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Does any of your family know?


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Only my wife knows, my kids I am pretty discreet about it in front of them, but they probably can tell that dad often wears shoes are different from most other men. As for the rest of my family, no, they don't know, and I will probably never tell them (they all live in other cities).

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none of my family knows even tho i have wore womens tennis shoes or even some low heeled boots , they may never even noticed what i was wearing but this yr if i go to their house during the holidays i plan to wear a little more of a heel and see if they notice , they all live in differnet states so if they dont like it they dont have to see me wearing them. i do have a female friend that has seen me wearing some black patent knee high boots with a 4'' heel and she said i looked real good in them.

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Nobody in my family knows, though I am sure they suspect or at the very least would not be surprised. The closest I came to getting caught was last year I had gone to a drag show and decided to wear my new red Nine West "Tomcato" sandals. I had a really great time and was out pretty late. I was supposed to go to church the next morning with my parents and when I didn't answer my phone my mom stopped by. I was asleep on the couch, still in my jeans with the sandals setting on the floor next to me. She never asked, I never told....

Style is built from the ground up!

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All my immediate family know I wear high heels. Mum doesn't approve, not sure about dad. They both ignore it mostly. I told two of my sisters and they are ok with the fact I wear high heels, although the're not sure about me wearing stilettos in public when I'm with them. Also not sure what my brother thinks or the other two sisters.

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Mickey and I have very few relatives left now. As a matter of fact, you can count them on one hand and have fingers left over. They are all well up in years and I don't know what reaction they may make at this juncture. Mickey is the only one that knows as far as I know. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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two of my sisters know. the younger one, we went out to a halloween party a few years back and i wore my white 7.5's to the party, so she has seen me in my heels, tried them on and fell off them! the older sister knows cause she's seen a photo of me in my white 6 inch heels, my double buckle beauties. the younger sister is cool with it, the older sister who saw the photo, is not! funny thing about the older sister, she was the one back in the 70's who left a pair of white high heels in my bedroom, just inside the door...

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