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Help?(!) My Heels-Sharing Youtube Account Was Disabled! :(

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Posted (edited)

A couple years ago, I uploaded some totally non-explicit, but still very sexy short videos of my girlfriend wearing 5" heels and doing some innocuous stuff while sitting on the couch: buckling the straps and painting her toenails.  They were actually pretty popular (the only one I could find a cache of had over 134000 views as of 6 months before my account was disabled!).


Last week, I wanted to upload a new video... but when I logged in, I was informed that my account had been disabled.  The reason stated was for one single "community guidelines" violation.  I was astonished -- your first thoughts are probably the same as mine: "that means nudity, or close to it!" -- but there wasn't anything remotely explicit in either video.  A lot of sexy leg, yes... but sitting on the couch, essentially doing nothing.  (Videos shared below so you can see for yourselves!)


Long story short: 

I posted an extremely detailed writeup/question in the YouTube support forums, trying to get this mistake corrected, or at least to get in contact with an actual human to ask what was going on.  What followed was a thread full of abuse by several of the forum's "Top Contributors" accusing me

- initially of being a spammer (!!)...

- then accusing me of "deception"...

- then backpeddling on themselves and changing the accusation to being "deviant" smut peddler trying to "entice people with the promise of something erotic"...

- and ultimately regressing to personal/intelligence attacks after I proved their accusations incorrect and continued requesting assistance for the original question

- implicitly, they are accusing anyone who'd appreciate a video of shoes/feet of being freaks who are not welcome on youtube!


Here's the thread: https://productforums.google.com/d/topic/youtube/msAbcejf_4k/discussion

("YouTube account ERRONEOUSLY terminated. Next steps to escalate to an actual human???)

Apparently the original YouTube reviewer mistook a link to (the now redirected-to-Amazon) endless.com as an affiliate link which would allow a poster to profit off a 3rd party advertising network -- and so did the jerk "top contributors" who are supposed to be the most helpful users in the forum -- even though the url was very clearly a simple link to that shoe model.


Help? (!)  ...here's why I hope being part of a community like this will help!  They used their top-contributors community to repeatedly down-vote, and effectively bury, all of my posts in that thread, even though they were wrong and grasping at straws.  Being buried as such means that it's highly unlikely an *actual*  YouTube employee will notice my situation and lend a hand!!  

Now I'm not asking anyone to blindly vote me up, but if you have the time to scan through the thread and see the BS they pull... if you do not find their posts helpful to my original question, please feel free to vote them down.  And if you find my posts pertinent to the original question, please feel free to vote up! 


Maybe, if posts are unburied, YouTube will notice and fix my account and I can get back to posting the sexy high heels I wanted to show!!  Thank you for any help there, or if you have any suggestions here! :)




Oh I should note for anyone reading through the forum thread I linked to -- I actually (successfully) requested that youtube remove the copies of my videos that someone else had uploaded without my permission, so they are no longer where the thread says they are.  Ironically I did this on the basis of the prior-art youtube could see I uploaded years ago... 


Also, I just noticed the briefest second of a panty-peek from under the skirt in the (also ironically) other video from the one that was flagged/removed.  For those suspicious if that had anything to do with it, though... beyond the fact that there are literally millions of more revealing videos currently on youtube, I also found the pertinent policies at: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802002?hl=en  Here are the 2 most appropriate snippits... 

"In most cases, violent, graphic, or humiliating fetishes are not allowed to be shown on YouTube."

...yeah I'm going to go ahead and say those don't remotely apply to my videos :)  The other snippit...

"Videos featuring individuals in minimal or revealing clothing may also be age-restricted if they're intended to be sexually provocative, but don't show explicit content."

...so there you have it, explicitly stated that AT WORST, the video should merely have been "age restricted".  


Oh I guess there's one more line that's important, in case someone is super super puritanical and considers that panty peek as explicit --> "Other factors include ... Fleeting vs. prolonged exposure especially relative to the overall length of the video."  And obiously, that grainy tiny area of white is obviously fleeting.  But again... if anything in these videos is remotely against a community standard..... then probably half of youtube needs to be taken down and accounts disabled! :-P

Edited by Shafted
Fetish content


Really? You really don't understand. Maybe just maybe it was the panty crotch shots.


Youtube themselves said it doesn't belong there. What makes you think it belongs here?

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.


Really? You really don't understand. Maybe just maybe it was the panty crotch shots.


Youtube themselves said it doesn't belong there. What makes you think it belongs here?


Wow.  There is absolutely no need to condescend.

I came here for help. And shared a very polite/detailed post that tried to be respectful to the community.

(I read the forum rules and didn't see anything in it that could remotely be construed as forbidding linking to videos on a totally different site, one of which happened to show a glimpse of 20 or 30 white low-res pixels.)  

By the way, if you had read the linked YouTube Support thread, you would have seen that YouTube removed the videos because a reviewer mistook a broken link for a redirecting affiliate link: nothing to do with video content.  Note the screenshots in that thread. (Additionally, the video in question didn't even have ANY visible undies, whatsoever. I only included the other here for completeness.)


But to do you the respect of actually answering your question: I never said the videos belonged *here*.  

The only reason I included links to them was absolutely clear from the very lengthy discussion I shared beforehand:


A lot of sexy leg, yes... but sitting on the couch, essentially doing nothing.  (Videos shared below so you can see for yourselves!)



But what makes you feel so strongly that a link to a video of someone showing off their high heels doesn't belong *here*?  The aforementioned youtube account was used to share videos of high heels being modeled. That seems to be pretty straight shooting.  And the discussion was specifically about the account being disabled, where a linked-video played a part.  (Albeit, a MISTAKEN part -- which was the whole point of the linked forum thread: youtube's mistake that I was hoping someone could help me draw attention to/etc.)  Again, I read the forum rules, and between their lines, and this seems kosher.


Also, "crotch shots"!!??  Did you watch the video?  A brief moment exists where you can see a tiny bit of white due to the angle of the camera. That is all. It's not explicit and it's not emphasized. Anyway, it's not the point either.  I have no problem with you removing my youtube links... but crucial to the discussion I do still want to "prove" the videos were not explicit in nature, so I hope you will allow me to upload a contact sheet showing a contact sheet of progressive and extremely unexceptional frames.


I'm going to update my original post so as to take the focus away from discussion of the video that was NOT flagged, and return to where it belongs: asking the High Heels fashion-loving community to look into an issue preventing me from sharing any other high-heels-modeling videos. (edit:nevermind, apparently I'm not allowed)

Hopefully, people will take interest? 


In a wonderful, perfect world, maybe someone here even has a buddy who works at YouTube and could ask them to re-review the one single flag/strike I received and emphasize that the "incriminating" link in the description is merely a broken link due to shoe retailer Endless.com being closed/re-absorbed by Amazon.




Wow.  There is absolutely no need to condescend.

I came here for help. And shared a very polite/detailed post that tried to be respectful to the community.

 Couple things..


- Shafted wasnt being Condescending. He followed the links you provided and looked at why YouTube closed your channel down. If he didnt, how would he know about the panties being on display ( Nice shot BTW ;)  ).


One of the responses from youtube :


"As it stands, however, it looks exactly like a video that was posted to entice people with the promise of something erotic so that they would click on a link in the description -- a "bait and switch" kind of operation. That's what it looks like, even if that is not what it was supposed to be, and so that's how it will be treated by YouTube. Staff have a gazillion other flagged videos to review and deal with, and they don't have time to waste investigating everything. As YouTube has said in the past, "Context is king." If it's not spam or porn, make sure it doesn't look like spam or porn."


They are correct in their assertion of description to content being provided.


It was a fetish video.


Something many people need to do : Get their own Domain. If you rely on youtube or ' free ' providers, they have sponsors whom run Ads and those SPONSORS have set the rules. The Youtube staff really doesnt have much say in it outside of trying to remove what might offed those whom pay the bills.


If you want the issue resolved, get a domain and start your own thing. Im not being a dick, Im being honest. It might take a bit of learning or time on your part, but you can do it! Many have! Its a solution that will give you all the results you want without any asshats giving you a ration of dung.


A while back, I posted videos of a band I was playing with. The videos were removed for ' copywrite ' even though the videos were recorded in Canada which RIAA and MPAA have no jurisdiction in. Canada has its own laws and ' taxes ' on blank media which pay for those things.


Youtube took the videos down, closed my account.


Youtube now has a feature of content thats allowed to be viewed by certain countries. Canadians can still watch those videos, but Im not allowed to. Really twisted IMO but its how THEY operate THEIR Business. I dont give them a dime so , Im not a ' customer '. Neither are you.


What you are facing isnt worth fighting for. Get a domain and walk away from it. Its your opinion against millions of dollars from advertisers and a less then hospitable staff. The aggravation alone should tell you something.


Reality is a bitch sometimes but facing it instead of complaining is always the best way to go about it.






Hi, ilikekicks, thanks for the thoughtful and thought-out response!  I appreciate the time you took!


Just to respond to your response of my first response... ;) ... I stated at the end of the original post that there was "Also, I just noticed the briefest second of a panty-peek from under the skirt in the (also ironically) other video from the one that was flagged/removed." so no one had to actually view the video to know that :)  But thanks for the compliment on the shot! ...even if it was both accidental and incidental to the point of the video: I like seeing heels modeled in non-standard, boring "sure I wear these all the time, doing whatever" type situations!


And also I want to make absolutely clear to anyone else who reads the youtube forum discussion: those are *not* youtube employees posting!  They are a special kind of forum volunteer (called "top contributors" -- google the program, it's fascinating!) who spend soooo much time responding to the support forums (helpfully or not, apparently) that they get special recognition from Google.  My buddy who works at Google (in actual web-search, nowhere near Youtube, obviously) tells me that, among other things, they get free swag like T-shirts and even occasionally trips to google for top-contributor-specific events.


I'm getting farther away from the point here, but I'm frustrated that everyone seems to be getting hung up on some non-existent Disney-rating-required YouTube rules.  Those just don't exist!  


Look at the video/contact sheet, any normal guy I work with would have the same response: "damn! look at those legs!"  to most people, it's a leg-showing-off video.  And it's a good one!  (*bows again* ha)  They wouldn't know what you were talking about if you asked them about "that fetish video".  You and I know that *to us* it's a fetish video because we're typing away on hhplace, and that's the only reason we all "know"... but this isn't someone BJ'ing a stiletto.  And even if it was, Youtube's own words on the subject are "violent, graphic, or humiliating fetishes are not allowed."  This is from their content policies page.  Similarly, all their content rules/community guidelines are spelled out quite clearly, on easy to locate webpages.  There is nothing saying that a video can't be suggestive.  Or even that it can't be R-rated (as I quoted from policies above, R-rated content is explicitly allowed! It's just put under age-restriction. There's just nothing content related with my videos! And!! I'm using exclamation points! because the "top contributors" on youtube's forum should have been the FIRST ones to be saying that!! If anyone knows the old saying/XKCD comic... "Someone on the internet is wrong!!!" and that's why I can't shut up about it :-D

But I'd still (yes, yes I know... I can drone on and on. But soon I will sleep, don't worry!) I'd like to share some stats to show that there's no content rules like the ones the youtube forum asshats (great word!) kept trying to explain away the already-explained 'oopsie' on the part of the reviewer who confused a barely-broken amazon link with spam.

humorous and interesting youtube search results:

modeling + heels = 35,900 results

licking + heels = 63,700 results

heels + worship = 121,000 results

heels + fetish = 178,000 results

panties = 1,190,000 results

panties + fetish = 40,900 results

hand + bra = 346,000 results ( <--- this is a great way to spend an hour!!)

"hand bra" = 46,200 results (as a strict phrase, just to be clear)

tiny + bikini = 104,000 results

bouncing + boobs = 112,000 results

BUT AAAANYWAY..... :)   My point is, it would be wonderful if everyone acquainted themselves with youtube's content policies, because they very well explain why the above quantity of highly entertaining results are so numerous, even in the face of their extremely easily filterable/searchable titles.



**tragic side note: to me, the uploader, this video was NOT a heels-fetish video.  Heels are there and of course I like them, but they were there as an excuse to watch my girlfriend fidget around with her long nails (buckling buckles, etc).  So in a manner of speaking, it was indeed a fetish video, but hilariously, not the one it was accused of! ;)


Sorry, ilk, back to responding to you!  </rant>

LOL, and you are totally right.  Reality is a real bitch here.  And actually I don't care all that much about the account *compared to my frustration generated while being "helped" by their forum trolls*!  I realize they probably field hundreds of help requests PER DAY by people who had their videos taken down for legitimate reasons -- as evidenced by the fact not one but 2 of them INSTANTLY claimed I was "hiding" an affiliate link as though everyone and their uncle is doing it, before admitting they were wrong (after I went to great trouble to demonstrate I was right) -- but I was actually one of the false-positive cases where the strike was predicated on their mistakes!! And it became clear that a 2nd review really would have been in order.  I'd love for that thread to capture a real YouTube employee's attention... though the odds are probably nil... but I'd settle for simply being unburied so my ex-account's legacy wasn't tarnished by their desperate straw-grasping. That's why I'm here!  


You are again right that if I really want the videos up, I'd put them on my personal hardware/VPS.  I actually program embedded systems and repair hardware for a living, and would find that task effortless! ...but I still would like a little more anonymity than that would afford me.


The thing that really puzzles me here is why you would come here, to get help to fix your Youtube account. It's between you and youtube alone to sort out.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.


I like to see high heels on you tube and sometimes after seeing a video the next time there is a warning must be over 18  too see a pair of white strappy sandals. Might catch a glimpse of  a panty shot under a short skirt   But I  just want to see the high heels incase I find that pair so I can buy them for-myself.  And why you tube does not take down videos of guys or gals licking dirty soles of high heels or a guy laying on the ground having a lady pushing a high heel into his face is beyond me.    I enjoy wearing my high heels and looking at my freshly painted toe nails everyday -   But that would be boring too watch on you-tube  :santa_hat: You tube is nice especially to see old cartoons from my childhood Ex-(The Herculoids)   p113fd Post on HHplace to show those pretty heels  that is what HHplace   is here for.   I do believe. Love snapshots of Strappy sandals anyday.   Censorship  will get worse. History always repeats its-self   I do not have a you-tube account myself and do not plan too   I admire a nice pair of heels   even more if they fit my feet L.O.L :pulsingheart:


Not the first time I have heard about this. Best to start from sratch and place the age restrictions in place. Play the game find the loop holes.

The thing that really puzzles me here is why you would come here, to get help to fix your Youtube account. It's between you and youtube alone to sort out.

I am feeling some moral and ethical tensions here?

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!


Wonder why p113fd even bothered to argue past Shafted's explanation of why his post was removed ? It sounded reasonable to me, based on the rules/guidelines on posting as published.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


I don't know what we can do about it. What I would have done is to open a new account and just quietly put my videos back up, perhaps excluding the one that caused the trouble in the first place...

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.


The thing that really puzzles me here is why you would come here, to get help to fix your Youtube account. It's between you and youtube alone to sort out.


Wonder why p113fd even bothered to argue past Shafted's explanation of why his post was removed ? It sounded reasonable to me, based on the rules/guidelines on posting as published.



Why? Because words:

Help? (!)  ...here's why I hope being part of a community like this will help!  They used their top-contributors community to repeatedly down-vote, and effectively bury, all of my posts in that thread, even though they were wrong and grasping at straws.  Being buried as such means that it's highly unlikely an *actual*  YouTube employee will notice my situation and lend a hand!!  

Now I'm not asking anyone to blindly vote me up, but if you have the time to scan through the thread and see the BS they pull... if you do not find their posts helpful to my original question, please feel free to vote them down.  And if you find my posts pertinent to the original question, please feel free to vote up! 


Maybe, if posts are unburied, YouTube will notice and fix my account and I can get back to posting the sexy high heels I wanted to show!!  Thank you for any help there, or if you have any suggestions here!  :)



Man, oh man... I'm not sure what I did to tweak you off so enduringly...

but I assure you I'm not trying to somehow scam you or ruin the forum's integrity with my discussion of customer service and youtube logistics!

I merely felt the heels-loving community would be a good forum to discuss something that, *pretty much anywhere else*, would get buried under a pile of unending discussion about how weird it is to post a video primarily featuring shoes.



I don't know what we can do about it. What I would have done is to open a new account and just quietly put my videos back up, perhaps excluding the one that caused the trouble in the first place...


Yup, Dr. Shoe, you've got it.  Done and done!  Very quietly, with different titles, and absolutely no hint of links to where anyone could buy the shoes, whether they wanted to or not :-P  :)


You didn't do a thing to to tweak me. My question was a simple one. Actually, I really don't care if you want to joust at windmills. I just wondered why you expended all of that effort in an unwinable cause. I would have just gone and done the very thing you wound up doing, in th first place, without all of the discussion. End of my discussion (and interest) on this subject.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.



I merely felt the heels-loving community would be a good forum to discuss something that, *pretty much anywhere else*, would get buried under a pile of unending discussion about how weird it is to post a video primarily featuring shoes.



What I believe you would learn of those whom visit *this* forum.. They are all laid back and go about things in a less then confrontational manor.


Most here would rather just walk away and go about a quiet resolution to things instead of getting into a discussion with YouTubes people. Even in public, most here just keep on strutting and dont care when others might ' cat call ' or have something to say.


The Most support you would probably receive from those here is ' I hope you find a way to have your videos hosted without any problems ' and a ' best wishes '. People here wouldnt flood another site to confront a problem you have. It would be more of a ' silent nod ' of approval then a bunch of replies/messages posted over there.


I do believe theres too much censorship. Its not like those videos were of you banging your girlfriend while shes in ecstasy yelling all kinds of obscenities. Its not like either of you is covered in pvc with a cock hanging down or boobs sticking out.. What you posted could be seen on TV on any given night in the States. I can fully understand what your stating but Im one that supports ' privacy ' more then anything else.


I do have access to a domain where videos are hosted of things I have done. There are ways to use anon DNS and registrations to keep your privacy to yourself. YouTube is NOT a good place to have anything or any assumption of anonymous transaction.






I am glad you did what Dr Shoe suggested, that is exactly what should have been done in the first place. I understand your frustration with youtube, but taking it so personal was a bit silly.


I have heard of many people's youtube accounts get cancelled for all sorts of silly, lame, and unfair reasons, but there is really nothing you can do about it. Its a billion dollar corporation, that is a subsidiary of an even bigger multi-billion dollar corporation. They have little time or patience for an end user that doesn't pay them a dime to use their services and doesn't really contribute anything financially to their bottom line. Sorry, but its the reality of life. Getting all butt hurt about it, even if it was a misunderstanding on their part is never going to change a thing.


Make a new account (which I know you have done now), and move on... End of story. :)

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