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My love story


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Yes, i love heels too. In childhood i was wear mom's heels, when i stayed at home alone. Of course it was very exciting. My first time go out in heels i had about 7 years ago. It was amaizing. - The world from another point of view. First time in my life i was happy that i'm not like Arnold Schwarzeneger or other macho. This kind of man is slave. Slave of stereotypes. I live in Poland. Polish people are sexist (women's chauvinism). But i really love heels and polish mentality drove me angry and very unhappy. So i decided buy heels and go out in them. I was suprise that people's reactions was not as bad as i forecasted (in the beginning!). But i had problems in school (sexist director). And my parents also didn't tolerate this. My father said that i bring him shame. Now i'm 25. I have about 15 pair of shoes on high heels (most of them are stiletos). I wear them everywere, were i want - to high school, shop, library, on a walk, on dates... My ex-girlfriend said that she don't divide people on men and women. But i still have some problems. Not only with shoe sizes. Polish people are strange. Some of them laughting at me, make me photos, offend me. Sometimes beat me. Even people with higher education behave like cavemen when they see man on high heels. Idiots. I was work as a programmer for 2 years. In Warsaw (capital city of Poland). I had normal boss, so i could go to work in heels. I don't want a job that make me slave. And i don't want to know people who have sexist views. In the end some of my photos: [link removed]

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Those are some nice stylish pictures rmaciej! You look good. And you rock those stillettos! Don't listen to those people who put you down, I think you pull off those looks very well - you have a cool rockstar edge.

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

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you look VERY sexy in your heels,rmaciej1985, simply stunning!!;) as an American, I do not see how your own Father would say anying like that, "bring the family shame" kind of stuff, the reactions of those others you say ARE stupid, ALL the way youd look great in high boots too,if you have any-if not, you should get a pair! I've now got 3 knee-high pairs(although one is a brand new style that is completly flat for every day wear when I walk around the city where I live, LOTS of hills)

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Too bad that polish women have often other view on men wearing high heels. Some of them say that is awful or asexual. And they don't want to have the boyfriend who wear heels. But it is posible (and rather easy) to find a woman who don't have this kind of views.

I made a enquiry:

1. Sex:


2. Age:


3. Is man in stiletos... ?

a) transvestite

;) gay

c) harmless madman

d) harmfull madman

e) normal man

4. Is woman in combat boots... ?

a) transvestite

:cool1: lesbian

c) harmless madwoman

d) harmfull madwoman

e) normal woman

63 persons filled this enquiry. Results:

3. Is man in stiletos... ?

a) transvestite 42.85 %

:wave: harmless madman 26.98 %

c) normal man 28.8 %

d) gay 6.34 %

4. Is woman in combat boots... ?

a) normal woman 79.36 %

B) harmless madwoman 12.69 %

c) harmfull madwoman 3.17 %

d) lesbian 3.17 %

e) transvestite 1.58 %

Oh, and i have few videos. This is the best:


Walk in Warsaw.

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rmaciej1983: I thought your pictures were absolutely spectacular. I agree with HeelD that you do indeed have that rock star image in those heels your sported. Brilliant! I enjoyed each and every one of your pictures as you showed style and panache in your poses. Bravo to you, my friend.

As for the issues Polish women have with you, clearly they're the ones with the problems, not you as their minds are permanently set in the concrete of prejudice and ignorance. A man wearing heels no more diminishes their masculinity than women wearing combat boots diminishes their femininity. I for once continue to find it amazing that people as a whole get so bent out of shape over footwear and how it's tied in to gender, that women can only wear this and men can only wear that. As far as I'm concerned, that's also part of the prehistoric mindset so many are trapped in and are unable or unwilling to think outside the box as we do.

All I can say is to be yourself, don't let others, not family, not friends, not anyone tell you how you live your life. Blaze your own path, if no one wants to join you, then they're missing out on a great trip.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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my only criticism is that you look like you are extremely nervous. try to relax. maybe you have taken too large a step for your own comfort level, and would possibly benefit from adjusting to a more moderate appearance.

this is NOT an insult of your looks, just an observance of the fact that you look very nervous (especially in the video)

i like the skirt combination! good style for your physique ;)

society has decided that men will be confined to

certain items of clothing, and certain modes of


until we rebel PERSONALLY against this, we are diminished!

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I have to say those pics were AWESOME, rmaciej! You really look good in your heels, and wear them well! As has been said, don't let ANYONE ruin your fun with their neanderthal prejudices! Please do keep the pics on coming!

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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Hi rmaciej1983 You look stuninng in your heels but also you are a very attractive man anyway. I lik eyour style - it's not too disimilar to the way I try to look. Do your own thing and enjoy yourself. I admire you am confess to being a tad jealous, but in a nice way you understand?!!! ;)

It's my opinion, no more, no less :wave:

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Awesome photos, fashion magazine material!

You certainly have the physique to pull off those looks. I agree that the macho look is overrated.

I commend you for the courage that you clearly show while wearing whatever you like in public, especiallyu in places where there is low tolerance for people who choose not to "go with the flow".

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Great pics and vids. You have a truly well developed and experienced walk. Keep up the good work , be your self and have fun. Your a natural. You have my attitude. I would have shamed my father also. I don't care because he shamed me and as for everybody else who don't like it, I flaunt it even more!. Ye Ha! Keep on heeling brother!

real men wear heels

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well you look really great ;) nice pics :cool1: yeah the story is sad... beaten for it... thats what i'm afraid the most, to been beaten cuz of heels... and yes i'm living in similar society... here in Latvia isn't anything different from it... i'm afraid to show my father my heels cuz i'm afraid of disappointment situation like this... you are very brave man and thats means very much :wave: all time when it looks like somebody of my family is going to me i'm up to rush to take off heels... just my grand mother knows about them... but she isn't telling anybody about it, at least i hope so... so i dont afraid of she when i wearing heels...

every human has they own choices...

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  • 2 weeks later...

rmaciej, you are my inspiration! You look so good in all of your pictures, videos, and all of your poses. You are a handsom man and you especially look handsome in high heels. You keep being you. Tune out the negative and expound on the positive. I also guarentee there is a woman out there who finds you attractive in high heels and will someday come forward and tell you so. Thank you for all of your contributions and bless your heart!;)

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