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Endorphins and weight loss.

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There was a thread, somewhere here, that mentioned the release of endorphins in your body (caused, in his case, by wearing heels) resulted in weight loss for him. I was just insanely curious about this, as since I "re-started" heeling again 2+ months back, I've lost 27lbs, and hopefully will be dropping another 15. I know I LIKE the thrill and excitement of wearing heels (especially outside), but I had no idea it helped lose weight... This true?

Walking in ultra-highs because it's exciting...and it is!!

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I used to go for long walks in high heels at night when I was younger and it kept the weight off of me. I do need to start doing that again. I heard the extra effort it takes to walk in higher heels does burn more calories. It seems to make sense.

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I heard the extra effort it takes to walk in higher heels does burn more calories. It seems to make sense.

I'd tend to agree with that notion.

Certainly, my calf and tummy muscles feel like they've had a work out with walking just a mile in heels. When wearing trainers or 'proper' walking boots, I have to walk over 3 miles to even feel like I've made any effort at all.

While out again last night (again local, in daylight), my walking friend kindly informed me I needed to walk faster. Seems she wants me to get my heart rate up .... and I can only do that by moving more quickly than I do at the moment. This coming from someone wearing flats.... :thumbsup:


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I guess this is accurate. Last night I practiced for 2+ hours in my new 5.5" stilettos, and could only walk about 200' each time before getting out of grace and needing to rest. Good workout.

Walking in ultra-highs because it's exciting...and it is!!

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Sorry abou the blister. Let us know how the next dance outing goes. What did the women think of your high heels?

The girls with me though they looked good, with the peep toe and my pedicured toes. Plus, the Swedish women there loved them. Blister's gone now, and feel better. Still losing weight...


So, you ran 3 miles (I hate roadwork!), then slapped back 400 calories? LOL:nervous:

Walking in ultra-highs because it's exciting...and it is!!

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