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Desperate Housewives


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I've mentioned this somewhere before, in some thread about shoes in water or something. ABC has this hit show, Desperate Housewives. It's interesting, with an intriguing storyline which is always evolving. And it has a lot with high heels. A woman jumping into a pool while in a nice pair of spiked heels and a fancy dress, another woman trying to teach a girl to ride a bike and struggling to keep up in some strappy stilettos, and tonight, a man having an extra marital visit to a neighbour and she asks him "boots or stilettos" and he asks her to wear the stilettos. Dorsay style, black leather, metal heels... and she walks on his back. Not shown, but implied. If you haven't seen it, check it out.

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They're about to air this show in the uk too.. it's got a fantastic advert with lots of heels too! Shows the scene of a paperboy cycling up the street past the different houses. 1 - a woman is doing gardening in great heels 2 - a woman is mowing the lawn, again in heels! 3 - a woman is putting up washing on the line, you guessed it, wearing heels and underwear this time! 4 - teri hatcher... in heels Looks like this could be good, very strange advert by the way!

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Ahhh... DHW.... The quinessential drama surrounding reality as we would like it to be but it really isn't, except as provided for on TV... There's a key word, here: GULLIBLE. If you watch this crap and more like it, the rest goes without saying. Life, including human life, is FAR more infinite than is imagined within the ranks of the corporate networks. It's high time everyone reading this post take a walk on the wild side and sidle down to their local bar while wearing their heels and FIND OUT what you've been missing!

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In a world where most Television isn't that great, this is a good one, and I'll explain why. The whole idea was shaped by an episode of Oprah, and the idea of DHW is to show that these people with seemingly perfect lives who look perfect and are the envy of others are actually all messed up and having their own problems. Art imitating life is what the show is like. It's nice entertainment, a bit sensationalized, maybe a lot at times, but... To pass it off as another corporate cut trash show is just wrong. No one says people have to like it, but it shows something that actually happens in life that you're not going to see while being out and about in the world where people are putting on their acts. It shows people as being real, with problems. I thought the show would be, well, shlocky or soap opera-ish, but it turns out to be well written and offering many angles to appeal to many viewers. And believe me, there are many American women who match characters of this show quite well. They've been on TV, interviewed, and admitted to it. Gee, I don't defend shows very much, but I guess this one has me won over. But you can still hate it. Just don't ever say anything bad about Stargate. Ever. RDA gets better with time, if you ask me. :)

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i've long given up on t.v as a source of good entertainment. i've also made a point to really ration the amount I see (which isn't much time). I'd rather surf here, or go to the movies (here usually wins) I'm with Laurie on this one. DHW is a better cut show than most that I've seen (which isn't much, they tend to bore me) The lines are more or less close to believeable... I've met folks with lives that run similar to the story lines. that is why it has such great appeal to the vast majority of it's fans. I plain find it hilarious. I find the stuff these ladies do in heels to be comical. so, it's better entertainment that what i've seen on T.V in a while. besides, there are ladies wearing heels all the time in the show, what can go wrong with that. at least one of our own was on the script writing team and insisted on heels being in the most impractical of places.... hence more fun to watch!!!! anyway, this may be the only t.v anything i back up anywhere. so, to each his own. i like the thread (good one Laurie). now, to get other shows to have much more heeling, then they might get a bit more interesting. for now, DHW it is. RPM

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The editing and camera work is a bit too David Lynch for my liking. I saw one episode and the acting was over the top, and the plots as weak as anything else on the tube these days. But, I've noticed that most TV shoes are allergic to shoes. There must be some rule that the ankle is as far down as should be visible. And it is nice to see this violated at last. Spanish TV never obeyed it!

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Looked too much like "Footballer's Wives" to me. I don't think I'll bother again, you get better views of heels on Emerdale!

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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Not a great show to be kind, and only a few decent shots of heels. I loved the woman who got in the pool fully clothed and wearing her heels. Quite a few underwater shots of her struggling to walk in stilettos. I'll watch it again for more!

It's my opinion, no more, no less :wave:

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I don't know why I even bother.


I appreciate you bothering. I thought the show lived up to expectations :D

Quite why those who don't lower themselves by watching the TV feel the need to let us know, I've no idea.

Instead of writing such posts how about they put their efforts into writing a script... Desperate Men in Heels perhaps, how entertaining would that be! :o:oops:

Ellen-Jay :D

p.s calm down boys, it was a JOKE. :)


The shoes aren't sensible, so why is the talk?

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Ellen-Jay wrote:

I thought the show lived up to expectations

Now, that's profound! It's always easier for something to live up to expections when the expetations aren't vry high to begin with :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I used to work for a communications company that had a cable TV division, had television channels, and many things. I understand very well that television is but a means for delivering advertising to people. And everything is dictated by what kind of advertising money can be generated. After all, the more people who watch a show, the more it costs to advertise during that show. But why should television be considered as 'lower'? And I am annoyed because people make it seem like 'oh, I'm too good for television' What makes one person better than anyone else? And why spoil the fact some of are enjoying something? But now we should be made to feel inferior because we enjoy something. That's the thoughts behind my 'why do I bother' comment, in case someone was wondering.

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Hmm .... saw it, but, except for the heels, I think it's as trivial as any other soap.

The comment that sprung to mind was ....

highest point, the heels ..... lowest point, everything else


Afterwards, I fished out some tapes of 'Coupling' which also has heels PLUS one of the most deliciously convoluted storylines I've seen on the box for a long time.


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For our household, it's not that we're too good for television, but rather, the fact that there's far better programming available elsewhere. Like it or not, the face of programming has vastly expanded since the days I could receive four channels, one a little fuzzy, from the aerial atop our roof near a major metropolitan area in Florida. These days, programming includes the following: 1. Computer games 2. Computer educational software (I'm studying German right now) 3. Internet research - like to know more about a topic? Look it up! 4. Netflix - all the movies you care to watch (your choice, too!), for less than $20 a month - cheaper than cable! Let's not forget the programming of old, that existed before the days of TV: Playing cards Backgammon Chess (my son loves chess - we're letting him win most times, but before long he'll be winning on his own) Checkers Monopoly And many more - yet that's just the inside! Try outside activities Tag Soccer Flying a kite Swimming Hiking Sightseeing... Ladies and gents, our lives are very rich, and very full - all without television programming, either via the airwaves or cable. Cheaper, too! It's not that we're too good for TV - it's that there's simply so much more productive ways of spending our time.

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The old saying that "simple things amuse simple minds" is very true when it comes to modern day television. Situation comedy shows are ultra silly. Reality shows aren't very real and most of the movies shown are ancient reruns that I've seen several times, already. If I were confined to a hospital bed, and ran out of books to read, I might watch more tv. But, I don't believe I'm to good for TV. It's just that I have chosen other ways to spend my time. :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Oh well, My wife and I enjoy it. You do need to watch it more than once though. Since its on here on sunday night its not taking up any worthwhile time for us. Kinda down time for me to unwind from the weekend and get ready to return to work..If I am lucky I won't fall asleep in my comfy recliner before its over.. Jim

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Right on Gene and Bubba. Long ago I realized that life was far too short to "invest" my limited time watching others have fun or anything else for that matter. This is not a criticism of "entertainment," per se, it's just that in today's modern world there is simply FAR too much of it....available at the push of a button...any time, day or night. A few decades ago, people at least had to dress up and travel to a theater (making it somewhat more of a SOCIAL event than the purely PASSIVE behavior that we call TV or Movie "watching" today). As Shakespeare observed, "all the world's a stage".....and I thoroughly enjoy being ON that stage instead of "watching." On Sunday nights I'm in my heels and unisex costumes with a half dozen or more of my appreciative and supportive friends, enjoying myself at our bed and breakfast, which is named "Mardi-Gras Manor." Almost every thread I read here, no matter the topic, usually receives one or more kind of resentful "gee, I wish society would accept men wearing high heels" replies. Got news for you. SOCIETY DOES. Everyone has the ability to pick and choose the members of this society that reflect their own sensibilities. This is how we create our own reality. It takes dedication, perception, rigorous honesty and decision making, and not a little bit of courage sometimes. The only reason more people never achieve the satisfaction they fantacize is that they have been lulled into passivity by a culture of "mass entertainment," and 'immediate gratification." (Why bother to get into action if all you have to do for a laugh, a tear, a sigh, or a titillation is sit on the couch and click a button on the remote control?) Sad. Tell you what. Grab your heels and give ME a call next Sunday night and you can join a group of people to whom Mardi Gras is a year round event. A celebration of individuality and the creative stuff of "being human." Grinz, Strpr- :)

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