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What's your motive?


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Most of the post's here are intriguing to say the least. In a recent post, Mickey S. asked who he should tell first about his heeling. Ok. My reasons for wearing stilletos and certain types of womens flats are of a sexual nature. It's just plain dammed exciting and very erotic. My limitations are, That I would be ashamed to impose this kinky side of me on others and offend them with my sexy shoes. For those of you guy's who wear high heels to work and out in public, I'm still trying to find the answers! I would love to be free and wear stilletos everywhere and be accepted. Is it that you're truly making a fashion statement? Or pretending to and being accepted by your friends? My wife would divorce me in a minute if I ever wore stilletos out doors and I could never do that anyway because of the fear of being ridiculed. I count my blessings for my shoes and nylons collection and I wish that my wife would post here and explain her side of it, but it's not in the cards....Larry.

Love those heels!

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My motive is to be different and I think certain heel styles suit my personal fashion ideas. I do find shoes a turn on to see on women, but that's because I like women. I don't find shoes a paticular turn on by wearing them or on other guys but I am still very inetrested in the styles and outfits that anyone may wear. Because my personal motive is not primarily sexual, I'm happy to wear a variety of heels from blocks to blades to wedges even through to stilettos sometimes. I don't think my view is very common. Most guys I have seen like a particular type of shoe. Eg Stiletto pumps/sandals with hose and want to wear this shoe themselves maybe with some cross dressing implication. Therefore they are not happy with this image in public. I like variety in footwear and I like to be part of the club of people that wears interesting shoes. If I didn't wear them in public myself, I think I would be jealous of others who did , so why be jealous? Join the club and membership is only £25 or less at your nearest shoe shop. Something else I have found is that whatever my own reasons for wearing heels, other people's are quite different and it's not possible to change them in any way because it's part of your make up. That said, it's still very interesting to see why others wear them, so post away.

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Not really sure what my motivation is. Have to admit that i can get erotic feelings from wearing high heels (which happens to be a big reason why women wear certain heels as well), but the general wanting to wear high heels all the time is not sexual. It may be more due to jealousy of the fact that women can wear it and I can't. Or the fact that it is taboo nature of it that men in general don't wear heels. But have to admit that if I don't like the look and feel of them, i don't think i would be jealouse of others wearing it or have a desire to wear it just because it is taboo........ Hard thing to pinpoint.........

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Years ago when I first started buying/wearing heels, only wore pumps inside the house/bedroom. It was purley sexual (or atleast I thought it was). I then realized that I just like the way my foot feels when it is at an angle and wore them more and more as much as I could get away with (around the house, driving, etc). Once I found this website and got encouranged to wear heels outside, I started wearing more "discrete" heels in public and found I like wearing them the way someone else might wear a leather jacket. Now I pretty much now wear block heels during the day for the way it feels, and reserve the pumps for more "private" moments :roll: Scotty

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I would parallel what aussieheels has stated. This just about sums it up "Have to admit that i can get erotic feelings from wearing high heels (which happens to be a big reason why women wear certain heels as well), but the general wanting to wear high heels all the time is not sexual. " I just really like the feeling from wearing HH, and it doesn't so much matter what the heel type is. Except for when it is play time, then it is stilettos. Other times, it is just being able to wear HH. And I think I would them most all time if I could. Lee

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I agree with most posts here, the feeling of stepping into "womens shoes" is partly sexual, and partly the taboo thing. I do get a greater feeling when the heel is higher though.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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i agree that the motive is very mixed and varying a lot from person to person. i never did it to make a statement or to try and be different, or to express a part of me. the view of the shoe is exciting on some styles more than others. I get fascinated by the foot being restrained in the high arch. On women the sight does increase my sexual feelings, but no sexual element on men but i think it can look right on a man if worn corectly, as its the same ends of the legs as on a woman so whats the difference. During sex, the wearing and sight of heels heightens the experience. My motive for me to wear them is just that i simply want to, and enjoy to. I like the look of lots of styles, and love the feel of being elevated by a heel under my feel. It gives a feeling i cant describe, other than it makes me feel uplifted, happier, more confident, simply much better about being me. With regards to wearing outside. I do it fairly often, but am very concious and bothered by the thought of negativity from people, and it makes me a lot more nervous than i would like to be, however as firefox says, sometimes you just get jealous that women can do it, so to remove the jealousy yi think f**k it and just do it daz

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i agree that the motive is very mixed and varying a lot from person to person.

i never did it to make a statement or to try and be different, or to express a part of me.

the view of the shoe is exciting on some styles more than others. I get fascinated by the foot being restrained in the high arch. On women the sight does increase my sexual feelings, but no sexual element on men but i think it can look right on a man if worn corectly, as its the same ends of the legs as on a woman so whats the difference. During sex, the wearing and sight of heels heightens the experience.

My motive for me to wear them is just that i simply want to, and enjoy to. I like the look of lots of styles, and love the feel of being elevated by a heel under my feel. It gives a feeling i cant describe, other than it makes me feel uplifted, happier, more confident, simply much better about being me.

With regards to wearing outside. I do it fairly often, but am very concious and bothered by the thought of negativity from people, and it makes me a lot more nervous than i would like to be, however as firefox says, sometimes you just get jealous that women can do it, so to remove the jealousy yi think f**k it and just do it


Hi daz,

I feel similar like you. My motivation for wearing heels outside is largely the same. But for me it's also a little bit lust of breaking taboos. Women's shoes are mostly much more beautiful than men's shoes. Why am I not allowed to wear them too?!?

There comes up my anarchist punk mentality :roll:


The best fashion is your own fashion!

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Hello Again..Thanks for the insight. I never thought about the (taboo) side of it contributing to the overall reaction. When my sister in-law caught me wearing nylons and 5" stilletos, It was an incredible feeling.. Doing something so kinky and not being ashsamed of what was happening at the time. There was alcohol involved in that episode and that made it easier for me. Some of you guys have posted pictures of yourselves wearing heels and I find it to be thrilling to see other people in nylons and stilletos, Not in a sexual way but nonetheless thrilling. (Thanks Daz!) When I wear hose and womens shoes around the house, I feel a degree of comfort much like you, But when mimic the shoe play of my wife..eg.. dipping and dangling ect. Thats a whole different story. One of you guys used the term, (Electric) 5" stilletos and stockings while having sex, WOW. Electric! The feeling of my feet in heels while making love to my wife causes every nerve in my body to electrify..I can feel it all over...Larry.

Love those heels!

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Hello Again..Thanks for the insight. I never thought about the (taboo) side of it contributing to the overall reaction. When my sister in-law caught me wearing nylons and 5" stilletos, It was an incredible feeling.. Doing something so kinky and not being ashsamed of what was happening at the time. There was alcohol involved in that episode and that made it easier for me. Some of you guys have posted pictures of yourselves wearing heels and I find it to be thrilling to see other people in nylons and stilletos, Not in a sexual way but nonetheless thrilling. (Thanks Daz!) When I wear hose and womens shoes around the house, I feel a degree of comfort much like you, But when mimic the shoe play of my wife..eg.. dipping and dangling ect. Thats a whole different story. One of you guys used the term, (Electric) 5" stilletos and stockings while having sex, WOW. Electric! The feeling of my feet in heels while making love to my wife causes every nerve in my body to electrify..I can feel it all over...Larry.

Hi Larry,

you should be thankful to have a wife sharing your passion. I wish you a lot of electrification :roll:


The best fashion is your own fashion!

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Motive? Hmm! Well, in my case, I just plain love wearing women's shoes which are so much more fun than the forever boring men's variety. For me, there's a certain sense of excitement that comes from stepping out beyond the norm and being my own person, doing what feels right for me while ignoring what society says I should do or wear. Sure, I've gotten plenty of double takes and second glances when out and about in heels, but I stopped caring about that long ago and do what I want. I hope that answers the question.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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It's hard for me to actually define. I have wanted to wear girls/womens shoes boots since I first had choice in footwear (age 5-6). An older sister outgrowing her winter boots occasionally provided me with desired footwear. I can recall a great pleasure and satisfaction when I got to wear such. That feeling continues to this day. I agree it has to do with envy. When I see women wearing styles that is great. Wish it was as acceptable for me to wear womens' shoes as for women to wear men's. It became a sexual stimulus as I matured but think it runs way deeper than that but do not know why. dressboots

classic style high heel boots

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Gene: reguarding the style in your avatar.. Who made those? They have a great shape! Not like so many styles that just angle once behind the ball of the foot, yours seem to property support the foot. Been waiting to ask.. not sure why :roll: Jim

(formerly known as "JimC")

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