't have done it otherwise.

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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OK... one more post about this trip... I was at a trade show (part of the conference I attended) and was at a booth when I noticed the cute 'girl' giving the shpiel was wearing a pair of really high Loubies... The heels were over 5" with no platform... No idea what model they were... After she finished talking and everyone walked away that was listening, I grew the initiative to tell her that her shoes were amazing and then asked her how she was standing for 10 hours at a trade show in them.... She thanked me for the compliment and then told me that they are THE most comfortable shoes she owns, while pulling up her pants leg to show the entire shoe. I almost drooled. There were lots of other heels of incredible heights all over the casino and convention.... oooff.

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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  • 5 months later...

I'm thinking of heading to Las Vegas sometime in September. It seems like the perfect spot to wear my heels and skirts. For those of you who did go to Vegas wearing heels and even skirts as guys, where did you go? Did you have any problems getting into places? If I would go, I'd like to be able to wear my chosen attire in the hotel, casino, shows, restaurants and the clubs/lounges as well. My main concern however is the dress codes in the clubs. I'm not interested in going to a gay/alternaive club but to a more famous mainstream one. Question is, with the dress codes at the door (obviously, they don't mention heels/skirts in the male dress code do's/don'ts), will they let me in?

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