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New boots!


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I came across a very nice pair of boots on the Faith website about a week ago and have been coveting them ever since, to the point where I'd decided to order a pair. The other day however I found myself passing the Trafford Centre (huge shopping mall) on my way home from work and remembered that there was a Faith shop in there...

There were none on display, but one of the assistants checked the stock room and found they had one pair left, and they were my size! I bottled out of trying them on in the shop, it was busy and I've only been buying online since January so was nervous enough.

I decided to try them on in the car, and got into the passenger side to have more room to manoeuvre. They fit perfectly, and felt so good that I couldn't resist driving home in them. The problem was that I was sitting on the wrong side, and with the transmission tunnel in the middle there was no way I was climbing over. So I had a choice, either take them off or get out of the car and walk around to the other side.

I know that this is not a big deal for a lot of you, but it was my first time in public in heels and I was wearing these: http://tinyurl.com/4ug6x

They have four inch metal tipped heels and extremely pointed toes. My jeans were normal length, so the whole heel was on show not to mention most of the boot from just below my ankle down. Trying as hard as possible to look determined and relaxed I got out of the car. The heels were much louder than I'd expected, but the nearest person was on the next row and didn't seem to notice. My heart was pounding, I was outside in heels! As I crossed in front of the car I was toying with the idea of walking around for a while, but there was a scary-looking guy coming up the row I was parked on, so I didn't.

So there you have it, a very small step, but I have now at least got a pair with some genuine concrete scuffs on the soles! :D Now I just need to get the confidence to go for a proper walk, but probably in something a bit less obvious!

Sorry for the long post.


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well done chris i started off very similar to you. a quick break but dive in the car when someone appeared, so i know how it feels, but it is good to take those first steps. i hope you can find time for many more the boots look great by the way daz

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Nice story Chris and a very nice pair of boots to boot (excuse the pun :D ) I remember the first time I bought a pair of heels from a shop (Office in Covent Garden) I'd seen this pair of platform sandals in a fashion magazine and wanted a pair. Off down to London I went and Office had a pair in my size. When the girls asked me if I wanted to try them I bottled out. Luckily they did fit OK and I still have them . Your confidence soon grows.

Do your own thing. Don't be a victim of conformity.


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Its that question that would leave my head spinning with the question 'is she been sarcastic or serious' but id have probably bottled i too. :D daft what a bit of fear can do when it comes to it. We should just think balls to it and do what we want.

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Really nice boots Chris. Very fashionable ! But guys, when a girl asks you to try on heels in a store, go for it ! Trust me, she already knows the shoes are for you. You could enjoy the fun of having a good conversation with her about shoes. Nothing more fun.

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Chris100575:-) Congrats, Congrats, Congrats!!! Don't worry about your post being long. When you can tell us all a great piece of news like that, you can make your post as long as is neccessary to finish the good news. Since according to the pic in your Avatar, you are aleady used to wearing stiletto heels, get yourself a pair of boot-cut jeans and go out for a walk and be sure to let us all know your progress and welcome to street-heeling. Some pics of you in your new boots would be nice if possible. How about some details on your new boots also. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Mickey68 just recently bought me a new pair of boots that some of you may want to check out for yourself. Here are the detals--- They are called "Sleek Leather Boot", mid-calf high, narrow squared toe-box, 3½" covered flat-back or blade heel, side zip, rubber sole, and imported. They came from New-Port News and are available in sizes 5 - 11 M and 5½ - 8½ M and in double expresso or black and priced at $49.00. Cheers--- Dawn HH :D

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Dawn: I'm going for my first proper walk in heels today! I'm meeting up with Daz in about an hour, and will be wearing either my new Faith boots or my block heeled knee boots. Not sure which, I'll probably take both and see how confident I feel. Physical comfort will be part of it as I am used to wearing stilettos, but only around the house. I would post some pics of me in my boots, but it'll have to wait for if Bmalpatv is kind enough to let us use his server again. Bubba: The Trafford Centre is a great place to shop, especially as all the shops are open 'til 10pm. Chris

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Mickey68 just recently bought me a new pair of boots that some of you may want to check out for yourself. Here are the detals---

They are called "Sleek Leather Boot", mid-calf high, narrow squared toe-box, 3½" covered flat-back or blade heel, side zip, rubber sole, and imported.

Great looking boot Dawn! I've got a similar pair I bought at Payless a couple of years ago - mine have a 4" blade heel and the toe box is a tiny bit slimmer - they are quite comfortable. They are the ones I mentioned a while back - when I walk in them each step is a pronounced "ker - thunk" as the heel, then the ball of the foot hits the ground, as opposed to my 3" heeled boots where the heel and ball hit almost simultaneously.

I know you'll get many miles worth of enjoyment out of those boots! :D


Wealth is not measured by how much you have, but rather how little you need.

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Sadly the walk didn't work out as planned. We'd headed for what was usually a quietish spot only to find out that today of all days there was a major cycle race coming through and there were spectators everywhere! Ordinary busy wouldn't have been so bad, but groups of people with nothing better to do than sit and stare at you, not so good. Still, it was nice to meet up, and we're planning to re-schedule for a time where it'll hopefully be quieter! Chris

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lol. normally scotty i would agree. however it was a bit daft. the police blocked a road off for about an hour, leaving about 100 miles of queuing traffic at a standstill. these all ended up getting out of their cars and standing by the side of the road, along with the other sad people who turned up and waited for an hour to cheer at about 15 bikes that took all of 5 seconds to pass.....rather pointless. As for the walk. It was chris's first time to do a big step out, and it wasnt as quiet as we had planned. Sods law that a carefully planned trip to a quiet spot happens to be the route for The Great British Bike Tour! Nevertheless we had an interesting conversation, and we wouldve gone for our planned walk after the crowds had buggered off, but the time had quickly passed and before we knew it ws 4.30 and i had to make a move for a workman coming to our house. (maybe if chris had not got lost on the way......8)... we might have had a little more time :D:) Chris, you need to buy a good map mate 8) ) Chris doesnt live that far from me, so there will be other times. We just work dodgy hours so finding time when were both free has proved awkward several times before. We had a good laugh anyway, so it wasnt a journey wasted Daz

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Daz, I understand, plus with his first time I can understand his nervousness. However from experience, if you go into an empty mall (or not real crowded) you tend to look at everyone and notice them head to toe. If you walk into a crowded mall, people are too busy trying to get from point A to point B to even notice. Also the more people the more noise the less you can hear heels on pavement. Another good potential is a dark resturaunt (one with a bar on a Friday or Saturday night is great). Lots of loud music and people more interested in dancing, etc to notice your footwear. Anyway, good luck to you both! Scotty

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Chris100575:-) I know that you must be disappointed that you were not able to take your first public walk in high heels. Look at it this way---there is only ONE first walk. After that things begin to make slight changes on every walk beyond that. SO---you still have that FIRST walk to look forward to. Every walk after the first helps you to become less nervous, more calm, and you begin to build your self-confidence towards the attitude that, "I can do this"! And then you can begin to think how much fun you are having. Aly:-) I remember you posting about you having problems controlling the "Ker-Thunk" sound of your boots when walking. I don't have that problem as I have posted before. I don't know if these factors make a difference or not, but if you have Arthritis more in one knee-joint than the other it can make a difference in how one foot is laid down over the other. You don't have to have pain in your knees to notice this. This change can happen over a long period of time without you noticing this happening. I'm no doctor and I don't know your age over mine, but people can have Arthritis at any period of life and it isn't the same in all individuals at the same time. Now if both feet experience the "Ker-Thunk", then the above may not apply. Sometimes the height of the heel being used can make a difference in the smoothness of the walk in one person over another. The largeness or the smallness of ones foot-print could also be a factor. If your shoe size is considerably larger than mine, I may be able to walk smoother with a smaller foot-print than you. Then the length of the leg and the length of the stride could be other factors. As I said, I'm not a doctor and maybe someone else better versed in that realm might have some answers. These things popped into my mind and I only throw them out for food for thought. After having checked out Payless Shoes countless times, the ones around my area don't carry heeled shoes or boots at all. The only styles they carry are flat heeled and frumpy with some very ugly offerings. As I have said before, I think I must be the only guy wearing heels publically in my area and therefore Payless Shoes to carry heels would not be profitable for them and maybe that is why I never see them in any of their area stores as I have checked all of them around here. Sscotty727 is correct in stating that the busier the Mall or store is and the noisier, the less that people will notice your shoes or boots or your click-click sounds. They are too busy doing their own chores to notice what you have on your feet or where the heel sounds are coming from. The wife and I were food shopping one time and there were several ladies in the same aisle as we were in and a lot of clicking sounds were heard besides mine and I didn't try to hide mine and everyone was busy with their own chores and my heel sounds went un-noticed as no one was paying any attention to heel sounds or where they may be coming from. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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(maybe if chris had not got lost on the way......8)... we might have had a little more time :)8) Chris, you need to buy a good map mate :D )

mutter bloody RAC Route Planner grumble mutter... 8) Ah well, smiling about it now but was very annoyed at keeping Daz hanging around waiting for me.

I was disappointed not to get to wear my heels, but as Daz said it was people hanging around doing nothing for a couple of hours, so it would have been a bit like running the gauntlet! I still enjoyed the afternoon, but did get very sunburned!

Hopefully we'll arrange another walk, and if it's the same spot, this time I know where I'm going! :D


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I like these the best. They would go extremely well with a pair of flared jeans. If I could find them in my size, I'd buy 'em! :D

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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JeffB: Agreed! Does anyone know if someone sells them in US ladies 12 or 13 (EU43/44)? Bubba136: I got the ones shown in the middle row. But in my case they're dark-brown and have side zippers instead of the front laces. Those are my daily worn boots. Even when the heels are entirely on show nobody did ever give a damn about it! chris100575: Cool story. I must say I wore stiletto heels uncovered only once - in the regular shoe shop where I bought a pair of knee-length boots. I also went for a walk in my 17cm platform courts/pumps from the car to another heels shop. but back then it was dark night and I wore long flared jeans. Some girls were waiting at a nearby bus stop, looked my way when they noticed the serious clock-clock-clock that my shoes made but didn't care much actually. So, Chris, good job! Way to go!!! CU! -Mike

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Re: comments on heel noise... The original stacked leather heels were just that - stacked leather, usually with a wooden core for strength. Although highly compressed and either shellaced or laquered, they were nevertheless, slightly resiliant, so they were also very quiet. Not so today's plastic/composite heels.

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I found a couple of nice pairs of Christian Dior boots on eBay ($489.99). Size Eur 41 or U.S. Womans 11. (a couple of other colors listed just below these).

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And check these out: GucciBoots they're only $1,699.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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$1,699 - is that all? Hey, I'm, like, there, man...

AAAIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!! :D That's more than I make a month! No thank you!!!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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For those that like the style of JLo boots, but are hesitant to wear them in public,

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Hi Bubba,

I'm crazy about JLo boots! Here two pics of my boots (CSD 2004 in Frankfurt/Germany)

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and from the rear

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I got them from Ebay for 40 Euro in an US 11 size. Sorry, that's the upper limit! A little bit too small for my EU 44 (US12/13?) feet but I wore them for over 5 hours without any problems :D


The best fashion is your own fashion!

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Micha:-) There is no question that you wear heels in public---you have just shown us all. Not only that, you don't hide them a bit, showing the whole shoe, heel and all. Fantastic!!! Surely you have gotten many looks as you go by, but what comments have you had when people see you wearing such foot-wear? Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Hey Micha, you look "kewl" (to borrow a word from the vernacular of the punk hip crowd). It looks like the people around you are too engrossed in their own pursuits to take notice of your footwear (If they did notice you, they probably were blinded by the red pants :rofl: )

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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