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Playboy as a brand


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I would especially like female input on this one, but comments are welcome from anyone: Why have women embraced Playboy as a brand? I've seen women wearing shoes, clothing, jewellry and even number plates on their cars sporting the bunny's head. Not that I think there's anything wrong with it, I just think it's a bit odd considering that Playboy is in effect porn. I don't believe that anyone actually does buy it for the articles! So, is it that girls wear it to associate with the magazine, or simply that it's transcended it's jazz-mag* status and become a brand in its own right? Chris *I think this is a UK-specific term, but members from other countries should get the idea.

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I have to say I was taken aback when my daughter started asking for Playboy stuff for her room. It does seem to have become a brand in its own right though, our daughters now have Playboy lamps, bedding, and wallpaper borders. They do not even associate Playboy with the jazz-mags (too young and probably the wrong sex to want to know too) just with the Playboy Bunny logo, and it's current "in fashion" status. I guess it's us of a certain age who associate the Playboy logo with porn, for anyone younger it's just another name and logo they must have.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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I don't agree that Playboy is porn. It is very conservative compared to other magazines, such as Penthouse (if it's still around). I don't read any of them any more. I really don't care for Playboy's style of photography - their pics are usually instantly recognizable as Playboy's. Their logo merchandise was always bigger in the far East than in the US. Don't know about things, now.

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In the UK, the likes of Playboy, Cosmopolitan and Penthouse are available at most newsagents who generally will sell them to minors. I'm not sure of the strict legality of that, but I believe the cops turn a blind eye. This being the case, I see no need to censure these magazines here, although I would object to people posting up pics of women sat with their legs apart for all to see. My sexual maturity is such that I regard this as juvenile titillation, not worth wasting my time on. I would hope that goes for many others here too. Xa

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I agree with you, Xaphod, I have never found those magazines a turn on, just can't see any reason for them in my life and never have. That said, this topic is discussing the Playboy branding on items such as shoes, clothing and even wallpapers and bedding. This has very little to do with the magazine, but does it [the magazine] affect the way people perceive the Playboy brand?

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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Shyguy's right, this post isn't about the rights and wrongs of the magazine. For what it's worth I haven't bothered with anything along those lines since my early teens, but I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with it. I was just wondering why so many women seem to have embraced a brand linked to a magazine aimed at male titillation. Some of the shoes are gorgeous though! Chris

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I think this may turn out to be one of those generation things. Our (the seasoned "read older generation") view playboy as porn while the younger generation views it as another brand name like Nike. I don't buy adult magazines, but in my opinion, Playboy doesn't seem to be as connected to the adult entertainment business as they used to. Might be due to the leadership of their female leader, Christie Hefner, Hugh's daughter!

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Its a simple matter of a company that is diversifying from its original products to more than what it used to be known for, although the stigma of Playboy will probably stick to it like super glue for some time yet... Think about Coke, there was only the standard, and then diet. Now you get the rather nice cherry coke, lime coke and that nasty stuff that you could kill insects with called lemon coke :roll: Companies exist to make a profit, and from all the playboy "bunnies" I've seen in shop windows, it seems to be making quite a bit!!!

I learned the truth a long time ago, being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive...

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"Playboy" make some really sexy strappy sandals and clog mules. They're a bit pricey - but the designs are quite funky compared to most high street examples.

"Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"

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