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the only reaons i can think of it if they have an illness that forces them not to or because they feel that it makes them gay or bisexual in someway. as iv said to many people "Men gave Women trousers so Men can wear High Heels" then again i could be wrong.... J

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I can't think of any reason that a man shouldn't wear high heels. However, I can think of 4 or 5 why he shouldn't wear that pair in the picture.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Could be too fat and wrong body shape to wear thin heels. It's not a reason why not to, just a reason why it doesn't look good (large object balanced on a small one). The same reason applies to women by the way. I guess it's not what you are looking for, as it's not gender specific in its relavence.

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Not only Heels but also ladies shoes and confortable clothes. I did like to wear them since I remember, and I always thaught why I could not. The truth is that I enjoy seen femenine legs in HH rather than standard men ones. And for me the only reason not to wear them in public, is what other people could say or think about me. Even if you do not care, It could cause troubles to the childrens, etc. I would like to have a job and a environment where the people would not care. In fat I would like ladies shoes to become on fashion for men. :D

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For him? If so, cool.

Has he browsed this website?

Yes for him and no he has not been to the website. He's not much on email or message boards so there isn't any point in sending him this direction. I know that he'll end up with a pair with a very conservative heel if any at all, which will be a shame, he has great legs, but it will be a start. I don't ever see him doing pumps, but I may manage a nice 3 inch block heel on a pair of thigh highs if I do this right. *purr*


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Yes for him and no he has not been to the website. He's not much on email or message boards so there isn't any point in sending him this direction. I know that he'll end up with a pair with a very conservative heel if any at all, which will be a shame, he has great legs, but it will be a start. I don't ever see him doing pumps, but I may manage a nice 3 inch block heel on a pair of thigh highs if I do this right. *purr*


Interesting. Consider asking him to rub your shoulders the next time you're posting online to this board. Who knows where it might lead!

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