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Handcuffs and High Heels


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Handcuffs and High Heels was what it was shaping up to be. We were already in our heels, and at a deeply suburban Wal-Mart store, late in the evening. It all started innocently enough, at a Socrates Cafe philosophical discussion group meeting. My date and I made each other hot, while trading assertions and refuting arguments. So, after the meeting, we headed for a motel in the burbs, and stopped to pick up a few things at a nearby Wal-Mart. She stopped in the middle of an aisle, next to a merchandise bin. From the bin, she picked up a pair of toy handcuffs. "Shall we get these? she asked. "Who would use them?" she added. "I think some leather ones with fur lining would be more comfortable," I replied. "Another time." This was a new dimension, in our relationship, something untested. Handcuffs and High Heels. I love the idea. Izzat kinky?

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