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The Bristol UK Heel-Meet, 11 Sept 04 - Photo Report Update


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Great news Daz! I've changed you to definite on the list. I've received PM apologies from Nikki, Fogborkenvv and Partner, Paul (Ruthy), and other earlier members, but sad though that is, we're looking all set for an excellent turn-out! Come on Folks! Not too late to add yourselves to the list of attenders for a great time on Saturday! Post below! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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Calling all Interested Heel-Meeters! With two days to go, here is the updated plan: THE BRISTOL UK HEEL-MEET, SATURDAY 11th SEPTEMBER 2004. ARRANGEMENTS (updated 10th Sept): The bad news: My wife hoped to do a buffet lunch at our place, but she's away that particular weekend exhibiting at a big antiques fair. The good news: Firefox has kindly volunteered to help prepare the spread! MEET: 10.30AM MCDONALD'S UPPER ROOM, BOND STREET, BROADMEAD (MOVING-OFF AT ABOUT 11AM). BY CAR: FIND M4 JUNC 19, TAKE M32 INTO CENTRAL BRISTOL TO IT'S VERY END, THE "T" JUNCTION. TURN RIGHT INTO BOND ST, AND MCDONALDS IS IMMEDIATELY ON YOUR LEFT WITH PARKING LAYBY OUTSIDE, OR JUST BEFORE THE "T" YOU COULD HAVE PARKED IN MULTISTOREY ON LEFT. BY TRAIN: ALIGHT AT TEMPLE MEADS STATION, TURN RIGHT OUT OF STATION APPROACH. WALK NORTH UP TEMPLE WAY WHICH BECOMES BOND STREET, AND McDONALDS IS ON YOUR LEFT. IF LOST OR DELAYED, RING OUR MOBILES: MINE 07966 450583 or FIREFOX'S 07941 172043 OR DAZ'S 07834 327100. GUYS AND GALS ALL MOST WELCOME (whether in heels or not). Come and join us for a helluva fun day! If You intend to come, please add your posting to the bottom of this thread. SUGGESTIONS: BIGFOOT SHOPS? SMALLFOOT SHOPS? HARBOURSIDE STROLL, MINIBUS TOUR OF BRISTOL'S SITES (DRIVEN BY ME, HEELFAN)? BUFFET LUNCH AT MY PLACE. FINISH: MID-EVENING (ALTHOUGH SOME USUALLY HAVE TO LEAVE EARLIER) CONFIRMED BY THEIR CURRENT POSTINGS: Firefox, Calv, FGWJon & Marlene, Nhoj62, Daz, Dr. Shoe (95%), Highonheels, Simon, Me (Heelfan), Francis & Jackie (possibly for a short time), Kent (hopes to attend whilst visiting UK from New York). PROBABLY EXPECTED, BUT PLEASE POST BELOW TO CONFIRM: Xaphod, Bladerunner. Can those and any more interested attenders (ALL WELCOME - HEELS NICE BUT NOT COMPULSORY!) please confirm by posting below? - Thanks! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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It will be good to meet you, I am only sorry I cant be there at the start, but we (all three of us ) will catch up with you later. PS, when you say you are travelling throught the night, are you coming down on the friday?

The angels have the phonebox.

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Calling all Heel-Meeters who intend motoring to Bristol: I am offering everyone free garaging in our big private garage alongside my shop, which can take about 9 or 10 cars (we live over the shop). Firefox, Daz and Dr. Shoe have already arranged to park here, and others are welcome. However, it would be necessary to arrive and park before 10.15 because it is a few minutes walk to the McDonalds 10.30 am rendezvous, so we will have to leave here around 9.15 to stroll down to the Meet. For directions to my place phone: My landline 0117 9077960 or my mobile 07966 450583. Hint: Don't forget to bring a print-out of the postings containing the main arrangemernts and phone numbers! Let's have a good one tomorrow! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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OK, I'll be there. Booking needed for my 4wd in your garage please. My damson trees have been going nuts, so I will bring a damson pie as contribution to the lunch buffet. Errrr .... scuse me, is it a 0930 departure from your place for a 1030 meet at Mc Ds???? ..... conflicting info. FF and Calv know my mobile number. Xa

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I'll drive to Bristol as well, can I have a space in the garage please? I assume the address is the same as your music shop was? See you tomorrow about 0915 ish Calv

Do your own thing. Don't be a victim of conformity.


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Calling all Heel-Meeters who intend motoring to Bristol: I am offering everyone free garaging in our big private garage alongside my shop, which can take about 9 or 10 cars (we live over the shop). Firefox, Daz and Dr. Shoe have already arranged to park here, and others are welcome. However, it would be necessary to arrive and park before 10.15 because it is a few minutes walk to the McDonalds 10.30 am rendezvous, so we will have to leave here around 10.15 to stroll down to the Meet. For directions to my place phone: My landline 0117 9077960 or my mobile 07966 450583. Hint: Don't forget to bring a print-out of the postings containing the main arrangemernts and phone numbers! Let's have a good one tomorrow! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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To the Garage-Seekers (Xaphod, Calv, Daz, Nigel and any others). Sorry, when I said to get your vehicles here to my garage by 9.15 am, I really meant 10.15 am! At that latter time we will all need to stroll down to the 10.30 McDonalds rendezvous. I am about to send PMs to you four giving my address and directions. Anyone else wanting directions, please phone me (number above) tomorrow (Saturday) morning before 10 am and I can talk you in. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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Hi, Wow, it was great to see you all today. We all had a great afternoon, although If my wife had known how many shoe changes there were going to be, then she would have brought more pairs, still, there is always next time. It was good to meet you Ruth, thanks to Dr Shoe and Firefox for entertaining Anna. You two are pretty good with sticky blocks! Wow, heelfan, you have a lot of shoes, the most enlightening for me being the Barratts in a size 10, I swear I have never seen them that large before. mental note to myself, must pay more attention in the sale racks. Xa, in honor of the wonderful damson Pie, we came home and made one, needless to say it is all gone now, but thanks getting us in the mood. Si, Highonheels and Calv, a good display of heels from you all. Nohj, a Major disappointment, but as you had a sick note, then I guess you are excused from wearing heels. I trust everybody got home Okay, It was a bit disappointing for me that daz was not there, but there is always next time. We safely delivered Kent to the train station ( Kent, I hope you did not have to long to wait for the next ride, it was good to meet you) I hope I have not forgotten anybody. I look forward to seeing the Pics soon. See you all again soon.

The angels have the phonebox.

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I apologise for not being able to attend. I was looking forward to joining you, and there was a few people i wished to meet for the first time, but there will be other time. Unfortunately i split with Jade last night which has hit me hard... dont really feel up for anything at the moment........

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hey nigel maybe next time mate it was great to see you all an put more names to faces. heelfan, thanks for being sutch a great host an ff thanks for doing the drinks, hope to see you all again at some point. later nhoj62

the higher the boot, the higher the heel, the better the feeling!

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It was a great day yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed myself in the company of a great bunch of people. Bristol is a very nice cosmopolitan city and well up for a display of street heeling from us all. We only went round part of the shops in the city and the joint haul was 4 pairs of boots and 4 pairs of shoes :D:) Haven't we got enough? Of course not! I found a pair of pointy toe stiletto ankle boots in the Faith sale which were soon snapped up. HighonHeels found another similar pair in a small boutique type of shop (cant remember the name - sorry) for a bargain price and left the shop wearing them. He obviously liked them as he kept them on all day after that! We then did a raid on TK Maxx (which had a far better selection than any of the ones near me 8) ) Dr Shoe and Ruth made a joint purchase of knee boots. Dr Shoe selected a pair of Bunny boots (couldn't find the bunny girl though!) in black leather with a playboy bunny in studs on the side, whilst Ruth found a very unsual pair of Diesel boots in dark red leather with fringing and an unusual wedge heel. Si came home with 4 pairs of shoes but I cant remember him showing them off so I can't describe them here. We had a couple of comments from 2 west african women who asked some of the group waiting outside a shoe shop for the rest, why they were wearing heels. I'll let one of the group who was there describe this conversation. The rest of the time we had no adverse comment despite Xaphod being resplendent in a calf length denim skirt and knee boots! Appetite for heels sated we walked back to Heelfans castle for a buffet lunch prepared mainly by Firefox Catering and very nice it was too - thank you. Nigel joined us there for an afternoon of eating, talking, drinking, relaxing and viewing some of Heelfans large collection of shoes and boots. Little Anna kept us all amused - she is such a lovely little girl and was even noted in a pair of stillettos at one stage - early learner? She had great fun playing with Heelfan's Stikkle Bricks (never could work that one out!). Must also mention Kent, our first transatlantic member. He was on business over here searched us out and joined us. The drive back up to the midlands was quite an anticlimax. Thanks everybody for a great day and heres to the next one. ps Daz, sorry to read of your break-up with Jade 8) and sorry you couldn't make it.

Do your own thing. Don't be a victim of conformity.


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The best Heelmeet ever! The conversation with the two West Indian women went something like this. Women: Why are you wearing heels? Us: Because we like to, why not? Women: You wouldn't catch us in heels like that! Us: Well, for every woman that doesn't wear them, we put a man in them to even things out. :) Women (Walking away): Well if you want to damage your spines... :D

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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"The Best Heel-Meet Ever" Dr. Shoe has just said, and it was great that this seemed to be the general reaction to the day from Firefox and others. The superb turn-out and respective footwear was as follows: FIREFOX - Black boots with 4" square block heels DR. SHOE - Magnus Cowboy boots with slim 4" heels/6" mules with 3/4" platform and a plastic bin full of everything imaginable! RUTH - Mule-clogs with 4" heels KENT (from New York) - Brown boots with 4" vane heels NHOJ - Trainers due to injured ankle (get strong again in time for the next Meet!) NIGEL - Evans brown boots with slim 3" blade heels CALV - 2.5" wedge boots, then Faith 'Skye2' 4.5" blade boots, then Banana Shoes 4 1/2" stiletto courts. XAPHOD - Denim lower-calf-length skirt and the boot version of 'Skye2' 4.5" boots, then 5" Fuss courts. ME (HEELFAN) - Magnus cowboy boots with 4" slim heels, then shorts and red 5" stiletto sandals (an earlier present from Dr. Shoe). SIMON - Shorts and 4.5" wedge mules, then 4.5" black cloggy sandals. HIGH-ON-HEELS - gets the all-time prize for the most stunning Heel-Meet heels: Successfully street-heeled around the entire 3-hour central Bristol session in utterly stunning 5 1/2" (no platform) stiletto courts! And then told us it was his first time ever wearing any heels whatsover in public. He deserves the High Heel Meeting Place medal for achievement!!!!!!! Full marks to Kent from New York (over in the UK for a few days on business) who took the trouble to come all the way to Bristol and was spotted approaching us out of the crowd in the high heels! PURCHASES - The prize for the most pairs purchased by a member goes to Simon - 4 pairs! Well done - very nice choices! High-on-heels bought a pair of stylish black pointed toe boots with high stiletto heels that looked almost as sexy as his skyscaper stiletto courts! Ruth bought a great pair of unusual wedge-heeled boots - a unique heel design and Dr. Shoe and Calv did well on boot-buying too. For a lateish lunch we repaired to my courtyard with French windows leading in to the two rooms containing the buffet. Firefox had come down a day earlier to beat me at tennis and golf before doing magnificently in masterminding the shop-up and preparing the buffet. Lots of unusual canapes and things-on-sticks etc. etc. And the piece-de-resistance was a huge beautifully-baked damson pie baked by Xaphod from damsons from his own garden. There is even a slice left for my wife to enjoy when she gets home tonight! It was great to relax with everyone, show each other our shoes, and in my case to dig out the majority of my collection for everyone to see. All were interested when I showed them specimens of the 4" heels (non-platform) that were available in London MEN'S shoe shops around 1980, and examples of shoes and boots that I had had made incorporating various heel-shapes especially made and supplied by myself, most 5" and 5.5". We had a most pleasurably and convivial afternoon of chatting about countless shoeiee and non-shoeiee topics, and although several members had to leave by early evening, we finished up with generous helpings of Chinese food delivered by my favourite local take-away. The day had started with disappointment when Daz texed to say that a domestic problem had suddenly prevented him from attending. Sadly we now read that this was Daz breaking-up with Jade - we are SO sorry Daz - that's awful! Still, we hope and trust that you wil keep in touch with us lot! The other bad news was that Francis and Jackie didn't make it. They had to dash back to the Midlands because someone had set fire to their shed! Anyway, all in all it was a magnificent turn-out of thirteen (would have been sixteen with Daz, Francis and Jackie!). Thanks again to Firefox for helping so much with the food and drink preparations, and I'm delighted that a good time was had by all. All suggestions invited for the next Heel-Meet! We hope to have at least one more UK meet in 2004 before getting too much into the winter weather and Christmas distractions. Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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Hi to all who attended the heel-meet - it was great to meet so many 'heelfans'! And particular thanks to Heelfan for hosting the event, the buffet lunch (also thanks to Firefox), and just generally making everyone feel very welcome. Sorry I had to leave early - had to get back for an evening engagement. My first time out in 5 1/2" stilettos (navy courts, size 8, with ankle strap) was quite educational, and a wonderfully liberating experience. No real problems, except the balls of my feet got quite sore - but I'll ease that next time with some cushion pads. The only adverse reactions to our group (and perhaps me or Xaphod in particular) were a couple of occasions of groups of young girls laughing hysterically. On the plus side we had several people come up to us to ask what we were doing (e.g. see earlier post on West Indian women) - not something I think would ever happen with other unusual types of clothing. There were quite a few classic 'double-takes' by people as they walked past us, but most people didn't notice or didn't care. On the whole a great day, and the weather managed to stay fine while we were out which certainly helped. I'm sure the meet would've benefited from a few more ladies to balance the numbers though. I don't understand why women would miss an opportunity to go shopping for shoes.. :D Hope to see you all soon. Highonheels

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Hi, all,

It seems like most of the things that had to be said, have been.

Just to add, thanks for an enjoyable day, especially to FF for organising the buffet, arriving the previous day to do the shopping, and to HF for providing the venue.

If you want a contribution to the food costs, I'll pay in beer next time I see you (if that's OK).

It's good to see that the UK contingent turned out in force to welcome our visitor from the US.

Daz .... sorry to hear about the break-up. As people grow up they change, so a relationship that had a sound basis when it started seems less solid later. When you are young the rate of change is much greater (I think back to the difference in myself between 18 and 21, remembering that I didn't like myself much as an 18 year-old from the perspective of my 21 year-old self.) It's facile for me to say this, but pick yourself up and carry on, remembering, of course, that there are times in the life of every gentleman when it is quite permissible, indeed very appropriate, to get blind drunk !


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Sounds like a fun time was had by all. It was great that you had such a good turnout. Sorry to hear about the fire and the breakup though.

I hope everyone here gets to read the above posts. Would be nice if we can get a meeting going on the east coast here in the USA.

I look forward to seeing lots of pics of your fun day!



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I took loads of shots, but even with Firefox's help we can't get my new digital camera to 'talk' to my computer. Firefox took more shots, so I've given him my card of shots too in the hope that he will publish a good selertion from both cameras. Come on Firefox - everyone's waiting with bated breath! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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Sorry guys, been very busy this week. If you take a day off work that's what happens. Pics are in my camera and Hf gave me his XD card too. I'm afraid I miserably failed to install his USB driver despite multiple efforts and downloading the latest driver files direct from the olympus website. The manual admits there are certain problems with using W98 and that camera. Pics will appear at some stage.I know you are all waiting for the one with Dr Shoe and thighboot on his head!

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