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my new season is under way!


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the snow is melting and the streets and sidewalks are free of ice and snow which means i can dust off my collection of heels and boots! i dusted off my black 7.5 inch heel boots on friday and went out for lunch with the lovely wife. we got to the restaurant and i saw a well dressed lady look me over and then gawk when she got to my spike heels in plain view. she even followed me up the stairs a short ways! later in the day i switched to my cupid boots with the 6 inch heels and hit a few of the busy places downtown. now that is always a lot of fun. i can tell you right now i'm going to get out way more often with my heels this year!

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If your season is underway, then mine is only about two hours behind you! I live near Tillsonburg (if you know that at all), a couple of hours up highway 3 from you. I must admit, I'm still very shy street heeling. I have done it on a few occasions, but I still try to pick quiet places, and get very nervous if anyone comes into view that I think might notice. The most terrifying thing I had happen was I got out of my car in a very quiet neighbourhood in 4.5" stiletto ankle boots and walked up a quiet path beside a lake. I sat on a park bench for a while before walking back to my car. As I got down the hill there was a cop car there at the bottom of the path and I could see that the cop had spotted me. Knowing it would look far too suspicious to turn around, I had to brave it. As I got to the cop car he had his window down looking in amazement at me. He had obviously noticed. I just said "good morning", to which he just nodded, and I continued to walk by to my car. I got in and drove off just imagining what he was telling all his buddies on his radio! That kinda traumatized me! I've struggled with confidence ever since! Edit: Oh sorry, I'm just two hours away from Canadian Beaver. I don't actually know where w6ish lives (the originator of the thread).

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i'm going to the april fool's bash tonight in montreal and am still unsure of what shoes to wear! too much of a selection in my closet!! perfect day for an outing, this could be one of those 7 to 9 hour high heel outings! let you know how it goes tomorrow when i'm back.

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it was a perfect day for high heel wearing yesterday and last night in montreal. great show too at the april fool's party with lots of very interesting outfits, costumes and scenes. i wore my white 7.5 inch heels i bought from Maya. i looked at my selection of white heels and picked the ones with the least visible footprint on the suede footbed! i put several hours in wearing those beauties and caught a few of the party goers giving them the once over! fun stuff!

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  • 4 weeks later...

been getting out with my black cupid boots this month, including a trip to the downtown this morning. lots of kooky stares from the folks on the streets and in the mall. i have to admit, i love looking into those big store front windows and seeing my reflection and those totally exposed 6 inch heels. i've also mustered the courage to venture out solo wearing my black boots from maya shoes with the 7.5 inch spike heel. wore them to the bar a couple of times and to the bank! those tellers couldn't take their eyes off them! anyway, the day is only half over, so i'm going out again with my cupids. i'll let you know if anything amusing happens.

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there really oughta be some recognition for us guys who wear ultra high heels in public, and go through all the stupid and dopey street reaction. i mean, you are going to get it anyway, but when it borderlines on the retard level, well you really have to walk tall. i experienced all of that today when i put my 6 inch heel cupids on, and went down town. i heard some colored girls go: yo, check out the 1 o'clock. then i heard some other young girls following me through the mall, laughing! laughing with every step! i lost them at the escalators. then there were the old bags on the street. and then the super guys who want to save something... it just never ends. so. i just kept walking. stepped on someone's big old pink bubble gum with those dopey teenage girls gaggling. i just dont' care. what anyone says. so i keep on walking. and somehow, i think it kinda pisses them off. it pisses them cause i am the one walking in the highest heels of the city, but also, in heels these girls will never get their feet into. not now, and not anytime soon! so i guess, if i had to say, it must be jealousy. i can live with that. but gosh its a shit storm us guys who wear totally exposed ultra high heels, the stuff we have to go through to pave the way for you other cats who go out wearing lower heels and think that's something special.

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My season has come here in Brazil. Sorry to talk about it when your summer in the north has just arrived. Boots are out and about in Sao Paulo! Great! Love it!

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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To w6ish, All I can say is you are a very brave man to go out wearing your extreme heels exposed the way that you do. I don't think I could have been able to handle the criticisms from people snickering and pointing and carrying on... If it would have been me I would have had to cover up or hide or something like that. But you do make a very good point as far as the people that criticize are the ones that are jealous about the fact that they are cowards and that they would never be able to wear shoes like those or try anything to stand out from the rest. So I must say my hat is off to you. And one quick question, I'm not pulling a racist card or anything like that but what was up with the "colored" girls statement? Or is that just a reference that you have just been using for a long time. But in essence, keep doing what ya do because you are a true inspiration to me and others.

What ya see is what ya get no more or less!!

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hiheellover23: glad to hear from you and to see you're still around. i know you like the same type of very high heels i do and i know you can understand what kind of nerve it takes to go public wearing them totally exposed and in broad day light. as far as the colored girls statement, well that is exactly what they said when i came walking down the street! the terms "colored" folks was used by my dad, and included me cause i'm native american! anyway, that was some wild and crazy experience on sunday. i spent 12 hours on the streets wearing my 6 inch heel cupid boots and i just could not believe the negative reactions! i mean to me, it was just crazy stuff and for why? folks i guess just have to tell themselves and others exactly how the world works according to them! like i said, i never let it stop me but i was bothered by the fact that there was so much negative and so little positive. you have to wonder what this world is coming to!! well like i said, i'm not letting all this negative stuff get in my way. i'm lacing them back up and going out again today. had to give it a couple of days for that weird sensation in the calves to ease, something anyone who has worn high heels for very long lengths of time will know. would love to get some pictures for you but these are solo outings. i'll let you know how it goes today, but this time i'll skip the negative stories since they are all the same, and focus on any of the positive that might come along. have fun!

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i got out with my cupid boots again and instead of going downtown i went to a couple of artsy places in the city. i saw an older lady outside her shop smoking a cigarette... it was an antique shop and i thought i would take a quick look through there. she saw me coming and immediately said she loved my high heels. then we got into a conversation about how she use to wear high heels when she was young and didn't know how i could do it with such heights she'd never seen before! so that was a lot of fun. i did a lot of walking that day, kinda confidence building after all that negative stuff from sunday. terrible. you wonder, maybe they are right and i am wrong! maybe a guy shouldn't wear high heels... but then i caught myself and said what am i thinking?!!! i went out again last night but this time to the mega swinging By Ward Market: that place is full of young and old, flashy and spending the buckeroos! lots of beautiful women down there. i saw one gal, she was a beauty, and was wearing some very nice looking open toe pumps with at least a 4 inch heels. very nice looking shoes. but that was it in the high heel department, the rest looked like 3 inches or lower. we made our way around all those swinging streets and i enjoyed the attention i was getting. i walked past that gal twice, the gal with the 4 inch heels and she stared at my boots both times! but its fun wearing the highest heels in the city. last night there seemed to be no negative remarks. just gaggly stares. and i can deal with that all day. its when folks start mouthing off, well there is only so much of that you can take!

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does anyone know where i can buy Sunset Strip brand shoes off the internet? i need to replace my Sherberts and i need a back up pair of my Cupids. hope to hear from you soon. Thanks.

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The Sunset Strip web site is no more. Not a good sign. Many of their designs seem to be sold by other names, but I haven't seen the Sherberts anywhere.

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thanks. i checked the ineedsexyshoes site, seems a bit out dated... emailed them, hopefully i can replace my sherberts. if you see the sherberts out there, under any other name, please let me know. same with the cupid boots.

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well, i ordered them: my replacement Sherberts in black and a flashy pair in white. also, a pair of 7.5's, the sultry label, cause i know my first pair are going to be dust quick! the idear of my fave shoes worn out for ever isn't a fave thought! even though i don't wear 6 inch heels anymore, i still want them for those low days.

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i ordered them from dugan brothers. they were quite good in the communications department and said it would take 4 to 8 weeks! the vendor has to make them!

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  • 3 weeks later...

does anyone have any experience with "slides" or "mules" made by pleaser that have heels 7 inches or higher? i was thinking about ordering a pair but i know pleaser brand, weight wise, are heavy shoes. i'm wondering if the first time i'm out with them, they're going to fly off my foot! i'm still waiting on dugan brothers to send me my other three pairs, and i'm really looking forward to those arriving before july!

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Not that high! The problem with many slides/mules is the way they put the "strap" or part over the foot on. If it is not aligned properly, then the shoe tends to turn on the foot, usually with my heel going off the inside of the shoe at the back. Sunset Strip shoes were always fine, and most Tony shoes were OK, but I have had problems with Pleaser to some extent, and with Jante so bad as to make them unwearable. I have seen this on women, too. On the other hand, Lucious shoes have been fine, and they are made by or at least sold through Pleaser. Another reason to try them on before buying, but finding Pleaser in a store is difficult if not impossible.

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Didn't really answer your question. My feet are wide, so most shoes stay on pretty well. I have had a pair or two with leather where it stretched to the point the shoes would come off too easily if your feet were dry. Not good.

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i have narrow feet that fit those 6 and 7.5 inch heels perfectly but sometimes i get them with the vamp a bit too spacious! if it weren't for the ankle straps the shoes would go flying the minute i got out the door. thank goodness that is the case with just 2 of the pairs i have. i think i'm going to pass on the slides. i did see some flashy white oxfords though, with 7.5 inch heels that i like... might give those a go.

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