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tall platforms in public


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Hi there,

I am also new here and read most stuff here last night. I am the kind of guy who loves my wife wearing the highest possible heels, buy her some, etc ... but thoroughly hide from her that I also like to wear heels when the occasion is there. Though I didn't wear them for almost 10 years! It's possible :D

Interestingly, I really get excited when I think of heels or by looking at women wearing really high ones. Mainly when you see just by the way they walk that they wear heels, when you can tell they struggle somehow with them, etc... - but I don't get excited at all when I wear them myself and still have the urge to do so. From what I read here, this seems to be fairly common though?

I must say that my favorite ones are those platforms here that I got from Queen Fashion some time ago.

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The funny thing is that I am quite tall (>6') to begin with, and wearing a 2.5" platform and 6.5" heel makes me feel like I am a giant compared to all others around. :D The heel is kinda chunky, let's say 1" wide - ok to walk in with platforms. I still prefer not too populated areas to walk them out, and I also watch out for the kind of people around there. I practiced in a park when nobody was there, then I went to a vacant college campus during the summer vacation when only a few people were there at night, and now I stepped forward to a shopping area around closing time and a supermarket afterwards. I wear the longest jeans over those shoes I could find anywhere and wear them as far down as possible. So, everthing buy the 2.5" platform and 1.5" of the heel is covered when I stand up straight - while bending or walking, obviously more shoes up. My experience with people is that 95% or more don't even realize that I wear these shoes! Of all people I came across in the shopping area today, there were two women who must have seen them: the one looked at me like "Hmmm...what is wrong with this guy???" and the other one, younger, sales person of a stand selling junk, looked at me like she actually wanted to say something to me because she wanted to sell her stuff, but clearly looked like she didn't know what to say. In any case, people can definitely see that I wear those - IF they pay attention. In the supermarket, with silent background noise, you could clearly hear their noise. Not like those "shot-like" noises from metal spike heels on rock, but a more darker heel noise. I walked up and down a number of aisles, but whoever crossed my way was so busy looking for their stuff to buy in the store that they didn't pay attention. There wasn't a long line at the register ... otherwise I bet that people would have realized more likely there.

Also, I must acknowledge that it definitely took some practice to walk with those tall platforms without losing balance or even risking ankle sprains. So I'm glad I started in a lonesome park. I found that at the very beginning, I often almost twisted my ankle, but after a number of trials, it worked out very well. But it's still my biggest fear that if I walk them out in public with many people around, that I lose balance, fall or at least have to fight not to do so. On the other hand ... this risk in combination of wearing them out in public adds a significant thrill to it :D

Which brings me to my last question here: did anyone of you guys ever have such incidents, such as a heel gotten stuck somewhere, twist/sprain ankles, fall, etc. in public? :evil: If so, how did you handle the situation, and how did other people react?

Looking forward to your answers!

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I remember one time I was wearing my black strappy plats out for one of this quick late night walks when no one was out. It was around 2:00 a.m. and I got nervouse andkind of stumbled and my left foot twisted kinda not badly enough to hurt me, but badly enough to tear all the straps of my plats loose. I was kinda upset those were my fav. plats.

It's all good. ~Arron.

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heelma –

WELCOME to the forum.

I know what you mean about standing over a crowd. I’m 6’ and with 5” heels I really get a different view. I wear thigh boots over my jeans or with shorts in public so I don’t have the problem of wondering if people notice what I was wearing. I also tend to look for the longer line in the grocery checkout just because it’s fun to see people’s reaction.

Recently I broke a heel but it didn’t result in a fall, just some funny walking. I have had a heel get caught in a throw rug which then wrapped itself around my other foot. Luckily I caught myself. I have also caught a heel on the edge of the car as I was getting out. Most folks that post here know that the hardest step is the one you take getting out of the car, but that has nothing to do with catching a heel. Anyway, I recovered from the stumble and went my merry way without further incident.

As you have discovered, walking in heels requires practice, practice and more practice. But after a while it becomes natural and easy to do. The hardest part is the full length mirror test. Look at yourself in a full length mirror and be sure you like what is looking back at you. Are you comfortable presenting yourself as you are seeing in the mirror? If you are comfortable, go for it.

Rather than hoping that people won’t notice your heels, assume they will. If you go at it from that direction and you are still comfortable, you have nothing else to worry about (except global warming, nuclear war, gas prices,… but nothing important). It does take a bit of (mental) doing to become comfortable with the idea that your going to go out in public wearing heels, but once you do, it’s easy. It’s also easy after you realize that most folks don’t care what you have on your feet. Some will be amused and have some sport at your expense (being over 6’ 7” with the heels should put a damper on a lot of that). However, most folks either don’t care or are polite enough to leave you alone.

Enjoy your heels!

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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  • 2 months later...

In the meantime, I started to wear them in more public places, but still mostly covered by long jeans. My experience so far: - supermarket: hardly ever noticed by anyone - fancy mall: very few people noticed and no bad comment, but some girls (after I passed them) said: "look at this!" - on the street: hardly anybody noticed, only once when I struggled not to twist my ankle, one person looked closer and turned back towards me once I passed. Similar, a few more people looked but didn't say anything. - Walmart: some salespeople there, obviously rather lower class, said: "oh my god!" very loudly. Another one started to laugh.

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I have always liked platform stiletto slides, but recently have gone to no more than a 1 in. platform. I got tired of guarding against unforeseen rocks, edges, etc. which can tip the shoe over. I have had a number of falls, all in private, due to this, plus getting tangled up in a throw rug once. I don't practice enough, and have decided that the narrow sole on the stylish platform stilettos is just dumb. They often taper down to much less than the width of the foot. I can even turn an ankle in regular men's shoes or dance shoes, and have done so a number of times. Careless and not paying attention, plus a tendency to turn when tired. My dance partner has given me exercises for strengthening the ankles, but I don't do them enough. I like the 5.5 in. heels with about a 3/4 to 1 in. platform, such as the Sunset Strip Nude5, or the Pleaser Lip series type which has a thicker heel, making walking even easier. They have the same rise as the 6.5 in. heels with the 2 in. platforms, so feel good. Jante also makes a shoe almost identical to the Pleaser Lip. I haven't worn them in public. Would love to do so, but everyone knows me and that wouldn't do!

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Welcome heelma. I can say that , having a pair of plats like the ones you pictured, I have had a couple of off balance moments in them. I only wear plats around the homestead, and I was just too cocky, not watching my step, and hit an uneven spot in the drive....ALAS! I toppled ond busted my a**! Hope you won't have that happen to you in public. BTW, I got scratched up a little with that one, but i still wear them! Have fun and enjoy the company here, I sure do.

Heels Are GRRREAT!!!


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what great stories! i laughed out loud when i read them! great stuff. i for one use to wear 6 inch heels with a 2 inch platform. i wore them on the street with ultra short jean shorts cause i just didn't care what anyone had to say about anything anymore. i fell off those once right there on the street! my wife said i went down like a gazelle... (hit by a sniper... ) then last winter, after i had switched up to the 7.5 inch spike heels with a 3 inch platform, this was after having a few beers, i fell off them right on the main street!! what an embarrassing situation! my wife wasn't there but some very good friends were and they picked me up off, much cursing on my part, cause it was a disaster! anyway. those were my two wipe outs. haven't had anymore and the bottom line, especially if you wear 7.5 inch heels or higher, you have to pay attention to where that little platform is landing... great story you have there. love to read more. keep posting.

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I used to have white sandals with a 4" platform and an 8" heel. Very unstable! The foot moves around a bit and you can trip right away. Once I fell off of them, right flat onto the walkway - amazing how easy that goes :rocker: I was glad the material broke and not my foot. So I was fine but the shoes were broken. Ok, they were only like $15, so not too big of a loss. But a very interesting experience.

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I used to have white sandals with a 4" platform and an 8" heel. Very unstable! The foot moves around a bit and you can trip right away. Once I fell off of them, right flat onto the walkway - amazing how easy that goes :rocker: I was glad the material broke and not my foot. So I was fine but the shoes were broken. Ok, they were only like $15, so not too big of a loss. But a very interesting experience.

Hi Heelma,

I'm 6'4'' tall. Because of my body height I prefer platformless heels. Last year I earned a strain on platform boots. I was sitting for hours with crossed legs on high platform boots. Standing up I sprained my foot. My legs had slept in rsp. become numb. On stiletto heels that has never happened to me.

The best fashion is your own fashion!

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I have worn various heels out, once taking my 12" heeled 7" platformed boots out under my jeans. I didn't get too far, as once my ankles got tired it was too easy to loose my balance. A superb experience though, one which I will repeat soon, I hope

I love the feel of that ultimate lift!

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