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Amanda  had a brilliant idea.  Just a Minute.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_a_Minute  I propose that for our purposes you have to write one line of text in one minute on a subject without repetition,deviation or typos.  You need to be honourable about the timing.  I'll go first.  Feel free to 'call me'. Oh, you're allowed to repeat the subject title, and to use 'and' and 'the' etc as often as you need.


Subject: Autumn

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness wrote Keats and he was right, with apples in the trees and haws in the hedges for all to take and the sun falli


I stopped when my egg timer said one minute.  Does anyone want to play?  If so, the next subject is Louboutin.  After you've played you get to choose the next topic.


I will certainly play, but I believe the topic you have chosen next should go to Amanda if she is going to join. I've no doubt I could write for a minute on Louboutin, but I feel certain I could not do it with her level of conviction.

(I suppose in a way that could that actually count as my minute's worth of exposition on Louboutin, come to think of it, but I will still cede the topic to Amanda if she wants it)


Lol Megan, if I were at all unscrupulous I could write for an hour on the subject of Louboutin and edit is multiple times after having posted it and no one would never know.


Subject: Louboutin

With the box on my knees and fingers trembling, anticipating the rustle of paper and heady leathery smell, cut into balance with faultless craftsmanship.




Next subject Rhyming slang.


A ride across town in a Black Cab, from Charing Cross to Paddington, proved a colourful introduction to cockney rhyming slang when I heard the driver refer to taking a butcher's at something (meaning Butcher's Hook, or look) and asked him what he meant. Off he went into a very humorous riff using every bit of Bow Bell's lingo he could think of - which was considerable for he was an old geezer and well versed in the patter. It made for an entertaining ride for me and a good tip for him!


Beep - time's up


Next topic: English weather


Challenge: Repetition of Butcher's.  I'm also suspicious that there might be a liberal interpretation of 'minute'. So;


Rhyming Slang.


Now is the Harold of our discontent made glorious John Selwyn by this currant of Knife.  Thus might the Great Bard have written had he been born by the Thames instead of the.  Beep


Next topic: Advertising


Repetition of Butchers I'll cop but that was no liberal interpretation of the minute. Churning out copy thick and fast is what I do for a living.


Adverts on the telly drive me mad, not possessing these products makes I glad, Hoping tha   Beep - time's up!




Next topic: Charles Dickens


Charles Dickens, the man responsible for our modern Christmas, that time of family breakdown, was himself a deeply unfaithful man.  His wife put up with all kinds of affairs....  beep


Shyheels, I'm most impressed by your typing skills.


Next topic: Youth, but I can see a challenge coming.


It was George Bernard Shore who said that "youth is wasted on the young" and Kafka  surmised that “Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”



Beep....grr, it's to early in the morning for this. Not fair.


Next topic: Australia


Did you know Australia was the only country in the world to honour a convicted forger on a banknote - Francis Greenway who was transported for forgery went on to become the new colony's chief architect and had his face on the old $10 blll


Next topic:


The Tube


(sorry - I did edit this: I forgot to put on the next topic!)


What better way for the tourist to see the sites of the capital than travelling by Tube.  All the interesting landmarks are laid out on one clear, topological map above one's head.  Beep


Amanda, I'm afraid you missed a challenge on me.  Repetition of 'man'.


Next topic: Vitruvian Man


My turn.


I tend to be quite a fast and accurate typist (80 words Per minute or so) so it comes as no surprise that I can do quite a bit in tat time. I can punctuate quite well too and so I shouldn't have too much of a problem saying everything I want to say. However,

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.


Challenge: Deviation, though I must admit I'm impressed that you  managed deviation.   I'm not sure that Vitruvian Man was renowned for his typing.  I suppose it all depends whether four hands would be a help or a hindrance.  Anyway, Vitruvian Man:


For many years I wondered if the inspiration for Vitruvian Man was Harry Worth.  Did you know that the square centres on the navel and the circle on the penis? it Seems like something could be deduced from that, though one would need to be da Vinci to know    Beep

Sorry, I forgot to set a topic.  Next topic, The Human League, though I expect a challenge.

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