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So many different kinds and styles of heels. They have all been labeled from casual to fetish to sexy etc. etc. The one thing they all are is FUN!:roll: My question is, do you think men wearing heels in public could possibly change the way people think about the different labels that heels have been marked with so that ALL heels will be looked upon for simply FUN instead of the person wearing 5 or 6" heels or thigh highs be labeled as hooker, kinky, or what ever some day? Take Thighbootguy for example. He lives a life style that is pretty much to the norm and wears thigh high boots every where without any problems for the most part. Now you put a woman in those same boots and a lot of people might think a lot of wrong things if you know what I mean.

real men wear heels

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I for one certainly hope so.

My daughter routinly wears a pair of black below the knee boots with a one inch heel and is also routinly asked why she is wearing "hooker" boots. Now if she chose to wear a traditional "cowboy boot" there wouldn't be a thing said. She likes her high heels and will wear them whenever she can but again in her age group it is a problem. It's funny how children always want to grow up and wear adult styles but when someone dares to do it they get a lable slapped on them. She is fourteen and it is her peers with the problems no one else. I am sure there are other reasons the girls nag at her besides just her shoes. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that everywhere we go she runs into at least three boys that have to run up and talk to her all goo-goo eyed and/or introduce her to their adjoining parent. Still I really hope the lables disappear.

Shoes can be fun, sexy, functional, whatever we wish it's all in how we choose to utilize and accessorize them. Add our own confidence and that makes them what they are.


"Look for the woman in the dress, if there is no dress there is no woman."-Coco Channel

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Johnnieheel... In response to what you said. I think the man in thightboots and the woman in the thighboots will get different responses in a similar way to a woman and a man in similarly cut classic trouser suits. As a parallel it may be similar to a Black person telling Black jokes and a white person telling Black jokes... Or a Jewish or Irish jokes for that matter. I am Jewish and can get away with telling very borderline jokes because I am kinda laughing at myself. Have you seen the film Spinal Tap? There's a scene where they are choosing a new album cover... The all male band wanted to have a woman on all fours with a black leather gloved male hand stuffed in her face. A woman stated it was sexist and the band said yes sexy! She said why not have a man on all fours with a gloved female hand in his face. The stupid blokes didn't get it. It's all in the subtle details and parody.

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Hey Johnie!

So many different kinds and styles of heels. They have all been labeled from casual to fetish to sexy etc. etc.

The one thing they all are is FUN!:roll:

Of course they're all a lot of fun!

But remember that life should be fun, so be casual can be fun for someone while sexy can be fun for others and tarty also can be fun.

My question is, do you think men wearing heels in public could possibly change the way people think about the different labels that heels have been marked with so that ALL heels will be looked upon for simply FUN instead of the person wearing 5 or 6" heels or thigh highs be labeled as hooker, kinky, or what ever some day?

The short answer to your question is a big YES in my opinion.

But I also think that fun is just a short term for it, since beeing kinky is also a great form of having fun, see the movie "Kinky Boots" for example. That movie talks about beeing kinky, sexy, "out of the norm" and fun at the same time. The movie made me think about my heel wearing, society and beeing happy at the same time.

Take Thighbootguy for example. He lives a life style that is pretty much to the norm and wears thigh high boots every where without any problems for the most part. Now you put a woman in those same boots and a lot of people might think a lot of wrong things if you know what I mean.

I know exactly what you mean. But why should we live around "norms"?

Why isn't the "norm" just the respect for each other's lives and showing some sense of dignity? Heels are proved related to sex by psiquiatrists phisicians for some part of the people and women still wearing them to show up their sexyness.

Maybe we should discuss this some more around this thread...

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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By Flavio: The short answer to your question is a big YES in my opinion. But I also think that fun is just a short term for it, since being kinky is also a great form of having fun, see the movie "Kinky Boots" for example. That movie talks about being kinky, sexy, "out of the norm" and fun at the same time. The movie made me think about my heel wearing, society and being happy at the same time. Johnieheel: I have that movie on dvd, and my ipod. I love it. It to inspired me some what. Yes! Life should be fun and if wearing heels, no matter what kind helps to accomplish that, well so be it and you are also right about living out of the norm. Exactly just what is normal any way? We each have a different definition of it I believe. Was just an analogy. :roll:

real men wear heels

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The short answer to your question is a big YES in my opinion.

But I also think that fun is just a short term for it, since being kinky is also a great form of having fun, see the movie "Kinky Boots" for example. That movie talks about being kinky, sexy, "out of the norm" and fun at the same time. The movie made me think about my heel wearing, society and being happy at the same time.

I have that movie on dvd, and my ipod. I love it. It to inspired me some what. Yes! Life should be fun and if wearing heels, no matter what kind helps to do accomplish that, well so be it and you are also right about living out of the norm. Exactly just what is normal any way? We each have a different definition of it I believe. Was just an analogy. :roll:

I've seen the movie "Kinky Boots" (it's a true story). The drag queen who gets the shoe factory back on it's feet (no pun intended) wears men's clothes with feminine high heels or high heeled boots throughout the movie. I think he looks great dressed like that, and I encourage anyone to watch this sweet little movie if they haven't seen it. But to answer your question, I remember again back in the 70's when men and women wore high heels, as the trend heightened, some of the male high heels were becoming more feminine (I know, I had some). And it seemed high heels, including some stilettos, were becoming unisex. And it realy didn't matter what style you wore as long as you were wearing them.

I really truly think that could happen again. I would love to see a man and woman walking down the street wearing the same exact type of high heel and this would be common place. I hope we're moving in that direction.

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i would love to have been old enough in the 70s to enjoy the freedom of wearing high heels whenever i want.... i wonder if it is easier for someone who have lived through that era to go out in public wearing heels compare to the younger ones who have never had the experience of seeing heels as an accepted male accessory :roll: W

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