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Interesting day w/ house guests


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A co-worker and very good friend (same person), was telling me about a pistol that his nephew was selling and thought I would be interested as I have one very similar. There are a few of us that go shooting every other week together along with my wife. My wife's birthday was the 7th of this month and she wanted one anyway. Well I decided to buy it for her. It was a great opportunity for our wife's to meet anyway. Him, his wife and I have worked at the same place for over 10 years and I have not hid anything. I had Jim and his wife wrap it up in a birthday bag and deliver it this morning and visit a while. Wife was very excited about her new gun and her and Jim's wife hit it off great. As I was showing them around, they wanted to see the gym, (where all my heels happen to be parked)lol. She looked around and new I had a passion for heels for a long time. First thing she noticed was heels in front of the fire place, then along a wall, then some of my favorites lined up behind my desk. She asked who's they were and I told her. At first she didn't believe me and then her husband said, "yes, they are his". I told her the size 8s by the fire place are my wife's and all the 9s are mine. I then took her here to this site and she always thought I only liked heels on women:smile: . Well needless to say, now the cats way out of the bag.lol We then went back upstairs and Jim told me to go down and get my gun for comparison. When I was down stairs I decided to change out of my sweets and into my pants and heels:w00t2: . Grabbed the gun, went back up stairs and his wife didn't even notice for a while and then looked at Jim's shoes, then mine and both of them agreed mine were much more pleasant to look at. Next week we are all going out to dinner and they both want me to wear my heels. This is going to be fun:clap:

real men wear heels

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Good to hear about another positive reaction from a friend/work colleague. It's always encouraging to hear these stories. Thanks Johnieheel.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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That was a great story, Johnie. Thank you for sharing that with us. Have you ever wondered how many women and especially men really do accept the idea of men who enjoy wearing high heels and wearing them in public? I know this has been discussed in previous posts, but I know there have got to be "closet high heel lovers" who enjoy viewing high heels, then when they see a man wearing them, they are almost relieved that someone has the ambition to wear them and wear them in public. Please tell us how the evening went. Thanks again.:roll:

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Hey Johnieheel & Ruthheel, You both have the envy of most every one at least in this forum. A good relationship needs constance reassurance and it sounds like you both are committed to each other. Congratulations and continued best wishes. I would also like to read about your evening with Jim and his wife. When you are publicly heeling with friends, do they show any inclination to also heel along?

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A co-worker and very good friend (same person), was telling me about a pistol that his nephew was selling and thought I would be interested as I have one very similar. There are a few of us that go shooting every other week together along with my wife.

My wife's birthday was the 7th of this month and she wanted one anyway. Well I decided to buy it for her.

People in Ohio still have guns? You're a long way from Texas, or Florida? :-?

An interesting day, a sincere 'thanks' for sharing.

Was sitting in the bar my (probably best) mate owns at 2.30am this morning. We were talking, alone, each enjoying a soft drink after a long evening working there.

While we chatted, I had this notion pop into my head that I might tell him I wear HH shoes. Thank goodness, I hadn't had a drink. :o

You're a braver man than I. :roll:


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Hey Johnieheel & Ruthheel,

You both have the envy of most every one at least in this forum. A good relationship needs constance reassurance and it sounds like you both are committed to each other. Congratulations and continued best wishes.

I would also like to read about your evening with Jim and his wife.

When you are publicly heeling with friends, do they show any inclination to also heel along?

I will be sure to let every body know how it goes on the night out with friends. I'm sure it's going to have a lot of laughs and good times.

real men wear heels

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Should have known this thread would "trigger" some jokes. I don't think that was the "aim" though. Lets hope someone comes in and puts this thread back on target.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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If your freind does not mind the fact that you wear heels, have you ever tried to get him to try wearing heels?

Ya, He just isn't into it as most of my friends. I suppose it takes a special kind of guy to really appreciate wearing heels huh?

real men wear heels

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Ya, He just isn't into it as most of my friends. I suppose it takes a special kind of guy to really appreciate wearing heels huh?

Ain't that the truth! And thank you for using the word "special." That's how I and I'm sure many of us feel when we wear high heels.:roll:

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I truly believe we are special in ways that the rest of the world just wish they were. Look at us. Guys from every country around the world enjoying one common interest ,getting along like family, without war. Seems that we are the proud and the few on the planet that doesn't have any reason to lie, cheat, steel, kill, etc.etc. All we want to do is talk about our shoes and share stories with each other. Kind of like AA I guess. People from all around the world in AA have one thing in common and they all get along great. Now why can't the rest of the world figure this out or find a common denominator for peace? Sorry, went a little off subject.

real men wear heels

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I have said this before. It is such a joy to share thoughts, opinions, personal experiences, photos, and a laugh or two with everyone at this site. The commonality of wearing high heels has brought so many people together here for friendly exchange. I don't know if world problems will be solved, but it is so much fun to come here and share personal thought concerning the wearing of high heels. And as I have said in previous posts, it is almost overwhelming to see how many men worldwide enjoy wearing high heels. And in that regard, I too feel special.:roll:

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