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Poor response


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The responses in that blog seemed to be very mixed from the feamles responding...as they are here at HHP. This just proves everybody has a different opinion about men wearing high heels. But I have observed that myself whenever I wear high heels in public. The responses didn't surprise me that much. And as I have noticed and said many time, many younger women seem to not like the idea of men in high heels. That blog shows that.

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And as I have noticed and said many time, many younger women seem to not like the idea of men in high heels. That blog shows that.

I think you'll find younger women in general are more sheeplike, once one has an opinion the others will not want to appear to be different. It's horrible to generalise in that way, and I do realise there are exceptions to that statement but the loud majority are the ones posting at these online message board forums, and on Yahoo answers and they are most sheeplike or they wouldn't be on fashion related topics seeing who they should copy.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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I thought some of the answers were pretty good really:-

"Pppl r differednt maybe the man is gay of maybe the man's wife of gf or wahtever has the same size feet and he was getting her a present. U shudn;t care anyways. That's something personal!"

"this has happened to me several times. i just tried to be as friendly and helpful as possible!"

"Tell him they suited him of course,diffrent strokes for diffrent folks as they say!!"

"Carry on as normal and respect, because he is not hurting anyone. If I was working there I would ask him if he wanted any help or advice with the same professional attitude I would show anyone, helpful and respectful, not to be judgemental."

...and other similar ones.

And this one was especially great:-

"Obviously the man is very comfortable with who he is and not self conscious.

Are you talking about women's shoes coz apparently heals are in fashion for men you know."

Always High-Heel Responsibly

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I came cross this thread in Yahoo answers. It is sad that so many people think we must be gay.


What was poor about the responses? I thought lots of them were positive. The 'He's gay' ones aren't worth reading and the 'grab my camera' and take a photo answers show that people love it.

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And as I have noticed and said many time, many younger women seem to not like the idea of men in high heels.

I have found the complete opposite to be the case here in Ireland. Ireland is only starting to grow up as a country. 20 years Playboy was banned over here.

Anyway, I dont wear heels in public (on the streets) much here. However, when I go into shops to buy heels, I find younger sales staff very helpful and easy to deal with, whilst middle aged women can be an absolutle nightmare. I actually walked out of the shop one day in Dublin city centre because the lady was so difficult to deal with.

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haha that last post made me laugh. not knocking the statement made for irish etc but OF COURSE the sales staff are going to be friendly. Theyre trying to SELL you something and probably get comission or the sack if they are unpleassant. Reminds me of a giggle i had at my mate who was pondering over buying a car from this garage and the salesman had been all friendly and even gave him a cup of tea. when we walked away to think about it he said to me, well the deal seemed good and the salesman had seemed like a decent bloke - to which i was like OF Course hes gonna be nice hes trying to sell you a car you dimwit. lol

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haha that last post made me laugh. not knocking the statement made for irish etc but OF COURSE the sales staff are going to be friendly.

You have missed the point of my post. I would expect ALL sales staff to be friendly. However, over here I have found older sales staff to be quite difficult to deal with when I go into shops to buy heels. They certainly dont like the idea of guys buying heels.

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yeah i had gathered so mate, just made me chuckle and reminded me as i said. Its amazing how many shops you get bad service in these days actually. In america when i visited a few years ago i was amazed to find how much more pleasant every worker is in the shops

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yes, your so right astrid, it is in any store's best INTREST to serve ALL customers, because any time that they do NOT, they can lose money- somthing not wanted!:thumbsup:

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don't ever think ure the first to go in a shop as a bloke for heels. I take uk 6 - 7 and the gents choice is v limited. So naturally, for the range, i look at womens too, including flats for visiting clients. Okay, other times, when i ask for 5" heels, it's a bit extreme... Look at it the other way, the poor ladies who are size 9...... beautiful in every way too....

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You have missed the point of my post. I would expect ALL sales staff to be friendly. However, over here I have found older sales staff to be quite difficult to deal with when I go into shops to buy heels. They certainly dont like the idea of guys buying heels.


I have had the exact opposite to the reactions you have received. In most cases the older sales women have been cordial to me and the younger ones give me "the look" or say nothing and seem scared. Maybe it's because I am 54 years old, I don't know. There was one exception. At a Payless shoe store in a nearby smale town, the young salesgirl was bubbly and nice to me the whole time...even when I wore the high heels out of the store.Maybe it's geographic. Who knows?

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I have to agree with Roniheels one of the first pair of heels I bought was at a payless I still have those shoes any way the sale girl was very helpfull and the store manger who was male was also very nice in fact he commited to me that he wanted to start wearing heels but was afraid how is wife wouls react.

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