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Hello from Northern Colorado

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Hi, I'm Nick form the Ft. Collins/Loveland area of Northern Colorado. I've been lurking around without joining, but decided I was missing alot, so here I am! I'm divorced...partially because my X couldn't deal with my love of all things feminine. I messed up & didn't tell her ALL about myself before we got married, so I guess I earned the divorce. I've loved high heels as long as I can remember. Watching, listening, & finally wearing. I can walk in 5" easily, 6" if I work into them & barely move in ballets. I keep trying, but my ankles can only take so much! I have to say this is the first time I've ever talked about myself to anyone other than my X, so please be gentle.

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You didn't "earn" your divorce, trust me. I went through the very same thing. It's who you are, and if she couldn't accept it, then there's nothing YOU can/could do... Your story is a lot like many here, especially mine. I know you will like it here, but please, share your stories and pics with us all! Welcome!

Walking in ultra-highs because it's exciting...and it is!!

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Thank you for the kind comments. Me being me was only part of the problem...I'm probably not the easiest guy in the world to live with. Of course, neither was she! I don't have any pictures, but hope to solve that soon. I have loved lurking around & picking up links, but last night I followed threads for a couple of hours. I love it! It's great to read threads from people who are so open. Thanks again!

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Welcome to the forum and glad to know that you are no longer "lurking!" Actually, I have found th forum to be very supportive, but honest. It doesn't take long to get to kow the people who post and know they are a resource for many ideas.

Style is built from the ground up!

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Hey Nick313. It's good that you have come to find that it's OK to be yourself but on the other hand its sad that others like your X can't except it. I have found the perfect sole mate for my high heel passion and consider myself very blessed. I just wanted to say welcome and I too lived in Greeley for many years through the 70's and 80's. I do miss it. I'm sure you will enjoy it here. It's a great place to be.

real men wear heels

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Welcome Nick313 to HHP. I too will join in and say I went through a similar experience as you and my condolences on your divorce. But I hope you are moving forward smoothly and it sounds like your love for high heels will help you fit in here just fine. Please feel free to share your thoughts, opinions, and experiences with us anytime. As you can see, you are among friends with many things in common. Welcome again.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Nick313, Glad you mustered the courage to join and tell us about your interests and divorce. Heels are our constant companion but marriage difficulties and then divorce make it harder to believe in ourselves and what we are and accept. I too like many others here have been through marriage then divorce, I can relate to your scene. Mine however turned even wilder by having my wife contract cancer and passing on after 4 months separated. This caused me to even go further to dig deep and fine what is important and not live in fear or denial and accept all of myself including heels, they are a part of me and will not go away. My favorite saying through my difficulties is "I feel much better now that I have given up hope" This has allowed me to be who I am. Glad to have you aboard! Mtnsofheels

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